Zwift Chat

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berty bassett

Legendary Member
thats what i thought !

berty bassett

Legendary Member
So that is what I have to aim at ? Hang on - how tall is he - have I got to lose height as well ?


Legendary Member
well done Steen and Paul - i couldn't have tried any harder- heart rate higher than normal proves i was trying just couldn't keep up
maybe i should put the new weight in - weighed myself when i got in - 62.5 kg !! - my skin flaps in the wind !
saturday night is pig out night - might even have a pint if i can pick it up
and thanks Andy for the thumbs up

and i missed not being able to follow the blue hat !
To be fair our times for a stage like that are really dependent on the speed of the group you end up in for most of the ride. There was no way I could have stayed in the very front group so I settled into the next group I could. I couldn't have gone any faster than that group obviously - probably similar for you - so if my group went a bit faster, I'd get an advantage for not much additional effort. I was actually worried the group I was in during my race was a bit too slow - clearly not! Obviously there was then the hill at the end which is mostly personal effort but the time damage could already have been done by then.

When TDZ is over, would be great to try and set up some "private" races for us to do - maybe using Andy's idea of waiting on the start line for a few minutes of another scheduled race. Looks like there could be some really good racing without things being altered or affected by the larger groups of other riders


All TdZ stage 4 results now added.

A strong ride by the increasingly lean Lee is not enough to get him to the top. Brusgaard sits proud atop the pile of also-rans, showing that hard endeavour and a love of Smørrebrød are essential to succeed on Zwift.

Battle to recommence later this week.

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