Zwift Chat

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Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
What rower have you got Bob? Daughter has got the concept, we have a simulator(I suppose like zwift) called RowPro to train with.

I cant use it due to the angle it puts my foot in(did I tell you about my ankle?) ^_^

Bashed up waterrower. Was second hand when I got it 10y ago and has suffered from being out in the garden, albeit covered up, for 2 years. Water tank split so have repaired it and maiden voyage hopefully tonight.
You probably have ^_^


Must be a small update, happened quickly on my slow speed connection. I changed my outfit from Wasp to Wahoo Kickr(white), just in case I pass you :tongue::laugh:


Legendary Member
By the way @JLaw what does the tick by the side of your name mean in Zwiftpower? When I hover the mouse over it, it says "Promotion Badge Total = 1"



How is the downhill motor :smile:

berty bassett

Legendary Member
Berty, you got your NEO? If so how you finding it?
got it on wednesday - catalogue of errors to begin with
didn't put the bike in correct first go and went all wonky after 6 miles - but could have been worse
so i tightened up then done another 6 miles and was pleased with everything , went to turn electric off at mains as usual just to the turbo , and it made a whirring noise and a blue light came on - i hadn't had it turned on -- but the resistance had been there so i am guessing i only missed the advantage of downhill assistance - done another mile just to see and it felt much the same but i deleted that because it took me to 13 and thats just asking for trouble to stop on 13
got an old frame off ebay and now robbing bits off old bike trying to make a decent bike up ready to put on turbo
dont want to put good bikes on as i have seen what happens to turbo bikes
but on first go,s yes very happy- sturdy bit of kit !


if you go over the w/kg for the group and get dqd does your result still get saved ? i ask as i have only done one race and although i was waaaay back , i had to push harder to keep up due to lack of weight then the result didnt save - it went to zwiftpower but not in results and didnt go strava at all !
It got recorded yeah, just shows me as being over the limit on zwiftpower and saved to strava. Sounds like it failed to update on strava, which would explain why it's not on the results on ZP as it uses the strava data to confirm placings.

Just for ref, my strava is here and my ZP profile here.
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