Off what I've read on the NEO Facebook page, there seems to be a general consensus that if your trainer is out of warranty then don't update the firmware; reason is, if the firmware buggers up your trainer (it has for some) then Garmin will leave you unsupported. I think it's a case of if it ain't broke don't fix it!Just noticed a Neo 2 firmware update released in early July - now 0.0.36. Very little info but the other than the what’s new info which reads “low power noise reduction”. I have yet to test but I assume it means they switch off the internal cooling fan.
On a side note I read again the TacxFAQ site review of the 0.0.34 firmware update. Interestingly the site compares the neo2 to Assioma duo and that site reports 5% Under reporting as various flywheel speeds On the Neo2. This would concur with what I’ve seen but no fix seems to be coming.
I've never updated the firmware on my NEO2 and I think I'll leave it that way