Give me some dialogue from your day

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A bit of background...
I weighed 10.5 stone most of my life, moderate ill health over the last 18 months has seen me mostly off the bike and putting on some, for the first time in my life, weight, I'm now 11.5 stone.
The wife is doing some ironing...
'Do you still wear this shirt ?'
'Oh yes, I like that one...although it might be a bit small now, some of my stuff is a bit tight now, look, I've even got a bit of man boobs' I cup my chest :laugh:
Within a second or two, i turn round to see the wife offering me one of her bras off the ironing pile :blush::laugh:


A bit of background...
I weighed 10.5 stone most of my life, moderate ill health over the last 18 months has seen me mostly off the bike and putting on some, for the first time in my life, weight, I'm now 11.5 stone.
The wife is doing some ironing...
'Do you still wear this shirt ?'
'Oh yes, I like that one...although it might be a bit small now, some of my stuff is a bit tight now, look, I've even got a bit of man boobs' I cup my chest :laugh:
Within a second or two, i turn round to see the wife offering me one of her bras off the ironing pile :blush::laugh:
Yeah, like you've never tried on her underwear before :secret:


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Wife: 'I really like the lilac by the back door.'
Me: (silent - trying to visualise the lilac by the back door and failing only coming up with a lilac tree in the garden of the house two doors away)
Wife: 'We must get some cuttings from it before it goes'
Me: (silent - now dwelling on the legality of taking cuttings from the back garden of the uninhabited house two doors away)
Wife: 'The builders will wreck it when they start'
Me: 'Have you seen our new neighbours then?'
Wife: 'What are you talking about?'
Me: 'The house that's just been sold - when are the builders starting work on it?'
Wife: 'Why the sudden interest in two doors down?'
Me: 'The lilac tree in the back - you wanted cuttings before the builders wreck it.'
Wife: 'Did I say lilac? - I meant lavender'
Me: 'There's no lavender in the back or by the back door.'
Wife: 'Did I say back door? I meant front door. You should have known what I meant!
Me: :wacko:


My colleague asked the same..
Im very particular about food, I dont like mixing things together, I place different foods on the same plate, but dont like to mix them or stir things together, i guess that thought process extended to my yoghurt.
If i eat lets say a fruit corner yoghurt, I must spoon a little fruit then top up the spoon with yoghurt. Never, ever, could I do what the wife does...flip the fruit Into the yoghurt and stir It all together...yukk.
The stupid thing is, i'll happily eat a pre mixed one, but cant do it myself.
The French eat their food like that. I remember a friend of mine who taught over there for a while telling with delight the chorus of groans, yechs and disbelief when she told her young class that in England we put all the meat & veges and potatoes and everything on the same plate!
In the Hospital corridor....

Small child - "Mummy, you know ***** has an appendix and it has erupted"

Mummy - "Yes"

Small child - "We did volcanoes at school and lava is very hot - won't the lava burn him?"


Admittedly the bras won't fit, but the sussies and knickers are ok. :biggrin:


Midlands UK
Wife: 'I really like the lilac by the back door.'
Me: (silent - trying to visualise the lilac by the back door and failing only coming up with a lilac tree in the garden of the house two doors away)
Wife: 'We must get some cuttings from it before it goes'
Me: (silent - now dwelling on the legality of taking cuttings from the back garden of the uninhabited house two doors away)
Wife: 'The builders will wreck it when they start'
Me: 'Have you seen our new neighbours then?'
Wife: 'What are you talking about?'
Me: 'The house that's just been sold - when are the builders starting work on it?'
Wife: 'Why the sudden interest in two doors down?'
Me: 'The lilac tree in the back - you wanted cuttings before the builders wreck it.'
Wife: 'Did I say lilac? - I meant lavender'
Me: 'There's no lavender in the back or by the back door.'
Wife: 'Did I say back door? I meant front door. You should have known what I meant!
Me: :wacko:

That conversation seems rather familiar :unsure: those conversations happen in our house too


Do more.
At a party with some friends and meeting some new people, when during a conversation about Rik Mayall, the following phrase was uttered... "I was introduced to Bottom at a very young age", cue a huge amount of laughter...
A bit of background...
I weighed 10.5 stone most of my life, moderate ill health over the last 18 months has seen me mostly off the bike and putting on some, for the first time in my life, weight, I'm now 11.5 stone.
The wife is doing some ironing...
'Do you still wear this shirt ?'
'Oh yes, I like that one...although it might be a bit small now, some of my stuff is a bit tight now, look, I've even got a bit of man boobs' I cup my chest :laugh:
Within a second or two, i turn round to see the wife offering me one of her bras off the ironing pile :blush::laugh:
She irons bras? :eek:
I'm at my parent's home, watching my step-father in the motorhome. It's new this year and there are little things that need 'adjustment' and we are chatting away when I spot a bright pink torch of my mother's.

Me: Is that just a torch?
SF: Yes, why do you ask?
Me: Well its just the rubber case that it seems to have on it.
SF: Yes?
Me: Its pink, rubber and knobbly
SF: You have a dirty mind :laugh:.

A few moments pass...

SF: :laugh: I think your mother would say she would prefer something bigger
Me: Wouldn't all women?
SF: :laugh:

A few more moments pass
SF: It does glow in the dark as well...:blush:
Me: <insert SF's name> That is really not helping this conversation you know:laugh:
SF: :laugh:
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