Zwift Chat

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Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
Speaking of bailing out I’ve got to bail out of all the conversations on rules and ethics from now on. Honestly I find it boring and I kind of regret allowing myself to get sucked into it. Too much time on my hands at the moment... this is just fun to me after all and I want to keep it that way!


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Bob, under 60bpm is considered Bradycardia territory. I know its down to fitness aswell as age, but be wary of fainting especially getting up from seated/ laying down

yep, I have to watch out for it especially 1st thing in the morning. All the more reason to stay in bed 😁

Del C

Mine is much lower than 60 - and yes, I often feel a bit faint when I stand up. Occupational hazard apparently.
Same here!

Resting heart rate is normally around 40 and sometimes I feel faint when standing, but I suspect dehydration is part of that. Just been away and off the bike for a week and no dizziness at all.

I did wear a heart rate monitor over the course of a few days after a hospital check up and it drops nearer to 30 overnight.

My peak heart rate is normally around 160. I think I once hit 167 over the last year.

Del C

Back in the bkool days I actually threw up into a waste paper bin during a race and finished it.

This made me laugh for some reason.

I had a picture of @TurboTommy with a waste paper bin attached to his handlebars............. just in case!

Must have been a great satisfaction when his pre-planning paid off and he scored a direct hit into the bin? :bravo::laugh:
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Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
This made me laugh for some reason.

I had a picture of @TurboTommy with a waste paper bin attached to his handlebars............. just in case!

Must have been a great satisfaction when his pre-planning paid off and he scored a direct hit into the bin? :bravo::laugh:

I just tried to do a search for it but my forum search skills are somewhat lacking :rolleyes:

Long story short don’t be tempted into eating a curry 30 minutes before a race. No matter how good it smells!

thinking about It most of you have enough common sense to know that’s already ...
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Legendary Member
To change the subject, is it our first Tuesday race tomorrow or are we racing Thursday


Legendary Member
OK I've had a close look at the replies to the potential timings and I propose we try the following (N.B. a little different to what has been mentioned above):

TUESDAY - 7pm (UK time)
THURSDAY - 6pm (UK time)

Votes are reasonably split between 6 and 7 so would be good to do one of each to accommodate as many people as possible, and as far as I can see most people can do one or other day at their preferred time, except for @Add who can only make Tuesdays at 7pm. Let's give this a go and see how we get on - can always change it. I should be able to start both of those OK, but if we want to do a weekend one I might struggle so someone else would be best to organise that. I actually think we should stick to no more than two time slots for now becuase the races are much better with as many people as possible taking part and having too many options risks spreading the field too thin on each stage.

- Use real weight and height only(🙄)
- TT bike only to be used if the stage is marked as a TT
- If you can't make one of the meet-up races you can set a time (on the appropriate bike) at another time before the league finishes, but not in an organised Zwift race or event
- Any pre or post race excuses to be oficially rated by @TurboTommy whose judgement will be final

Hope that sounds OK - I will set up stage 1 for tomorrow at 7pm and Thursday at 6pm shortly and let's see how we go - things can always be tweaked/changed later if needed. Hopefully with the weather turning VERY Autumnal suddenly, we can get a reasonably good turnout and an exciting league with lots of personal battles throughout.


Legendary Member
Final league table for September - well done @berty bassett and everyone else who took part!

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Legendary Member
Hi All

I’ve just joined Zwift and would like to join in racing too when I can (Tuesdays currently looking good) and if you’ll have me 🙏

Started with a dumb trainer with speed, cadence and HRM sensors, but I wasn’t happy with the data as it definitely wasn’t looking right, so yesterday upgraded to a smart trainer which after one event (all the time I had yesterday) seems to give data I would expect.

I seem to be getting hooked with Zwift as I think I’ve been on it at least once a day every day since starting the trial (now subscribed).

Looking forward to seeing you in the virtual world.
You'll be very welcome @LeetleGreyCells . We set up our little races usually via the Zwift meet-up function. In order for me to invite you to a race you need to be following me on the Zwift companion app - Paul Bridgman (Cyclechat). If your name on Zwift is different, can you let me know so I know who to look out for? In order to get the times for the league, can you also follow me on Strava and join the "Cyclechat Turbo Group" on Strava as well if possible? Look forward to seeing you on Zwift, just ask if you have any questions about how stuff works re: our races...
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