How big is a portion of cereal in your house?

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Not for eating cereal -for eating ALL the cereal. I'd prefer them to eat a reasonable amount of cereal, so there is some left when I want my breakfast too!
I think spending more than £10 on just breakfast cereal in a week is excessive. Well it is for me, I'm on a halford's wage remember;)
They can't fill up on anything on the way to school because I don't give them any money.
I'm really mean.

ah a cruel heartless mother, someone call the NSPCC :laugh:

Kids eat a lot, and if they're in the particular growth spurts they can eat more than an adult. I remember when I was 15/16 and the amount I ate was absolutely humungous.

But you cant starve your kids, I dont know how many you have but if you cant afford cereal give them porridge - better for them too!


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
+1 surely cereals better than rubbish at least its not coco pops

I'm not so sure... Cereals are pretty rubbish, in their own right. Don't believe the marketing - healthy, it ain't!


Openly Marxist
you lost your rag at your kids for eating cereal?

yes you have issues, would you prefer them to fill up on crisps and chocolate on the way to school?

what else should they eat?


It wouldn't make a whole lot of difference. Most breakfast cereals targeted at kids are junk food. In fact they are the worst kind of junk food, because they are intended to replace proper meals permanently, whereas crisps and chocolate are still, notionally at least, treats.


Über Member
Sounds like they need some protein in their morning diet, eating cereal alone in the morning always left me hungry by 1100 ish when I was younger as i would get the sugar rush from the cereal and then a massive drop and my body would be telling me I was hungry again, and the natural response was to eat more at breakfast (or if a weekend, to eat more often) in order to stop the feeling of hunger.

however, the equivalent a couple of poached eggs and toast (or roll and slice sausage, both about 500 calories) would see me through to lunchtime without the same hunger pangs as there was fat and protein which take longer to digest and solved the problem.

Just had a look at the Weetos info, assuming 100g cereal and 250ml milk, they are getting their 550 calories that breakfast should be about for the day, if they are on the 30g portion and 100ml of milk they would only be getting 200 calories, which assuming they are 12 years or thereabouts (and therefore need 1800 to 2000 calories per day similar to an adult), would only be less than half of the 500 they would require for breakfast, assuming a 25% breakfast/25% lunch/ 50% dinner split.

Cheddar George

oober member
When mine were little my gripe was always the amount of milk they used on their cereals; about 3/4 pint for each of them. When they finished there was usually about 1/4 pint left in the bowl to be thrown away. I just used to moan at them and make flippant remarks about buying a cow to save money.


It wouldn't make a whole lot of difference. Most breakfast cereals targeted at kids are junk food. In fact they are the worst kind of junk food, because they are intended to replace proper meals permanently, whereas crisps and chocolate are still, notionally at least, treats.

from the OP I'm guessing theyre eating shreddies and weetabix


Just about surviving
I'm not so sure... Cereals are pretty rubbish, in their own right. Don't believe the marketing - healthy, it ain't!
I used to know a science teacher who showed his class what was meant by "added iron" on the pack of cornflakes (from the well known K******s). He mixed with water then broke them up to a mush. He then used a magnet to pull the iron filings out :whistle:.


World class procrastinator
I have 2 weetabix for brekky, or a bowl of shreddies. Sometimes I have cheerios instead. I generally add a banana or some raisins and sultanas. Lunch for me can be hit or miss, time wise depending on how the day is going so a decent breakfast is paramount.
30g of cereal is not enough imo, to keep you full until lunch. Its only 100 calories for heavens sake, what good is that going to do.

I prefer slimming world to weight watchers. Not so much measuring, although I am supposed to measure my shreddies. Today I had a proper breakfast of one piece of toast, 2 poached eggs and half a tin of baked beans. I am having a long morning and lunch won't be until about 2, hence the more substantial food. The eggs and beans are 'free food' so the toast bit is the only bit that I have to count.

My hubby eats 1/4 of a box of cereal at a time. Apparently, according to my Mum, cereal was a major housekeeping expense when we were all growing up. I just keep the cereal cupboard topped up and make sure that I have 3 or 4 boxes of the stuff in at the beginning of every week.
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