Über Member
that ruins the gameAs a young lad (junior school) I represented my town at the Liverpool chess Congress and won a prize of some sort.
As I got older I started playing lads who spent forever planning moves. That bored me so much I gave up playing.
I still have my chess set from the 50s.
I got obsessed with online chess a few years backand I think my favourite type of game was something like 15 minutes per side + 30 seconds a move - it becomes very intense playing like that, and if the other person starts taking too long, they will have to rush and will make mistakes - I always need others to make mistakes for me to win. I don't think I ever win through deep tactics etc
think my rating was about 1850 ? and that would of been 16 years ago
I was floor bound with a nasty back injury for 6 months and played all day at all times of the day, my rating would go up as I crossed America and Aus, Aussies were always easy to beat, then Russia would start to wake up and come on line, and my rating would tumble.