It's very obvious that you haven't spent a great deal of time in the UK recently.
With a couple of obvious partial exceptions, every single government since 1979 has systematically and deliberately undermined the trust of the population that government is a good way to solve problems.
Your first sentence is fair comment, I left in 1997, though still very much in touch. Nevertheless, I have been more than appalled at the way the Johnson government has handled this. The laissez-faire approach at the beginning was a catastrophic mistake.
I also agree with you that Johnson is a symptom of a malaise that goes back decades. Whether too much or too little government is a topic for another day.
On the other hand, perhaps there is a difference in mentality amongst the population, where Germans have been persuaded of the purpose of obeying the hygiene requirements and mostly do so (the effect of Italy) whereas in Britain this is seen as heavy government setting out rules. Cf. Daily Wail commenters.
@Andy in Germany do you think there is anything in this?
Britain and Germany ... How can comparing them be not comparing like with like?
As far as the number of deaths goes 10 003 for Germany and 44 571 for the UK is a huge difference. Germany has a bigger population, on the other hand Britain has tested far more people, and has more than caught up in this regard. Have people died with covid in Germany that have not been picked up, but would have using the British metric? The difference is so great I find it difficult to believe we are comparing like with like.
Another difference when it comes to govt trust is that with a written constitution, there is a procedure to call the govt to account. The health law that allows the govt to suspend the basic freedoms guaranteed in the constitution stipulates a date must be given when measures have to be lifted. The courts can and have rejected govt measures where the govt couldn't prove they were commensurate in dealing with the spread of the virus. Banning people from staying in hotels (Beherbergungsverbot!) has just been rejected up north, as this restricts freedom of movement and hotels are not at present where the disease is spreading. Lot of dissent about this elsewhere.
Germany still has time to get it wrong - we are only at the beginning of the pandemic. Warnings here about not getting proud and complacent. Tracking and tracing here is no longer able to keep up with the numbers, and is having to prioritise. The NHS might not be doing quite so badly on this. The hotline here isn't exactly good, and the bureaucratic right hand doesn't always know what the left hand is doing.
Seriously, I blame the war! Germany had such shock that they had to start again, rebuilding their country, including their political systems.
Don't forget after WW2 Britain had Attlee's reforming government.
One of the curses of Britain is the class system (if you don't believe me, think of Conservative government by messed up former public schoolboys!), and this started being seriously dismantled in Germany after the
First World War.