Professor Andrew Pollard (man behind the AZ vaccine) reported as saying that most patients in ICU have not been jabbed at all.
Anyone got any stat's on this please?
IMO, unless there is a clear medical/psychological reason the unjabbed (currently about 5 milliuon strong) shouldn't be allowed out of their houses ie locked down until the idiots get their act together.
Talked to three last week, one who won't have it on principle FFS. She couldn't define what this principle was. Two others were tradesmen (electrician and plumber) who were arrogant tits in their 30's who said they both worked out and were fit and healthy so why did they need it.
We should be focussing more on these idiots instead of the flame fueling hysteria from eg the Beeb suggesting that we should all suffer with eg another frigging lockdown.
I'm all for passports - no passport no acces to public transport or any entry to any public space.
Tossers the lot of them.