What does "more normality " actually mean? Be specific please.
An amber warning light went on when you posted a link with a 'scientific consensus'. That said, they are saying much the same as I would (or vice versa!):
The purpose of these restrictions is to effectively suppress SARS-CoV-2 infections to low levels that allow rapid detection of localised outbreaks and rapid response through efficient and comprehensive find, test, trace, isolate, and support systems so life can return to near-normal without the need for generalised restrictions. My bold.
So how, exactly will this threat be controlled in your future scenario? Be specific.
Fortunately, for all concerned, I haven't been elected to have to make these difficult decisions. I don't envy those who have.
I would question whether general lockdowns are really necessary. For example, not allowing holiday accommodation to be booked when staying in such accommodation is not a driver of infection. Severe restrictions only to be made where there is a severe infection rate and for activities where infection is likely. Looks at the moment to be small groups of people getting together indoors.
Don't enforce the wearing of masks outdoors if this isn't where you can get infected. Cycling is safe!
Keep as much open as possible. Theatres, cinemas and restaurants won't survive another general lockdown.
Allow visits to elderly relatives where a quick test has shown relatives visiting are negative.
Rigidly enforce the most effective means of suppressing the spread rather than attempting to micro-manage everyone's behaviour. Don't drive a segment of the population into rebellion.
Build up a sense of trust and responsibility between govt and population. That latter ultimately is responsible for containing the spread rather than the government. Take a calculated risk to see how much normal life you can keep, but without using people as scientific guinea-pigs.
Without making the virus seem harmless in any way, try to reduce the level of fear in the population. Avoid panic. I said earlier on I could get it and could die from it, but I have checked the figures and since the beginning of the pandemic my age bracket means I have a 99.3% chance of surviving the virus. Doesn't eliminate the danger, but does put it in perspective. Since I have not yet reached retirement age, the danger from the virus is lower for those of working age than the elderly, so be careful not to wreck the economy by excessive measures.
Do you have to close schools down the minute one pupil or teacher is tested positive? Schools have not yet become places with super-spreaders.
This is all to some extent a reflection of the various views and approaches being taken here by the virology community, though of course not without debate. Overall this reflects the approach here and I hope it continues.