First ride of the week for me, after getting over the bug I caught earlier this week.
Decided to do the short stage of TdZ Stage 7 just to see if I was properly recovered, with a view to doing the long stage either tomorrow or Saturday.
Maybe I should have dived straight into the long stage? I rode stronger than I've ridden for a few weeks. Came 33rd out of 209 with a time of 22.44. Average power of 249W at 3.3W/kg.
Who knows, but I may have just blown on the 2nd lap if I'd tried the longer race, but pleased with that after feeling pretty crap this week.
I think sometimes it helps when you relax and ride with no pressure. I got into a good pedalling rhythm today, kept it smooth and probably pushed a slightly bigger gear than usual.
I can never quite decide which technique works better and maybe its down to the individual. Sometimes I think spinning higher, say over 90rpm is more effective. That's how I ride in IRL. But sometimes. like today, I've ridden nearer 75-80 rpm and come away feeling my power output was higher and my performance better. Maybe the lower cadence gives me a bit more control and helps me to keep my pedal action smoother, and that means I'm pushing power more consistently through the pedals.
I'm not completely sure what the answer is. What techniques do you guys use. Spin or lower cadence/grinding? Do you adapt your style if its a climbing course versus flat or rolling?