Zwift Chat

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Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
Well, I didn't sign up to Strava before this year, as it was a requirement for ZwiftPower. Since I stopped uploading my outdoor rides to Bkool 2 years ago, I wanted to keep indoor rides separate from outdoor rides as to keep track of what was what. So today I have automatic sync from my Garmin Edge to Garmin Connect which syncs with Strava, manual upload from Zwift to Bkool, manual upload from Zwift, Bkool and my Garmin Edge (outdoor rides) to Endomondo. Already this poses a problem as my Zwift rides both sync from the Edge (via Garmin Connect) and Zwift to Strava. So I have to manually delete the Garmin one, which of course doesn't have data about elevation, route etc.

What do you use as your main hub for ride data? (I don’t know endomondo but I’ll check it out). I like to separate my indoor and outdoor rides too. I also like to keep track of which of my bikes I’m using. An easy way of doing this on strava is to split workouts between bikes. Bike 1, bike 2, turbo bike etc. That way I can keep things organised. I also upload my outdoor rides to goldencheetah, because you can break down data a lot more than you can on strava.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
Says the man with 10 bikes and multiple subscription :rolleyes:
sorry i was being sarky - i do analyse quite a bit of data , although i still feel more comfortable going by heartrate , i know what it should be , if its not there abouts i know somethings wrong , i know i can keep going at x bpm and know i am borrowed time if i stray into the red
the data got by pm is ,, atfirst glance harder to read and takes more factors in consideration
although could be interesting if i ride tomorrow as i have lapsed again - home alone and so far done the lager , bottle of red and 3/4 bottle of port - not hidden very well ha monday may just drift by - now to find the lads ddc :crazy:
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Well, I didn't sign up to Strava before this year, as it was a requirement for ZwiftPower. Since I stopped uploading my outdoor rides to Bkool 2 years ago, I wanted to keep indoor rides separate from outdoor rides as to keep track of what was what. So today I have automatic sync from my Garmin Edge to Garmin Connect which syncs with Strava, manual upload from Zwift to Bkool, manual upload from Zwift, Bkool and my Garmin Edge (outdoor rides) to Endomondo. Already this poses a problem as my Zwift rides both sync from the Edge (via Garmin Connect) and Zwift to Strava. So I have to manually delete the Garmin one, which of course doesn't have data about elevation, route etc.
:eek: Life was so much easier back when you just took your steel horse for a spin^_^


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
sorry i was being sarky - i do analyse quite a bit of data , although i still feel more comfortable going by heartrate , i know what it should be , if its not there abouts i know somethings wrong , i know i can keep going at x bpm and know i am borrowed time if i stray into the red
although could be interesting if i ride tomorrow as i have lapsed again - home alone and so far done the lager , bottle of red and 3/4 bottle of port - not hidden very well ha monday may just drift by - now to find the lads ddc :crazy:


I deserved the sarcasm mate. I nearly put myself to sleep writing that post...

I’m not sure I’ll cycle again before Wednesday. Went out today and the legs felt dead.

Did you let the wine breathe?


Über Guru
Skive, Denmark
What do you use as your main hub for ride data? (I don’t know endomondo but I’ll check it out). I like to separate my indoor and outdoor rides too. I also like to keep track of which of my bikes I’m using.

Oh, I forgot that I still use Garmin Training Center as well, which holds all data back from 2008 till today. :smile:
I actually uploaded almost all of my old rides to Endomondo as well (I keep a backup of all my GPX (Edge 705) and FIT (Edge 1000) files), sans a handful early ones which have been lost.

For years I also used another program (EDIT: SportTracks version 2) which I used to keep track of which ride was done on which bike, when the chain, cassette, tyres and other parts were changed etc. It was free, but then they launched a new version, and you had to pay. The old version didn’t know FIT files, so when I got my Edge 1000, I used Garmin Connect.

Can’t really say if I have a main hub, as I don’t really do a lot of data analyzing. :smile:

Endomondo was/is a training app and online service developed here in Denmark. But they were bought by Under Armour some years ago. It tracks all kinds of sports, but the main reason for using it, is that at work we have a few challenges running on Endomondo, like who rides/runs most km (outdoor), who excersises the most (time used) etc. each year. I used to rule the outdoor riding and time used challenge, but then Bkool and later Zwift came along and ruined it for me. :laugh:
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How can I get the most out of Strava premium?
I paid a year’s subs for live segments & now I’m pretty bored of them as they’re getting impossible to beat. It also drains my energy for the rest of the ride.
Albeit I’m taking the hobby more seriously now, I feel there’s a data over load & much of it can be more geeky than actually been helpful to training/progress.
Where does one draw the line?
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