Zwift Chat

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Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Well it wouldn’t be Sunday without a quote from the bible so...
‘Do onto others as you would have them do onto you...’

Or as Jesus actually said “Everyman for himself mutherfarkers!
Now watch this wheelie acrosss the lake!!”

Ask bob, he was there in 20AD when Jesus said it :biggrin:

I thought I recognised you when we first met
I am calling Judas from now on :biggrin:
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Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
I thought I recognised you when we first met
I am calling Judas from now on :biggrin:


The devil knows his own
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Über Guru
Skive, Denmark
as I could (and even encouraged @CXRAndy to work for us :smile: but couldn't stay with some of the faster groups I was in once we hit gradients.

Seems like he has a powerful motor, so just let him work for you again next year:


Über Guru
Skive, Denmark
I think it’s just the power figure that is correct?

Makes a bit of a mess of the strava stats which would annoy me I guess.

I should add, that when I ride in the Bkool Simlulator, the data going to Strava comes from my Garmin Edge, and it of course doesn't detect any elevation changes. So all the Bkool rides on Strava are "pancake flat" so to speak.


How about distance and elevation then? It all seems wrong, unless you have ridden a 500km+ pancake flat route indoor.

Yes trainer road is only concerned with power. I used to be able to save either TR or Zwift rides- I combine both for training, but for some reason recently on TR saves to Strava.

I train with time/power/TSS currently

berty bassett

Legendary Member
Well it wouldn’t be Sunday without a quote from the bible so...
‘Do onto others as you would have them do onto you...’

Or as Jesus actually said “Everyman for himself mutherfarkers!
Now watch this wheelie acrosss the lake!!”

Ask bob, he was there in 20AD when Jesus said it :biggrin:
I heard Jesus got the idea of a beard from bob !
He’s not the messiah he’s a very naughty boy
I'm taking ToC as a social ride. Meet new people , challenge myself to do a century on a SS. Will be stopping for cake :hungry: We have booked a carer for HID so no need to rush :okay:
You'll really like that aspect. I rode with some nice people. The weirdest thing was all of the spectators cheering you on. The first time it happened I looked around to see if I could spot who they were cheering for and then realised it was me!


Knees are FUBAR but I don't like to mention it
Blackpool UK
If you could only choose 1 between Zwift, TR, Bkool, Sufferfest, which would it be & why?
I think Bob has it right.

If you are building performance then trainer road or sufferfest.

Racing ... Zwift

Endurance riding for distance and up and down hills ... Bkool even with its limits ... Can when they haven't edged up the SIM have some good rides.

Climbing BigRingVR without a doubt ...

I've gone zwift and BRVR, but I like long rides over a varied course so may well still end up with Bkool. Especially now that they allow you to take power and speed from external sources rather that the trainer. I just need to try that out properly ... When I tried to detect my sensors it hung my laptop
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