Zwift Chat

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Über Guru
Skive, Denmark
In other news, I asked on Zwiftpower about the differences we see in timings on-screen in Zwift and then on Zwiftpower results.

The answer seems to be that the time you see pop up on screen at the end (and the clock at the top of the screen during the ride) are locally calculated on your PC, so can often be affected by slight (or large) lags at your end during the race. The time used by Zwiftpower however comes direct from Zwift, and is therefore not affected by lags on your computer and is the correct time to use.

Hmm, what you are saying is, that when the finish time on my computer is lower than on ZP, it is Zwift' servers being slow? They better step up !!! :smile:

We see the same on the Bkool simulator, albeit usually within a few seconds.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
At the half way stage I was half a mile hour faster , not working as hard - but in a bigger group , and on different bike with the zipp 808
I would have put in a better time than the day before if it wasn’t for having damn 50 year old legs that felt at least 60
I got spat out with about 2.5 mile to go and it rapidly went downhill
But strangely enjoyable and can’t wait till next one !


my kickr lost connection to Zwift at one point (for some reason) and I was literally stopped stationary for 10+ seconds.. Took me a good few minutes to catch back up to the small group I was riding with too..


Legendary Member
At the half way stage I was half a mile hour faster , not working as hard - but in a bigger group , and on different bike with the zipp 808
I would have put in a better time than the day before if it wasn’t for having damn 50 year old legs that felt at least 60
I got spat out with about 2.5 mile to go and it rapidly went downhill
But strangely enjoyable and can’t wait till next one !
The pace really ramped up with a couple of miles to go didn't it?! Think it was because we got caught by the A group and everyone tried to stay with them leading to carnage!


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
The pace really ramped up with a couple of miles to go didn't it?! Think it was because we got caught by the A group and everyone tried to stay with them leading to carnage!
We had the same the previous day. Us C's were cruising and fairly easy until the B's caught us and 6-7 of us ramped up to stay with the Bs and this blew the C group apart. Loved sitting with the Bs for the best part of a lap :wahhey: Was only spat out with about 3km to go as they pushed on.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
And never too crowded.
That's the downside :biggrin: I love racing with 200+ other people. Feels more of a race that way rather than just a TT :okay:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Looking at doing the 16:05 3R Park Perimeter Race. I don't feel like racing full pelt as legs a bit tired today, but will try to get into a decent C group and let them drag me along. Doing it more for a 60 mins spin rather to get a decent time. Anyone up for it?


Legendary Member
Looking at doing the 16:05 3R Park Perimeter Race. I don't feel like racing full pelt as legs a bit tired today, but will try to get into a decent C group and let them drag me along. Doing it more for a 60 mins spin rather to get a decent time. Anyone up for it?

Just got back from Cornwall, so too late for this one. Up for one around 5


The benefit of the H&H is it's the same race run over different times and different days. I assume these are all flattish as group riding doesn't really work on the hills. Are there other races that are run over different days/times to allow as many CCers as possible to take part?
Next week's Hare & Hounds is indeed another flat one - 4 laps of the Gotham Grind.

I think we need to choose an event that has many days/times options. If we just chose an event on at a single time, realistically there will be a number of us that will miss out, no matter how much planning/warning.


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
Next week's Hare & Hounds is indeed another flat one - 4 laps of the Gotham Grind.

I think we need to choose an event that has many days/times options. If we just chose an event on at a single time, realistically there will be a number of us that will miss out, no matter how much planning/warning.

I agree. Although if any of you guys have a race you particularly like doing. I’d join up too. Are most races in the same time slot every week?


Legendary Member
I did the 5.30 Afternoon Tea Race in the end.

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