Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
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- Leafy Surrey
Might be "Old news" to you but I was commenting on what I assumed was a very recent BBC news report that showed a near doubling of cases since the previous week. Seems fairly massive to me, albeit only in a specific age group - but all eyes are on that age group since they went back to school as the vaccinations are late. (Later thanbother age groups).Well looking at the graph I shared and taking a 15 day moving average, deaths per day (all cause) have been rising since late April - not sure what you mean by steady: is that a log plot? From early Jul @ 22 to a peak on 6 Sep of 146, the death from COVID-19 rate has mercifully dropped >25%.
"I don't see how with so many vaccinated this could jump massively." Nor do I: because it didn't "jump massively". It gradually increased (doubling time of (average) 20 days, like a low, slow swell (@mjr), which looks to half in 50 days (last 25 days' data). I expect a seasonality effect (less ventilation indoors) to slow the trailing slope of this wave through autumn.
If by age or morbidities an individual has a higher CFR, then a 90% protection of a double jab reduces that chance by an order of magnitude, but the chance is still way higher than an unvaccinated x year old (x<50). [This observation designed to address your "so many vaccinated" caveat.]
The "alarming rates in secondary schools" news is 'old news': that 15-19 cohort rate is falling off. But it did result (correlation) in an increase fifteen days (5 to catch it, 10 to pass it on within household) after term start in the parent age cohort (35-50s) and a slight one a week ago in the grandparent cohort (unvaccinated multi-generational households perhaps).
, 1 in 20 of that age group are positive, i believe this is the highest at any time in the whole pandemic.
It's why I looked at deaths next, and was relieved to see that growth rates there are "steady".
That's steady in the sense of plain English, a casual comment, not a mathematical analysis.
Okay with you?