Hi all, the lastest patch has been released, which includes the new map overlay and sweeper beacon.
First and foremost, the Minimap is here! With this small scale map in the top right corner of your screen you should be able to more easily determine where people are at any given moment. You can even click it to toggle between 3 different views.
Icons shown on the Minimap include:
Other Zwifters (dimmed out if they are in a different sport than you)
A/B/C/D/E group riders (in events)
Event Leaders (in events)
Event Sweepers
Timing arches
Workout portals
A second change you may notice is we've added an action bar to the Windows and Mac version of Zwift. This has been a long time feature on our iOS version and now it's found it's way to all the platforms.
To use it, simply press the UP arrow key while riding. LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys will allow you to select items, and ENTER will trigger the action. DOWN will hide the bar again, or it will auto-hide after a short time.
Other notable enhancements and fixes include:
'Riders Nearby' list will now show mini celebrations when a fellow Zwifter does something notable. A little Ride On button will also appear next to their name to make it easy to congratulate them.
Race results will now let you show combined results across all sub-groups of an event, as well as view results per-subgroup.
Race results now will let you follow or favorite riders directly, as well as give a Ride On if you thought somebody deserved it.
Ride Sweeper is now an option that can be added to group rides. Just like the Ride Leader, an event organizer can designate somebody as the sweeper to help those at the back of the group. A red icon and beacon is used to designate this person if there is one.
The main screen before you ride will now show what sport a Zwifter is currently participating in. People in the sport of your choosing will be sorted to the top of the list.
When choosing to 'Ride With' or 'Run With' somebody, your route will be set to be the same as the person you chose to join. This way you continue together at intersections without having to manually choose a direction.
A few new hairstyles added, and more feminine hairstyles sort towards the front of the list in the customization screen if you are female.
If you have a workout that was created with the TrainingPeaks workout builder and have it scheduled on the calendar, Zwift will download it and show it in the workout selection screen automatically on the correct day. NOTE: you will need to disconnect and re-authorize your TrainingPeaks connection here to grant Zwift access to see your workouts.
Fixed crash that would sometimes happen for users in an event with a ride leader.
Running time splits view added.
Running achievements added.
Several running workouts added.
Korean language translations added.
Arrow keys now allow you to navigate through the customization screen. UP/DOWN select category, LEFT/RIGHT choose item.
B'Twin 100 and 500 classic trainer profiles added.
Fix for occasional issue where Mac users would have to double-click on everything to get the click to register.
Fixed issue where doing a spindown calibration on a smart trainer could disable sim-mode for a ride.
Simpler shadows used for bikes and riders on lower-end 3d hardware to make group rides more fluid and enjoyable.
Crowd volumes and cobbled road volumes reduced.
Fixed issue where spindown button could erroneously appear on a power meter in the pairing screen.
For those looking for more roads, don't worry - we are getting close with our next course expansion and we think you'll love it.