Zwift Chat

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Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I'm doing the Cat A length 60 miles, going to try and set a decent time.
Not convinced I have 60 miles in my legs today. If there wasn't a new jersey on offer I may start the A and just bail once I've had enough, but will stick to B as I want to try and finish this today :okay: Good luck on A


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I will do my mixed endurance ride today. Epic KOM, jungles, volcano KOM etc...2-2,5hr ride. I think that duration is enough for my legs, especially after stage 4 ride.
You doing the B Fondo too? I'm doing it at 2 o'clock UK time (2 hours time). Like you, spinning for endurance rather than pushing too hard due to legs being a bit sore from yesterday.
I think it is.

I won’t really know until I get back into racing, but it gets harder as you’d expect as the weeks progress and I’m pretty sure I would have struggled to complete some of the sessions I’m currently doing at the start of the programme.

I’ve not been out on the road much, but I rode with friends around East Sussex and Kent over Christmas and my climbing felt smooth and quite a bit stronger than before I started the plan.

Thanks, I'm not a racer but sounds positive. It's either that one or the 100-200km one but feel like I'm missing the base fitness.

Del C

Trouble with the Neo today for the first time.

No bluetooth connection so couldn't connect via Apple TV to Zwift. Swapped to the MacBook and it worked via ANT+, but power seemed to move around a lot, which is a pain when you're trying to do an ERG workout.

Anyone else had and fixed Bluetooth problems with the Neo?


You doing the B Fondo too? I'm doing it at 2 o'clock UK time (2 hours time). Like you, spinning for endurance rather than pushing too hard due to legs being a bit sore from yesterday.
No i didn't ride Fondo, i did my own free ride. Epic KOM, jungle lap and couple times up to volcano. Over 1000m elevation gain, that was my target.


Trouble with the Neo today for the first time.

No bluetooth connection so couldn't connect via Apple TV to Zwift. Swapped to the MacBook and it worked via ANT+, but power seemed to move around a lot, which is a pain when you're trying to do an ERG workout.

Anyone else had and fixed Bluetooth problems with the Neo?

If you're doing ERG with the Neo/2, select the inner chainring and middle cog on cass. When I first got my Neo2, I used the the same gearing as my Kickr, which was the large chain ring and 13t cog. The Neo couldn't provide control. A little reading on the forums revealed using what I suggest works. It certainly does, the Neo works well in Trainer Road now.

I never use Bluetooth for connecting trainer

Del C

If you're doing ERG with the Neo/2, select the inner chainring and middle cog on cass. When I first got my Neo2, I used the the same gearing as my Kickr, which was the large chain ring and 13t cog. The Neo couldn't provide control. A little reading on the forums revealed using what I suggest works. It certainly does, the Neo works well in Trainer Road now.

I never use Bluetooth for connecting trainer
I’ll give that a try if I can’t get Bluetooth working


Middle one gave me a kicking! The last climb hurt like a beatch :B)
I decided to ride easily today, that's why i didn't want to join any events today. My avg heart rate was 131, didn't want to torture my legs too much after stage 4. I would like to ride bit longer but better stop as long it feels good.

Del C

Re start the phone, .also umplug Neo too to reset everything
Well I seem to have got it working again.

I tried to connect to Zwift on Apple TV, but Zwift couldn't see the Neo. Tried to connect to the MacBook, but same problem, although ANT+ was ok. Then I decided to try Bkool instead, but same problem - no connection via Bluetooth, but ANT+ ok.

Before trying all these combinations, I'd tried connecting to the Tacx utility on my iPhone. Initially, same problem, but after restarting the iPhone and the utility I managed to connect and the Neo seemed ok according to the utility.

After almost giving up, I had one more look at the Tacx website, which reminded me that Bluetooth is a 'closed' protocol that only connects to one application at a time. So, I went round and powered off everything that runs Bluetooth, the Apple TV, my iPhone and also a second Apple TV I have in the house.

Tried again to connect via Bluetooth on the MacBook and this time success. Disconnected from the MacBook and closed Zwift, then tried to connect via Apple TV and success again.

So, it seems that the Neo still thought it was connected to another device via Bluetooth. I'm not sure how it got into this loop. When I switched on this morning, I got a message on the Apple TV that the Neo had disconnected, which suggested it had connected at some point, but I'm still unsure what it thought it was connected to at that time.

Never mind, closing everything completely down seems to have got the Neo out of this particular loop and everything seems ok. Fingers crossed next time I go out to Zwift.

Oh and just to top off my day, Zwift decided I hadn't ridden the Cucumber workout session in the Build Me Up programme that I'm doing, even though I rode it this morning and its listed on My Zwift page and has downloaded to Strava. It was telling me it was my next workout ride, so I'd need to ride it again.

It nearly killed me. It was 90 minutes of hell, so I checked the option that allows you to tell Zwift manually that you have completed the workout. Cheeky bastard app then set a status that said I'd ridden it outside! I'm not doing that workout again!


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Oh and just to top off my day, Zwift decided I hadn't ridden the Cucumber workout session in the Build Me Up programme that I'm doing, even though I rode it this morning and its listed on My Zwift page and has downloaded to Strava. It was telling me it was my next workout ride, so I'd need to ride it again.

It nearly killed me. It was 90 minutes of hell, so I checked the option that allows you to tell Zwift manually that you have completed the workout. Cheeky bastard app then set a status that said I'd ridden it outside! I'm not doing that workout again!

Sorry, but...

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