Your ride today....

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Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
50 Miles in the hills to Buxton for me with @400bhp today. I am a pretty chilled and take most things in my stride, but today took the biscuit. First we rode along a lane which was covered in cow shoot and mud. Not a bit of a spillage but properley covered in crap for a mile :angry:. I am really tempted to report it to the LA. You can get an idea from the picture of my bike and shoes, which I would add was cleaned last night and left home gleaming.

We then throughout the ride were plagued by seriously bad driving. Not just the odd close pass but really bad driving. The first was someone overtaking a cyclist who was coming dow a hill towards us at well over 30. Instead of waiting the driver decided it would be best to come onto our side of the road and force at speed into the verge. I ended up pushing into 400bhp with my bars to avoid being hit head on by a car doing 50 plus. There were then various idiots throughout the ride trying to push past in the most inapropriate places. It culminated in a guy pushing past 400 bhp in a 4wd chav waggon in a traffic light controlled contraflow, rather than waiting for an 5 extra seconds. He clearly had a small willy and a general issue with cyclists as he then swerved at me and braked immediately in front of me in an aggressive manner depite my position 18 inches from the kerb on a normal stretch of road. :banghead: As luck would have it I was able to pull up beside him at the next set of lights:whistle:.........At which point I knocked on his window with enough force to let him know I would like to open a verbal discussion with him. I noticed with interest that his BMI would put him well into the "obese" category. I suggested that someone who copulates with their own hand should not be using a ton of steel rubber and plastic as a weapon:rolleyes:. Surprisingly he suggested that I might have caused criminal damage to his car by knocking on his window. I reiterated my stance that self pleasure is not cool and left him in the stationary traffic. :becool:

Other than that the ride was good with lots of climbing, good company and a nice cafe stop in a proper greasy spoon cafe in Buxton. Even managed to take the obligatory shot to help motivate @potsy to get out on his bike.
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Old jon

Out again. Yesterday morning's rain put me off, wet I manage, cold I manage, but both at once, nope. Anyway, decided to travel north east, sort of, with the intention of reaching Wetherby. Of course it did not happen. Three quarters of Holbeck, Great Wilson Street, Crown Point Road, side of the bus station to Regent Street and Roseville Road to Roundhay Road. The clock at Oakwood took some climbing to this morning, and Boot Hill after that was a real grind. Turn left after the pub to go through Shadwell and Slaid Hill, turn right to Wyke and on to this place here . . .

Up the hill and along to Collingham to find that Linton Bridge is still shut, oh well, a bit of A 58 and then right on Wattle Syke and ride through to Boston Spa, Clifton, Bramham, up to the bridge over the A 1 and who do I meet? @NorthernDave who was on the end leg of the heck of a long ride ( a long ride for me, that is ) Well met Dave. It was time for my butty, starving I was, and then Thorner and my dash down that hill again. 32.2 miles on probably the warmest day of the year so far.


Legendary Member
My second 50k ride of the month, and another hilly one to keep challenging the legs a bit.

Nice sunny morning when I set out, but a deceptively strong southerly breeze, which I was heading into for the first 17 miles of the ride, so quite hard going with all the climbing in that section as well.

Headed out towards Berrington, having to pause on the lanes due to what looked like the gathering of murderers beginning a hunt and one of them had just plonked his transit in the road for some reason. He eventually got the idea to move it!! :cursing:

Continued on to Cound and Evenwood, where I met a lady on a horse also taking a pony for a walk at the same time!, before beginning the 1st of the 2 steep climbs on the ride, Kenley Bank. Always a pull up there but did my fastest Strava time up it so far.

