I'm a total newbie when it comes to this sort of thing.
I appreciate that as someone without a power meter or smart trainer I am very much a second class citizen in Zwiftlandia, but I'm ok with this, I'm not using it for competition, I'm using it to keep my turbo time from being cripplingly tedious.
That being said, I did participate in stage one of the TdZ the other day, cat D, it was fun but tough (as my HR data shows), I finished 76th out of 127 after me and another guy were shelled out of a faster group and teamed up to stay clear of the bigger grupetto.
I know that any results based on virtual power are meaningless (my virtual power on zwift is about 20% higher than my virtual power on GoldenCheetah for the same wheel speed, for instance)
Do you think there's any point in signing up to zwiftpower considering I'm unfit, heavy, and am stuck using virtual power for the foreseeable future?