The phone rings half an hour after getting home from work...
'Col, that machine's stopped altogether (I'd been working on a minor fault, unconnected, this morning)...they're desperate, you're not available are you ?'
'Its another 42 mile round trip, I'm home, it'll take me 3/4 of an hour to even get there'
'Shall I try ringing xxxx'
'If you can, he's half a mile from you, I know its not his shift, but give it a go'
'Ok, will do'
They have partial engineering cover and every weekend, they're out on a limb with no cover after 12. It's usually ok, but they need more people, we cant cover it all.
Lines are being drawn in the have to be careful how much you give to our new employer, they need to employ more people...covering it all short staffed isn't going to help me or the team, the company need a reminder of the urgency with which they need to treat it