It had clouded over by now and so the views over to Wenlock Edge weren't as good as they can be. There was a humorous moment when I rounded a bend to be confronted by a gaggle of about 15 geese in the road. Didn't stop to let them nip me!:boxing:

It's a steady climb most of the way to Gretton and then Cardington, where the Royal Oak was filling up with diners (must go back there again soon @Rickshaw Phil :cheers:)

Next was the second big climb of the ride, up Folly Bank, before the enjoyable descent of The Corkscrew and a nice flat section along the newly resurfaced road to Longnor. I paused at the crossroads, to text dad and see if he was in, for me to call and have my dinner with him. Whilst there a chap came from Shrewsbury direction on a bike and we said hello as he continued towards Cardington. About 30 seconds later he came back up and turned towards Longnor. Then about 30 seconds later he appeared back again and headed towards the Lawley, saying "3rd time lucky" to me ^_^! I enquired where he was heading and he said he wasn't sure, probably the Long Mynd, which made me think he was still not going the way he should be and he was right 1st time, but he disappeared as I attempted to suggest that to him.

Anyway, I pressed on to Ryton and over to dads, where I had a nice snack lunch with him and watched the 1st half of the Norwich V Liverpool game on the TV, before heading home via Condover, almost collecting a fox that ran across the road in front of me :eek:.

What struck me today was the good mood that everyone seemed to be in, with loads of friendly hello's from cyclists, walkers, residents in their gardens and ALL the drivers gave me loads of room and were patient and well behaved :okay:

32.5 miles
1353 ft of climbing.


A loop of the Gower Peninsula today keeping it fairly local as I'm still struggling to regain some degree of fitness following my recent chest infection. A 10 am start down the North Gower road through Llanrhidian, Burry Green, Scurlage to the far western tip of Gower, Rhossilli.

Doubling back for a few miles before joining the South Gower Road, I rode into a cheeky easterly wind which hampered my progress and made the undulating road more of a challenge than I really wanted. Back through Knelston, Parkmill, Fairwood Common before the final few hills at Three Crosses made both of my legs cramp. I haven't experienced that in ages. Still, 32 miles, 1520 ft of climbing, maybe harder than I expected but enjoyable and looking forward to some more.

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Legendary Member
After doing circa 270 miles on the ice bike commuting this week I was a tad tired this morning when the alarm went of at 6:45. Dragged myself out of bed at 7, big bowl of cornflakes, huge mug of tea and two doorstep slices of jam on toast and just before 8 I was out of the door.

BBC weather forecast reckoned it was going to be sunny, misty in places and around 5 degrees with light winds - they broadly got it right.

Anyway I had planned a route last night, put it on the Satmap and away I went. Was a pretty routine ride until I got to Cold Ashby (which I have never ridden to before) where the road I wanted to go down was closed and completely blocked so I couldn't even walk down it. Zoomed in on the mapping and saw I could go to the next road and hopefully come round the other side. Get to that road and that is closed apart from resident access. Zoom out the mapping and decide the detour I will have to take is to far so go down the resident access only road. It was a right pot holed road, looked like it had been used for bombing practice. Anyway I get to the other end and out on the other side of the road works and back on route.

A couple of miles later it is a bit misty and in the gloom ahead I can see a couple of horses on my side of the road and also cars heading towards us. So I slow down, but as I get closer I notice the horse riders are coming towards me! Totally stumped me so I just stopped, they went onto the left (right) side of the road and continued.

Just shy of 50 miles into the ride a car flags me down, he's lost, so I give him some rough directions and on my way again. Stop at just over 60 miles and buy a bottle of water to refill the now empty bottle, bottle of coke for the sugar fix and a slab of malt loaf. Eat a bit of the malt loaf and carry on.

My original route planned to take me through Leicester city centre and past the Leicester footy ground, but they are at home today so I detoured up the GCW

Nowt much happened after that, I arrived home after 105 miles, completely knackered, realised I'd carried the coke for 40 odd miles and not touched it, so that has now been polished off and the malt loaf finished.

Oh went by the abode of @13 rider so gave it a wave.

A fair few cyclists out enjoying the return of the mild weather


Out this morning as the weather wasn't too bad, no rain and not much wind. Someone poked at stick at the dipstick drivers though, they were out in force, one driving a artic for Walkers Crisps.

Longest ride of the year so far at 42 miles and not a bad speed of 12mph as we were carrying the equivalent of our touring load as we practice for our first trip in March.

Lots of riders out today, got overtaken loads of times and only went past someone ourselves when they had a mechanical. Legs are now feeling the distance but the gym work over the past two months has certainly improved the leg strength on the hills.

