Do you mean as fuel? I haven't heard of any fuel shortage, perhaps I'm not paying attention ...One could even argue that he's providing a public service with his endless procession of straw men.
</possibly mediocre>
Do you mean as fuel? I haven't heard of any fuel shortage, perhaps I'm not paying attention ...One could even argue that he's providing a public service with his endless procession of straw men.
Think To a certain degree us north of the border are still wearing masks at work and inside settings. The Führer got that rightNope it isn't. Covid is running through my daughters school and my wife's school like a fox through chickens. Most of my older daughters year is isolating. There were 2 students out of 8 in her music class (GCSE) yesterday. Adults are also to blame. We know of a large group of adults who became infected following a wine and cheese soiree for example. People are not bothering with precautions because Boris told them not to. Schools aren't able to cope with parents who just send their ill children to school.
The only group of people who still wear masks and observe strict hygiene principles are Clinicians. They must know something the rest of us don't. Its a conspiracy I tell ya!!
And you're blaming the government for not publicising the current symptoms? I'd blame them for not requiring masks and effective ventilation on crowded trains...I have the feeling i could have caught this on a train going to london which was crowded and hardly anyone wearing masks.
And you're blaming the government for not publicising the current symptoms? I'd blame them for not requiring masks and effective ventilation on crowded trains...
Here in Wales, we still have to wear masks on public transport and in indoor public spaces except hospitality venues.
Although wearing a mask is now a personal choice, we are asking our customers to keep wearing masks in order to keep our colleagues and other customers safe.
My take away from that is that deaths have been steadily increasing since July. I don't see how with so many vaccinated this could jump massively. In other news, the infection rates in English secondary schools are alarming this week.Higher than average weekly deaths (2015-2019 ave) NOT from COVID-19 (from ONS stats): these normally run at <10,000 deaths a week in the UK 'summer' (May to autumn solstice). Knock on effect of diversion of health care resources to treating pandemic, and reluctance of people to get ailments checked out until they have progressed to a dangerous extent. Maybe some other lock-down related effects in there as well? Anyone link to an analysis of the reasons? No doubt government decisions (and indecisions) could (and will) be blamed, but not sure which ones.
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We are back to face masks in both corridors and classrooms from Monday having reached the public health defined threshold in all year groups.the infection rates in English secondary schools are alarming this week.
Tim Spector blames the government for not informing the public about these new symptoms, which has triggered the high number of infections the UK is still experiencing.
This week, he said: “The UK still has more cases than most of Europe and I believe this is for two main reasons; the first is a lack of masks and social distancing and the second is because we’re ignorant of the symptoms.
“We should be looking out for things like sore throat, running nose and sneezing.
“The classic three – cough, fever and anosmia [loss of taste or smell] are rarer these days, yet the government has done nothing.
“By not updating advice, we’re letting people into care homes, schools, workplaces and large gatherings displaying known signs of Covid.
Sorry to here that but there is an agenda behind the whole virus. Did they die “of” or “with” Covid?
They are saying the Marburg virus is coming to make a scenario like that happen. It’s scary that they walk among us. A guy from school who was always a fairly intelligent guy is now making it his life’s work to fight against child vaccines. *face palm *I see this a lot “no one dies of Covid” you die of organ failure or asphyxiation as your lungs fill with fluid, it’s also a way death certificates are written the primary cause will be what killed the person, the pathogen is further down no one dies of the pathogen.
My uncle uses this a lot, it’s word play knowing how to manipulate how death certificates are written but the pathogen causes the catastrophic events that lead to the persons death.
Also anyone claiming the virus is used in some kind of agenda, with causing fear then it’s failed miserably, just look at all the London protests, if there was some uncaring evil cabal who wanted you vaccinated for nefarious reasons they would use a genetically altered ebola strain, people would be rioting to be vaccinated after a few deaths.
The only agenda is in paranoid peoples minds.
Well looking at the graph I shared and taking a 15 day moving average, deaths per day (all cause) have been rising since late April - not sure what you mean by steady: is that a log plot? From early Jul @ 22 to a peak on 6 Sep of 146, the death from COVID-19 rate has mercifully dropped >25%.My take away from that is that deaths have been steadily increasing since July. I don't see how with so many vaccinated this could jump massively. In other news, the infection rates in English secondary schools are alarming this week.
They are saying the Marburg virus is coming to make a scenario like that happen. It’s scary that they walk among us. A guy from school who was always a fairly intelligent guy is now making it his life’s work to fight against child vaccines. *face palm *