Your ride today....

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Managed to get three separate rides today.

Had to work this morning so two 14 miles commuting rides from Midlothian down to East Lothian and back again - one with the wind behind me and home with the wind in my face.

Then a wee 8 mile MTB ride with my son around Glentress near Peebles.

Home for a nice dinner with the family and a few glasses of wine!!
Headed out today with half a mind to try and make a metric century but also not wanting to overdo it as I may ride to Nottingham tomorrow. Headed through Shepshed and Belton toward Melbourne. From there, chased another rider up the sharp drag to Ticknall. Was just about to pull alongside when he turned into Calke Abbey so I continued alone to Repton passing along the wonderful couple of miles by the reservoir there. Always a quick section of road regardless of effort.

From Repton, I headed via a lumpy road to Burton. Didn't expect it to be that lumpy given the proximity of the Trent. From Burton, I headed to Willington and then due east toward Shardlow. Bumped into a flooded bit of road with very polite drivers who waited for me to cross. Had a nice chat with a passing cyclists for a few miles and resolved to push to a century with a detour to Gotham.

Realised that my legs were benefitting from spinning a lower gear than normal. Similar speed but less fatigue. From Gotham, I headed back home via some emergency loops to top up the miles. Nearly crawling by the end but it felt good!

booze and cake

probably out cycling
Forecast was dry but grey today, so I decided to brighten it up by going out on my SImoncini

....dressed as a fat Power Ranger. Its actually an old Denti cycling top but the colour is a perfect 80's throw back for this bike, so I'm cross branding *gasp*

I was heading to my newly nick-named mate 'moon boot Matt's (check out his Selfridges in Brimingham inspired overshoes for which I will now routinely call these monstrosities). Matt lives in Southgate and I in dragon infested South London , so I had a 12 mile schlep across London at 8am, much earlier than I'd normally consider decent for Saturday.

From Southgate headed out through Epping

Turns out my ridiculous outfit was'nt needed, it was much brighter and greener than I was expecting. Matt was in charge of leading so I aimlessly followed chipping in with gems like 'oooh this looks familiar'.

A real flukey ride along shot catching the sun I'd have repeatedly failed at if I was actually trying to do it

Bit of a loop out to Essex, and then back through Hertfordshire, with a coffee stop on the way back through Epping. A final coffee again at Matt's before I headed back 12 miles across London. Got home after completing
87.8 miles and I'd only eaten 1 flapjack and drank a bottle of water & 2 coffees on route, so was seriously underfuelled, so much so I was overtaken by the urge to eat everything, fast, and promptly demolished 2 portions of chips, beans and a large chicken doneb kebab, so wrong yet at the time so right! So pro.....
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Lovely b
Forecast was dry but grey today, so I decided to brighten it up by going out on my SImoncini

....dressed as a fat Power Ranger. Its actually an old Denti cycling top but the colour is a perfect 80's throw back for this bike, so I'm cross branding *gasp*

I was heading to my newly nick-named mate 'moon boot Matt's (check out his Selfridges in Brimingham inspired overshoes for which I will now rountinely call these monstrosities). Matt lives in Southgate and I in dragon infested South London , so I had a 12 mile schlep across London at 8am, much ealrier than I'd normally consider decent for Saturday.

From Southgate headed out through Epping

Turns out my ridiculous outfit was'nt needed, it was much brighter and greener than I was expecting. Matt was in charge of leading so I aimlessly followed chipping in with gems like 'oooh this looks familiar'.

A real flukey ride along shot catching the sun I'd have repeatedly failed at if I was actually trying to do it

Bit of a loop out to Essex, and then back through Hertfordshire, with a coffee stop on the way back through Epping. A final coffee again at Matt's before I headed back 12 miles across London. Got home after completing
87.8 miles and I'd only eaten 1 flapjack and drank a bottle of water & 2 coffees on route, so was seriously underfuelled, so much so I was overtaken by the urge to eat everything, fast, and promptly demolished 2 portions of chips, beans and a large chicken doneb kebab, so wrong yet at the time so right! So pro.....

lovely bike

Mrs M

Forecast was dry but grey today, so I decided to brighten it up by going out on my SImoncini

....dressed as a fat Power Ranger. Its actually an old Denti cycling top but the colour is a perfect 80's throw back for this bike, so I'm cross branding *gasp*

I was heading to my newly nick-named mate 'moon boot Matt's (check out his Selfridges in Brimingham inspired overshoes for which I will now rountinely call these monstrosities). Matt lives in Southgate and I in dragon infested South London , so I had a 12 mile schlep across London at 8am, much ealrier than I'd normally consider decent for Saturday.

From Southgate headed out through Epping

Turns out my ridiculous outfit was'nt needed, it was much brighter and greener than I was expecting. Matt was in charge of leading so I aimlessly followed chipping in with gems like 'oooh this looks familiar'.

A real flukey ride along shot catching the sun I'd have repeatedly failed at if I was actually trying to do it

Bit of a loop out to Essex, and then back through Hertfordshire, with a coffee stop on the way back through Epping. A final coffee again at Matt's before I headed back 12 miles across London. Got home after completing
87.8 miles and I'd only eaten 1 flapjack and drank a bottle of water & 2 coffees on route, so was seriously underfuelled, so much so I was overtaken by the urge to eat everything, fast, and promptly demolished 2 portions of chips, beans and a large chicken doneb kebab, so wrong yet at the time so right! So pro.....
Love the brightly coloured bike and Power Ranger top.


World class procrastinator
Obligatory Home to Hospital but via Old Felixstowe as I get really bored riding up Garrisons Lane again and again and again. I went the direct route as it was raining just the tinyest bit when I left, just the odd spot. By the time I passed the Levington Marina turn off at the duel carriageway bit, it was raining properly, by the time I got to Sainsburys, it was proper chucking it down.

12.47 miles tonight in 50 minutes and a bit. Bloody freezing now but dried off and in warm clothing at least. I think I need to put my waterproofs through the wash with that Nikwax stuff that @SatNavSaysStraightOn told me about, ages and ages ago.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Another early start to the day 6.10 am and headed out of town to do a loop that i use quite often a bit of a gentle head wind for first 6 miles then just a calm breeze , with to many layers on .

Roads are damp with some puddles but no falling rain , all in all a great ride .

Strange but one section of route between Castle Ashby and the main A428 really takes it out of you its flat so no slope it must just be the surface but its the 3 time i have noticed how sapping it is .

off to see how much i recorded this time

Billy Wizz

Über Member
North Wales
My 15 mile round trip to the recycling centre, to discard my cider bottles turned a little Sad on the way home.
I was stopped by a policeman and his colleague a wpc, he showed me a picture of a young girl and said we are looking for someone if you see anything call 999, that interface must have lasted 15 seconds I can still see that image, I hope they find her unharmed, made me think of my family all the way home.


2016 is hopefully the year to rebuild, ive started regular, albeit short stints on the turbo and local short rides. This morning I got out before the wife woke up and put some reasonable effort into an 18 mile loop.
Knee held up well (its been sore since I hurt my foot and have been limping for over a month)...chest only displays slight restriction despite getting out the saddle on Morborne hill, a short but quite sharp incline, roads are quite damp and the bike's filthy...thoroughly enjoyed it.
Just over 100 miles total since the new year so far..nothing compared to the old days but the best start ive had for 3 years.
Very happy....
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