One thing I have discovered since I got my HRM for Christmas is that heart rate is higher than I thought. It hit a Max of 189 today.


Must take some photos on the rides maps are getting boring

PS Had my first clipless moment in 2 years of using clipless pedals, grass verge was soft. Gave a couple of other cyclists a laugh.
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13 rider

After doing circa 270 miles on the ice bike commuting this week I was a tad tired this morning when the alarm went of at 6:45. Dragged myself out of bed at 7, big bowl of cornflakes, huge mug of tea and two doorstep slices of jam on toast and just before 8 I was out of the door.

BBC weather forecast reckoned it was going to be sunny, misty in places and around 5 degrees with light winds - they broadly got it right.

Anyway I had planned a route last night, put it on the Satmap and away I went. Was a pretty routine ride until I got to Cold Ashby (which I have never ridden to before) where the road I wanted to go down was closed and completely blocked so I couldn't even walk down it. Zoomed in on the mapping and saw I could go to the next road and hopefully come round the other side. Get to that road and that is closed apart from resident access. Zoom out the mapping and decide the detour I will have to take is to far so go down the resident access only road. It was a right pot holed road, looked like it had been used for bombing practice. Anyway I get to the other end and out on the other side of the road works and back on route.

A couple of miles later it is a bit misty and in the gloom ahead I can see a couple of horses on my side of the road and also cars heading towards us. So I slow down, but as I get closer I notice the horse riders are coming towards me! Totally stumped me so I just stopped, they went onto the left (right) side of the road and continued.

Just shy of 50 miles into the ride a car flags me down, he's lost, so I give him some rough directions and on my way again. Stop at just over 60 miles and buy a bottle of water to refill the now empty bottle, bottle of coke for the sugar fix and a slab of malt loaf. Eat a bit of the malt loaf and carry on.

My original route planned to take me through Leicester city centre and past the Leicester footy ground, but they are at home today so I detoured up the GCW

Nowt much happened after that, I arrived home after 105 miles, completely knackered, realised I'd carried the coke for 40 odd miles and not touched it, so that has now been polished off and the malt loaf finished.

Oh went by the abode of @13 rider so gave it a wave.

A fair few cyclists out enjoying the return of the mild weather
You should have let me know I would have coffee and cake waiting .Didn't see you I was at work till 13.00 then in the bathroom painting the ceiling :sad: doing it today so tomorrow I can :bicycle:


Its okay to be white
Going into a valley with a river in it was probably not my best choice on a foggy morning but I hadn't been this way yet this year & I'd planned the route last night so sod it, I was going regardless as I was sure it would clear once the breeze picked up a bit & thankfully it did even though it stayed kind of grey all day.

With an extra rear light & a flashing front light I headed out around 10am into a slight chill & the mist, towards my usual exit from the forest into the Test Valley & up to Shootash, where I thought I knew where I was going but the Garmin had other ideas as I had inadvertently plotted a new road in which as it happens turned out well as it was in pretty good nick for this area. This took me nicely across the River Test (for the first of many times today) & onto Braishfield before heading up on reasonably quiet roads to Kings Somborne & then onto single track roads, which again were in pretty good shape, to Little Somborne & then up & down to Stockbridge for lunch by the river.

Suitably refreshed & with the fog all but gone, the start of the return journey was a little muddier on the quiet single track country lanes as I passed through Houghton & West Tytherley, seeing more than a few of the many cyclists I had seen on the out leg so I'm guessing I was on quite a popular loop with the locals.

Whilst there were no major climbs today, the constant ups & downs were beginning to take their toll & the old thighs were aching as I headed for home through Whiteparish & across the A36 back into the New Forest, through Hampworth & Landford before taking an unplanned rest whilst waiting for a family of cows to clear the road, who as you will see from the photos had a rather large bull with rather large horns so I wasn't going to rush them!!

62.5 miles, mostly on roads I had ridden before although not in that order but it was a really enjoyable route so one I will definitely do again.





