Zwift Chat

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Legendary Member
Not that it makes much difference, but I had a Strava Royal Pump Room 8 time of 51:04 (the stage I did where I let the rest of the organised race go off a minute ahead of me before I went on the chase). No need to update 👍
Sorry @Whorty - I HAVE updated it and change the post above :okay:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Sorry @Whorty - I HAVE updated it and change the post above :okay:
Cheers Paul 👍


Legendary Member
Speaking of bailing out I’ve got to bail out of all the conversations on rules and ethics from now on. Honestly I find it boring and I kind of regret allowing myself to get sucked into it. Too much time on my hands at the moment... this is just fun to me after all and I want to keep it that way!
No, never change Tommy - sometimes things need to be said and you're not afraid to say them!


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
OK I've had a close look at the replies to the potential timings and I propose we try the following (N.B. a little different to what has been mentioned above):

TUESDAY - 7pm (UK time)
THURSDAY - 6pm (UK time)

Votes are reasonably split between 6 and 7 so would be good to do one of each to accommodate as many people as possible, and as far as I can see most people can do one or other day at their preferred time, except for @Add who can only make Tuesdays at 7pm. Let's give this a go and see how we get on - can always change it. I should be able to start both of those OK, but if we want to do a weekend one I might struggle so someone else would be best to organise that. I actually think we should stick to no more than two time slots for now becuase the races are much better with as many people as possible taking part and having too many options risks spreading the field too thin on each stage.

- Use real weight and height only(🙄)
- TT bike only to be used if the stage is marked as a TT
- If you can't make one of the meet-up races you can set a time (on the appropriate bike) at another time before the league finishes, but not in an organised Zwift race or event
- Any pre or post race excuses to be oficially rated by @TurboTommy whose judgement will be final

Hope that sounds OK - I will set up stage 1 for tomorrow at 7pm and Thursday at 6pm shortly and let's see how we go - things can always be tweaked/changed later if needed. Hopefully with the weather turning VERY Autumnal suddenly, we can get a reasonably good turnout and an exciting league with lots of personal battles throughout.

all sounds fine to me except the giving Tommy final judgement on excuses. A bit rash surely? 😁


Legendary Member
erm can i ask, i attempted Royal Pump Room 8 but was left on my trainer at the start, so if i appeal can i please be awarded 1 min 34 seconds please 😛 for turning up at least 😄 oh and for ease i will change my name on here to my realname 😉
Sorry, technical issues are the Zwift equivalent of a puncture or mechanical in a real race - in your case, with your team car having gone completely AWOL! You were the Cyclechat equivalent of that Colombian Junior in the world champs who was left by the side of the road in tears


Legendary Member
Companion app invite sent for October league stage 1 on the Road to Ruins course -

Tuesday 7pm, Thursday 6pm - pick the one that suits you best - or both if you're keen, and use your best time for the league table.

It'll be a normal race so no TT bikes in the race or if you set a time separately.


Might try a random race today as can't make tomorrow


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Fun race if anyone fancies Monday races- very deep field with some team tactics, 5 of the top 8 c riders were the same team, they send 3 on a breakaway then the rest hung back and let everyone try and chase them down.
Was interesting as they kept talking tactics in the main group chat And giving analysis of how far chase group were from the front group! Felt like I'd hacked their team radio


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Fun race if anyone fancies Monday races- very deep field with some team tactics, 5 of the top 8 c riders were the same team, they send 3 on a breakaway then the rest hung back and let everyone try and chase them down.
Was interesting as they kept talking tactics in the main group chat And giving analysis of how far chase group were from the front group! Felt like I'd hacked their team radio
Remind me next week and I may join you. Was thinking about riding tonight but had a busy day and decided not to in the end. Sounds like a good blast 👍

Must confess, I do enjoy rides where there a number in a group and I get to work with others (rather than just chasing down a dot in the distance knowing I'm not going to catch them). This is why the Hare and Hounds is a fave of mine. Had a good race too the other day - me an a Portuguese guy got dropped from a group, with a group of 6 chasing us a minute behind. We held them off for over 20km, taking it in turns to pull. With 3km to go a French chap broke from the group, pushing much harder than us - the Portuguese guy messsaged me that we need to keep him away - we both kept pushing on as a mini team TT, finally finishing 3 seconds ahead of the chaser. Really enjoyed that!
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Remind me next week and I may join you. Was thinking about riding tonight but had a busy day and decided not to in the end. Sounds like a good blast 👍

Must confess, I do enjoy rides where there a number in a group and I get to work with others (rather than just chasing down a dot in the distance knowing I'm not going to catch them). This is why the Hare and Hounds is a fave of mine. Had a good race too the other day - me an a Portuguese guy got dropped from a group, with a group of 6 chasing us a minute behind. We held them off for over 20km, taking it in turns to pull. With 3km to go a French chap broke from the group, pushing much harder than us - the Portuguese guy messsaged me that we need to keep him away - we both kept pushing on as a mini team TT, finally finishing 3 seconds ahead of the chaser. Really enjoyed that!

Will do; must admit I tend to just join races fairly last minute on a whim but will look out for this one again. I'm not up to full fitness at the moment so not sure how much use id be but would be much more motivated to domestique it for you guys rather than randoms.
I don’t think we would lose a lot of weight to make much difference , 1 or 2 kilos surely doesn’t make a lot difference
I have been under weight for a while now but haven’t updated Zwift as I think it is making me work harder and hoping weight will go back on soon
Those 100 mile rides won't help. When you're ready for some real weight gain advice I'll be here.
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