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Club Outing with the H & DW today
Due to go to Bockett's Farm in Leatherhead but we went to Clandon instead.

One member had a puncture at Clandon so some of us did Staple Lane Hill and Newlands Corner, meeting up with remaining group at Clandon Hosue Garden Centre

Refreshed by Latte and Bacon Bap returned home. Got a puncture at Chertsey and just pumped it up and fixed it at home (usual sharp bit of stone)

Weather surpringly mild, several people were almost overdressed.
A real pleasant change from recent weather

41.5 miles @ 15.2 mph so more or less at endurance pace, apart from the couple of hills.
1667 feet climbed.
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Another 50km as part of the half century challenge (it's certainly getting me out, I'd still be in cycling hibernation if I had not joined!)

Down side was yet another puncture, that's six or so in the last three rides... pi$$ing me off :angry:

Anyway, a random photo of a ship on the Thames I saw today!

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Billy Wizz

Über Member
North Wales
Another 50km as part of the half century challenge (it's certainly getting me out, I'd still be cycling hibernation if I had not joined!)

Down side was yet another puncture, that six or so in the last three rides... pi$$ing me off :angry:

Any way, a random photo of a ship on the Thames I saw today!

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Xmas totally pissed me off, two punctures in a mile i thought i was cursed, was looking at a solid tyre solution everything has been good since.


Über Member
Club ride this morning and a quite good turnout . We split into 2 groups with me electing to go with the quicker ride . Off down the a38 out of Gloucester we went about 12 of us in total before turning leftt at Whitminster and heading into Stroud . All flat so far but knowing several brutish climbs lay ahead i was saving myself and ended up getting dropped with another rider going into Stroud where we got mixed in with some GCCC riders for a mile before jumping off the front of their group and heading out towards Cirencester finally coming across the rest of our group waiting patiently in a lay by in Chalford. First climb of the day was Coppice hill, bit of a brute with some quite severe ramps within it and i was wishing for a larger rear block well before the top .
On out through Chalford hill to Eastcombe and then on to Oakridge Lynch and Far Oakridge where the lanes became narrow and rather muddy for the next few miles to Miserden and on towards Birdlip before heading down the Slad Valley ( Laurie Lee country ) . Unfortunately the Descent was cut short with a Right turn at Bulls Cross and back into muddy lanes for a Difficult descend and the final climb of the day up into Painswick ( garmin registered 24% at one point). The climb didn't stop there however as we continued up past Rococo Gardens past Painswick Beacon before the Big descent down into Upton St leonards . Not the best condition for Descending so i took it steady as did most of us . Then just the last leg through to Brookthorpe out towards Haresfield and back Along the Nass Lane into Gloucester .
Finished up Rather Muddy but it was warm at least and dry with some stunning scenery which i totally failed to photograph. All the Metal Box users behaved impeccably too.
Garmin reports 40 Miles with 2400ft of climbing at a 17.1 mph average
Now that is an impressive helmet!

Looks like it cost more than my bike.

What's it like in light rain? Do you have to keep wiping the visor?


P.S. Impressive ride by the way. :notworthy:

It's got a rain-X coating, so it stays clear mostly, the biggest problem is internal icing, in the really cold weather. If it does that I have to remove it. That's my 'B' lid, this is my 'A' lid.


13 rider

A ride of two halves today mate couldn't get out till the afternoon so a morning free . I had been neglecting my favourite climb of Pollybotts lane . So that's the plan .Out through Newtown Linford and up Ulverscoft lane to Pollybotts at the bottom section I flew past a female rider I always hit the bottom section hard then blow up half way up. So having overtaken someone I had to keep it going to save face and keep my pride intact so managed to get round the corner where I could drop down the gears and spin my way to the top as I crested the summit the other rider was not in sight so pride intact .Continue on round the back of Markfield into Thornton down pass the reservoir back to Markfield ,Newtown and Home . 14.1 miles done .Quick Bacon sandwich and a coffee and out to meet mate. Anstey , Cropston ,Rothley ,Cossington and Sileby to Andy's house . Quick chat and time and route and off we go up to Ragdale ,Hoby ,Thrussington ,Ratcliffe on the Wreake and Cossington 14 quickish miles in good company we parted company here I retraced my steps back home .Coming through Rothley I was slowly catching another ride and I came aware of something sticking out of his helmet ? Thought at first it was a camera but when I pulled up along side it was a mirror ! on a stick never seen one before it looks bizzare anyway ride in his company back to Anstey just generally chatting but I found the mirror slightly distracting .Got Anstey and I hadnt quite got a metric half century in so a few loops of the village and back home 31.4 miles done in nice conditions who could believe this time last week there was snow on the ground
Today's 65 odd miles

Home for a bike clean, chain Mickle, and a beer.


Dave 123

Legendary Member
Out today with Mr M.
Cloudy and dull with a bit of wind but not too bad a day :smile:.
Tackled some hills for the first time on the new bike, hard going but we made it. :bicycle::highfive:
With the hub brakes and gears and long mudguards the bike is so easy to clean, just a wee wipe over and we're done, liking this a lot :thumbsup:.