Mrs M

Going into a valley with a river in it was probably not my best choice on a foggy morning but I hadn't been this way yet this year & I'd planned the route last night so sod it, I was going regardless as I was sure it would clear once the breeze picked up a bit & thankfully it did even though it stayed kind of grey all day.

With an extra rear light & a flashing front light I headed out around 10am into a slight chill & the mist, towards my usual exit from the forest into the Test Valley & up to Shootash, where I thought I knew where I was going but the Garmin had other ideas as I had inadvertently plotted a new road in which as it happens turned out well as it was in pretty good nick for this area. This took me nicely across the River Test (for the first of many times today) & onto Braishfield before heading up on reasonably quiet roads to Kings Somborne & then onto single track roads, which again were in pretty good shape, to Little Somborne & then up & down to Stockbridge for lunch by the river.

Suitably refreshed & with the fog all but gone, the start of the return journey was a little muddier on the quiet single track country lanes as I passed through Houghton & West Tytherley, seeing more than a few of the many cyclists I had seen on the out leg so I'm guessing I was on quite a popular loop with the locals.

Whilst there were no major climbs today, the constant ups & downs were beginning to take their toll & the old thighs were aching as I headed for home through Whiteparish & across the A36 back into the New Forest, through Hampworth & Landford before taking an unplanned rest whilst waiting for a family of cows to clear the road, who as you will see from the photos had a rather large bull with rather large horns so I wasn't going to rush them!!

62.5 miles, mostly on roads I had ridden before although not in the order but it was a really enjoyable route so one I will definitely do again.

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Lovely pics.


Got out for a little local ride today. 14 1/2 miles out to Old Down Country Park and back. Nice stop in the cafe at the country park.

Been having a little problem with my new Garmin Edge 810 when I have a cafe stop. I pause the timer using the button on the front and then turn the unit off to save the battery before taking the unit off the bike. When I go back to the bike and switch on the unit, the elevation is dramatically different to when I got to my stop, just take a look at the elevation profile on Strava. It is really annoying me now and I am struggling to find a solution on the web. Any suggestions? I have got an official silicone cover on the unit.

On getting home, I gave the bike a very quick clean using a hose and a brush, before putting it on the new cycle repair stand that my fiance bought me for Xmas. I mickled the chain, checked for wear and did a small adjustment to the rear derailleur to make the gear changes a little bit better.

Ride on Strava here:

Archeress x


Never used Über Member
Out at half 8 on the road bike with no definite plan, but an inkling to add a metric half to this years total.

Warmed the legs on local roads, then up to Scholes and on to Barwick. Funny to think that less than a year ago Barwick (3.5 miles from home) was as far as I got on the bike. How things change.
Down the hill to Cock Beck, then the climb up Cattle Lane and on to Aberford. Through the village and out towards Lotherton Hall, then the turning towards Sherburn (some of the potholes have been "fixed", others haven't...) before taking the sharp uphill turn to Saxton.
Right towards Barkston Ash and then pressed on towards Church Fenton. Numpty pass from a white Range Rover Evoque :dry: just as a cyclist passed going the opposite way, he had to squeeze through between us. On through the village and guess what - numpty pass number 2 from the same vehicle, heading back the opposite way he just had to force his way past a row of parked cars, despite me having right of way. Still, if you're going to chuck £40k at a faux-by-four, you clearly need a talking to.
Anyhow, out towards the former RAF base (now Leeds East Airport) and I spotted a sign for Cawood. Hmm, I'll remember that for another time I thought.
On up the road and just before Ulleskelf, another sign for Cawood. Sod it, I'll try that way and I turned off. I had all day and at that point my legs felt great, so why not?
Through Ozendyke and Ryther, past a cafe at a camp site wafting the most amazing smell of crispy bacon across the road and into Cawood.
Despite only having a choice of three roads at the traffic lights I chose the wrong one, so after a good half mile, turned round and traced my route back.
At this point a racing snake all in black attached himself to my rear wheel for the run up to the lights. They have those special traffic lights which can detect your foot going down as literally within a split second of me and Snakey putting a toe down they changed. I was off as he fiddled about clipping back in :whistle: but he passed me before the swing bridge with a cheery hello and then zoomed off up the road :surrender:
About half way to Stillingfleet I was passed by a cyclist in a Marmite top. He wasn't quite as fast as Snakey, so I tried to stay with him for a bit but he wasn't hanging about either, so by the left turn towards York he was a couple of hundred yards clear. Gave my legs a bit of a workout though.:sweat:
On alongside the river to Naburn where i diverted onto NCN R65(?), the Solar Cycle route. I rode this last year on the hybrid and by heck I could tell the difference on the road bike. The tarmac surface isn't bad (it's better than the Wetherby route, for instance) but it was still a wee bit bumpy.
Lots of walkers, many with dogs, along with leisure cyclists and joggers so I adjusted my speed accordingly, but it's still a nice ride.
Past the trust hut at the old Naburn Station and on into the fringes of York. Up the ramp to the P&R, where I stopped to use the facilities.
Having not planned to go this far, or making any stops, I only had a cheap cable lock with me, so secured the bike to a Sheffield stand right outside the security office and had one of the quickest ever visits to the loo in my life, even including the winter cyclist dance of delayering.:laugh:
Back out and the bike was just where I'd left it :okay: so I took a photo, had an energy bar and then followed that up with a gel chaser. Got to say the High5 ones I got this week are a lot nicer than the SIS ones I normally have.

