A priest, a cop and a solicitor are marooned on a desert island. They are close to starvation when a packing case labelled as foodstuffs washes up on a neighbouring island twenty five metres away. The sea between them and the case is full of ferocious sharks. Nevertheless they decide they have to try and swim for the supplies or starve to death.
"let me try," says the priest, "God and my faith will protect me." He dives in and is immediately attacked by the sharks. He just about manages to scramble back to the shore bloodied and savaged.
The cop says "I am fit and a strong swimmer, maybe I can out swim the sharks." He too dives in and makes about ten metres before the sharks attack, and he just about about makes if back to shore with a leg and both arms badly savaged.
The solicitor says "Allow me gentlemen" and he calmly swims out towards the island. The sharks rush towards him, but stop, line up, and simply watch him swim towards the packing case.
The priest says "It's a miracle"
The cop says, " No, just professional courtesy."