I'm after a tubeless wheelset for a rider of my heft
(125kg last measured, heaviest bike is a 15kg ebike (measured)). I'm on a budget so will have to rule out some of the exotica out there (🤤
). I've found quite a few out there with a 130kg+ limit (that piece of info is not that easy to find on many wheel sites).
FYI I am currently riding Mavic Aksium's and they appear to be doing ok even though I am over their limit, not out of true yet after about 1k Miles.
I am leaning toward the DTSwiss 1800/1600 series due to the 130/140kg limit depending on model. Are they a good choice or would a Scribe DutyD, Hunt 4 season or Strada Big Fella be better?
I know there are others out there.
The DTSwiss wheelsets appear to be readily available unlike some of the others.
I'm not too worried about gains in performance. I am interested in gains in longevity of components. Light weight wheels seem to be for light weight riders
. Most of the suitable wheelsets appear to be in the 1650-2000g range
Any advice gratefully received