Any good jokes ... ?

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Wasn't it Peter Cook who rebuffed an invitation by saying he had a subsequent engagement?
Sounds like him...

Quick cut and paste from here

When the Tonight programme in the Sixties featured near-naked African women performing a tribal dance, Cook telephoned the programme claiming to be a Mr Sydney Darlow of the Sydney Darlow Dance Ensemble and insisted that his troupe of white ladies be allowed to dance topless on the BBC to the same sort of music. Years later, he phoned the BBC duty office to complain of a pornographic film being shown too late for his children to watch it.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
'Mummy, mummy... Can I lick the bowl?'

'No, dear, just pull the chain like everyone else.'


It's a bit more complicated than that...
I think that joke only really works if you think 'AD' stands for 'After Death', rather than the Latin anno Domini.
And that complaint only works if you think, against the available evidence, that Jesus had no fore-knowledge of his betrayal and death.

And while I'm being pedantic, the joke is ahistorical. Chairs were common well before the middle ages - many examples of Roman chairs survive - and according the only near-contemporary accounts we have it wasn't Jesus and Judas who prepared the room for the Last Supper but two disciples.

I like the joke for the same reason I love this cartoon.



[Last Supper]
Jesus:"We need 13 chairs please"
Judas:"But chairs don't fall into common usage until the 16th century AD"

Sorry - nicked from Twitter again, obvs. Thanks @Spaziotwat
Might have read this on here.............
Jesus goes to a restaurant.." I need a table for 26 please..
" But there's only 13 of you.." said the waiter,
Jesus replied....."We all want to sit on the same side"
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