Decided to head to Tadcaster on the A64 cycle path. It's a functional enough route, but to be fair one I'm unlikely to take again - essentially it's the footpath alongside the dual carriageway with the odd cycle path marking painted on it. It also ends abruptly on the outskirts of Tad on a stretch of the worst pitted, potholed and puddled tarmac I've ever seen just by the John Deere dealership, with no signs of markings that I could see.
Looking at the map now I'm home it looks like there is a fairly simple route on country lanes that runs roughly parallel, so I'll go that way next time.
The good news is that I passed 32 miles on this stretch, so the metric half was in the bag. :smile:
Towards downtown Tad, taking a right to avoid the closed bridge and up Wighill Lane, then (eventually) round Thorp Arch Trading Estate and round to Wood Lane and the run down to Thorp Arch and the bridge over the River Wharf.
On the bridge (single track) I could hear the dulcet tones of an engine behind me, so stayed in primary as I did climbing the hill up the other side past the parked cars into Boston Spa. This wasn't good enough for the Audi driver who pushed his way past. I may have said a rude word at this point. :cursing:
Funnily enough he had to stop in a queue of traffic at the T-junction at the top, so I passed him there and enquired through his open window if the dangerous pass was worth it given that he'd gained precisely nothing...
Anyhow, concentrating on enjoying the ride I did a quick wiggle through the village and took the road to Clifford. As I got to the High Street turning I could hear a big engine behind me, and checking I saw a council bin wagon. The driver of this was an absolute gent though, didn't pressure me at the junction and held back all the way up High Street past the parked cars, only passing at the top of the village when I waved him though - and gave me a big cheery thanks too. :okay:
Down to Clifford and decided to tackle the Col de Town Hill, before looping back round to get onto the road to Thorner.
Who should be turning at the junction just ahead of me though, but @Old jon ?
He was just slowing to a stop as I caught him, so I stopped to say hello and we had a quick chat - nice to meet you after reading about all your rides.
I left him to enjoy his butty and pushed on as I was starting to flag a bit now.
Whizzed down the dip at Wothersome, before crawling back up the other side and on to Thorner. Through the village and then the purgatory that is the climb back out (why do I live somewhere that is uphill from every direction?), before heading down Skeltons Lane, then Coal Road and on to home.

Todays numbers, 51.71 miles in 3hrs 33m at an average of 14.5mph, which I'll take as I was cream crackered when I got in.;)

Really pleased to get an unintended imperial half in as well, so I'm getting the year off to a good start. Loads of other cyclists out too, which is always good to see.
I've picked up a couple of decent nicks in the rear tyre though to be fair on some of the surfaces today I've been downright fortunate not to have a visit from you know who, so I'm going to order a couple of the Contintental Ultragatorskins that Halfords have got on offer this weekend. Time to order some new brake blocks too. :stop:
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