And the second line of the report would be a critique of Mr M.....?


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Another good club ride today, despite a hurried start. I'd been fettling the bike this week, as I'd taken my clattering, twanging rear wheel in to be trued and have the spokes tightened. Putting on an old wheel with larger tyres, I'd had to disconnect the rear cantilever brakes, and I just couldn't seem to get them to pull evenly when I put the new wheel on. Got it set up perfectly at last, late last night and set the bike up ready for my Sunday morning club ride. Got out to the garage with 10 minutes to spare this morning, only to find my rear tyre flat as a pancake. Panic stations!

Phoned ahead to ask them not to go without me, and turned up 10 minutes late after one of the fastest rear wheel changes I've ever done. Wouldn't you know it, though, as soon as I put the repaired wheel back on the cantilever brakes went all skew-wiff again. After precisely one ride recently with my brakes set up absolutely perfectly, I was back to having the stopping distance of a large oil tanker again.

Great route today, 41.1 miles, over to Upton St Leonards and up Nut Hill, before heading off to Cheltenham for the first time. Picked our way through the suburbs and at one point got a wonderful view from above Cheltenham Racecourse - which we later passed on our way to a coffee stop at Prestbury. There I had to do the call of shame, as I was getting the drinks in and came up £1 short. "Anyone got another quid?". Home again via Bishops Cleeve, Staverton and Churchdown, before picking our way among the shoppers in the cobbled section of the city centre in Gloucester. Just like Paris-Roubaix it was.

Nice to see nine of us on the "chilled" ride today, as well as a dozen or so in @gordyfinbar's fast group. We nearly lost one of our number in Cheltenham, but all got back together before the coffee stop. I had gambled on not wearing a rain top, and it paid off. Decent weather in the end, with only a gentle headwind for the last few miles. Surprisingly, despite the weather this month, I'm on course for a record January. Loving my cycling right now.
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Never used Über Member
After the imperial half yesterday and with stuff to do later that ruled out a longer ride, it was time for a bit of fun on the hybrid, mainly off road and staying fairly local.
For once the weather forecast was right, grey and very mild for the time of year, although damp under tyre due to a lot of rain overnight - just the thing for tackling a few bridleways.

Got the layering just about spot on - long sleeved compression base layer under a short sleeved top, with Altura MTB shorts and lightweight full fingered gloves. Who'd have thought that last week?

Anyhow, off I set, local roads and down to Cross Gates, the over the railway line and climbed Austhorpe Lane. At the top of the hill I realised I'd forgotten something...can you guess what? Here's a clue:

Yep, I'd filled up a bottle and left it on the side in the kitchen - D'oh! :wacko:
Anyway, I was 2 miles in at this point and it was too far to turn around, so I carried on up Barrowby Lane, then dropped down into Thorp Park on R66.
I wound my way round the utterly soulless office park to the BP filling station on Selby Rd, where I was relieved of £1.45(!!!) for 750ml of water.:eek:
That's knocking on £2/litre making it twice the price of petrol.
As a Yorkshireman I nearly cried at spending that much on water, but what can you do? :headshake:
Anyway, back into the office park and then picked up R66 again for the climb up to the bridge over the M1. Dropped down the other side and began the descent towards Garforth. It's a narrow bridleway and being Sunday there were the usual numbers of dog walkers, joggers and the like out so I took it steady and about halfway in, I stopped for a couple of photos and a sip of water...

Dropping down onto the Garforth section of Barrowby Lane, I got a wriggle on up the tarmac section to Barwick Rd, left under the railway bridge and left again onto Nanny Goat Lane for the gentle ascent to the stables.
At the stables, the lane reverts to bridleway and it is muddy, no other way to describe, with huge puddles I had no option but to splash through.:whistle:
As i started the descent down to the tunnel under the M1 I passed a jogger heading the other way and couldn't help think how his shiny new looking running shoes were about to get ruined.:laugh:
Out of the tunnel and I disturbed a red kite, which took off and swooped low along the lane between the hedges - they are big birds aren't they? Made me glad I'm not a rabbit.
Lovely quick descent from there down to Manston Lane, which I never get tired of riding, then past the farm and back towards the old tank factory before swinging a right and climbing the hill to Pendas Fields, where I tacked on a half loop just to add a bit more distance. Down to Barwick Rd and the looped round to home.

10.43 miles in 55m 30s at an average of 11.5mph, which isn't bad for a mainly off road spin of the legs on a Sunday morning.
Good fun too and just what the hybrid does best. The only fly in the ointment is the knowledge that the council are busting to build a new dual carriageway and allow a massive extension of the office park over huge swathes of this ride, so I'll have to make the most of it while it's still there.

Both bikes needed a clean, so it was out with the bike stand for two full wash and leathers, plus chain mickles & relubes - I even checked the torque bolts with my new fancy tool.
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