Also a lower power B rider whose specialty is drafting at the back then sprinting at the end isn't high on anyone's wishlistmaybe if I drop down to c at some point
actually if a team have designated front people driving the team forward and you have the better sprint and can sit in until needed..,.
The categories of the teams isn’t standard mate. I raced in latte class. Which was 3 b cat and the rest c cat so it works well. Get involved it’s a great format. I would join you guys but my boys football is Thursdays now so can’t do them anymore.
As the guys have said the team makes up determine the class you ride in. There are 4 classes: Espresso, Frappe, Latte and Mocha. If you have more than 3 A riders, you ride in Espresso, more than 3 B riders in Frappe, etc. That tends to mean that an Espresso team will have lots of A riders, and some B riders. A Frappe team will be mainly B, with some C riders. And so on.
You do get Frappe teams with one or two A riders, and the rest Bs and Cs. And there are Latte teams with 3 B riders and then mainly Cs. That tends to mean the stronger riders do more of the work on the front. This week we tried varying our tactics by taking one minute pulls on the front and saving our stronger riders for longer pulls in the last quarter of the race. I'm one of the weaker riders in my team, so if we've got 8 riding as we had this week, then there's no problem in burning me out before we hit the last quarter of the race as its the time of the 4th rider across the line that decides the team's time.
So, in summary don't worry about your style of riding. You'll fit into a team somehow.
Yeah I've considered it but wouldn't want to let people down
Anyone thinking about the Thursday TTT shouldn’t worry about committing to racing every Thursday.. It’s recognised that people have lives outside of zwift. We had one out last week and 3 will be out this week. We hope to arrange cover but if not will roll with a smaller team.
As long as you let people know if you're available or not in good time, this shouldn't be an issue. As @bobinski says, especially at this time of year people like to ride outside and they have holidays, so the teams will vary from week to week.
We had 8 this week, and could have had others available, but we've also been down to 4 another week.
I think the main thing is try it out. Most teams will let you ride as a triallist, and then you decide to commit or not.