Bloody hell is racing tough!
Decided to enter the race version of Stage 1 (2 laps of Classique) tonight just to see what it was like. Also because I hadn't taken an FTP test since coming back from injury (and I knew my old figure was waaaay out of date anyway), I thought this was the least boring way of doing a flat out 20 minute effort.
Knew from looking at the sign-ups on ZwiftPower that there were more than a handful of Cat C's racing in D, so figured that I'd not be able to hold them, but went full gas from the start just in case and by the time we were through the tunnel, I found myself in the third group on the road - probably 10-12 strong. First group of about 6 had flown and were not going to be caught by anyone, but the second group of about 8-9 remained just tantalisingly close for the entire race, usually between 3 and 10 seconds away but never seemingly catchable, yet they could not shake us completely either.
Had to use a feather power-up on the Northumberland Ave and Whitehall rises to stay with my group (because I was the heaviest of the group) - almost lost touch with them on the Strand on the first full lap but thankfully got back to them entering the Mall. Had another feather on the final lap, but thought I'd save it for the final sprint - that was a mistake. Halfway up Whitehall, I saw our group start to splinter as it turned out we were finally catching the group up ahead. About 5 of them bridged and latched on to the back but I reacted too late and missed the split - I was towards the back of our group when I noticed to be fair, so not in a position to really do anything about it. No matter what watts I put out down the Strand, they were now disappearing rapidly with the extra draft effect and I didn't want to be in no mans land between two groups with the sprint coming up, so backed off.
The remaining 6 of our group then fought it out for 19th place and I deliberately started my sprint late and passed everyone literally on the line, edging it by less than one hundredth of a second - the times of myself and the guy I beat were listed as identical, but I was given the placing ahead of him. And I'd pushed so hard in that final KM (to be honest, I had done for the whole race, but ESPECIALLY that last bit) that after crossing the line I thought I was about to throw up. I didn't, but it was mighty close!
ZwiftPower has me finishing 4th once non-signups and sandbaggers were eliminated. 3rd place was someone in the group ahead of me that I didn't latch on to, but the other two were way ahead of that; however all three of them are listed as riding over 3 w/kg, so I'm claiming a moral victory! And Zwift bumped up my FTP to 231 watts (I'd deliberately set it low before starting the race in order to force it to update) which was only 4 watts below my all-time high and a good 10-15 above what I'd believed I'd been riding at recently.
Well done, and cracking write up!