I can't believe you didn't say, "well he married me didn't he?"Mr WD obviously doesn't value his testicles very much.![]()
He must have some bottle though.

I can't believe you didn't say, "well he married me didn't he?"Mr WD obviously doesn't value his testicles very much.![]()
I can't believe you didn't say, "well he married me didn't he?"
He must have some bottle though.![]()
Big Mac?Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onion. All in a sesame seed bun.
All bloody day that's been in my brain, when I said it out loud to the 19 year old lad on my team he just looked at me like I had lost it.
Yep. Now it's in your brain. Irritating isn't it.Big Mac?
If Crewe got what Northwich got yesterday late afternoon, it was much worse than it looked... there were rivers running down the roads inside minutes of it starting and my shoes are still not dry this morning. Mind you 5 miles further west and the roads were dry!Train platform again:
Man: So, that rain eh?
Cyclist: (Brightly) Well, it's not as bad as it looks, haha.
Man: But it's pretty bad?
Cyclist: (Sadly) Yeah.
A sort of persistent, occasionally heavier, drizzle. Grim.If Crewe got what Northwich got yesterday late afternoon, it was much worse than it looked... there were rivers running down the roads inside minutes of it starting and my shoes are still not dry this morning. Mind you 5 miles further west and the roads were dry!![]()
Mrs Cube. " the toilet seat has broken, and it hasn't half nipped my bum. Can you get a new one?"
Me " Oh goody, my favourite job. I've now got to kneel down with my head in the toilet, trying desperately to unscrew those plastic nuts off the bolt which'll be ****- ridden and rusty. I'll fetch some gloves in from the garage."
Mrs Cube " and the bath plug has come off the chain again. "
Me " oh, marvellous, I only mended it a week ago."
Mrs Cube " it came off in my hand. "
One trip to Wickes later
Me. " F*cks sake, who the f*ck would fit a toilet seat bolt with a f*cking galvanised square nut. I can't get a purchase on it to unscrew it. *
Bramble . Pant pant wag.
Me "Perhaps I can reach under with the adjustable spanner?"
Bramble Pant, wag, pant.
Me " it's seized f*cking solid. B@stard thing. "
Bramble Wag pant pant.
Me " F*cking * f*cking *****. Double f*ck. "
Bramble quizzical head on one side glance.
Me "I'll have to hacksaw it off from the f*cking top. How the f*ck do I do that without damaging the pedestal? F*cks sake!"
A hour later, having just about managed to hacksaw through the bolts, despite only being able to use about threeinches of the cutting edge in the space i had, only to discover what I thought were washers were actually flanges attached to the bolts, which then had to be levered off with a big screwdriver, the phone rang.
Mrs Cube " Have you fixed the toilet seat?"
Me " Yes. Did you say it nipped your arse?"
Mrs Cube " Yes. It hurt actually."
Me "Good. "
N ot a conversation as such,but today whilst at the lights,a van passed in front of me with"Mobile Carpet Library"written on the side.I blinked,read it again and thought well,actually that s not such a bad idea,and certainly the next time we need a carpet I ll remember the firm.Unless of course they were fictional carpets and the van was empty!Promise it s true-Clipston Carpets!
Checkout: Sounds a rum 'un to me, well dodgy...