Your ride today....

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Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
After yesterday's cultural pub crawl around Cambridge, I decided I needed a ride before this afternoon's pub time. It was essentially a loop north of Ipswich that amounted to 20 miles. I felt better for doing it ...
(BTW I realised on either the sixth of seventh of January that I'd been out every day on one bike or the other and decided on a target for the year: at least one mile every day on any bike. Still on target.)
A pic of snowdrops at Grundisburgh Corner - I know I've been seeing them for ages, but it feels like the year is properly underway when I see them. I suspect the lack of focus is more to do with my adjustment to my mobile phone, rather than the effects of the previous day's alcohol ... :whistle:

After planning a longer ride yesterday and feeling too tired after a bit of a restless night, I waited for today to roll around and went out for a 36 miler at lunchtime. Roads were wet and mucky, but that didn't put a downer on what was an excellent ride. Average moving speed of 16mph, give or take and even found some "hills". Feeling the fitness coming back now; the difference between the 36 miles I did today and the one from 3 weeks ago is notable. I've also lost 7lbs since the beginning of Jan so that is helping. Still get a little bit of lower back pain at arount 30 miles, but im working on core exercise to try and help with that.

After planning a longer ride yesterday and feeling too tired after a bit of a restless night, I waited for today to roll around and went out for a 36 miler at lunchtime. Roads were wet and mucky, but that didn't put a downer on what was an excellent ride. Average moving speed of 16mph, give or take and even found some "hills". Feeling the fitness coming back now; the difference between the 36 miles I did today and the one from 3 weeks ago is notable. I've also lost 7lbs since the beginning of Jan so that is helping. Still get a little bit of lower back pain at arount 30 miles, but im working on core exercise to try and help with that.


Apologies, but I had to laugh when you said "hills" in the vicinity of Market Downham :smile:.
We had a few hills today, a bit breezy but 13C so a good day to be out. Stopped at one of our favourite cafes not far from Oundle which is so good it is in the running for a national award. Not many places I know of where you can get 5 pieces of flapjack [we didn't eat them all!] for £2.70, add to that we got a free substantial chunk of shortbread with our hot drinks. 55 miles at a dawdling pace for us, made a nice change.

Mrs M

And the second line of the report would be a critique of Mr M.....?
Well, Mr M was quite chuffed with himself as he was in the lead all the way, he's usually lagging behind if I'm on the road bike :smile:.
His gears stuck mid ride but he "soldiered on" :bicycle::laugh:.
He was full of encouragement on the hills although I don't know if "come on Chuncky" was for me or the bike :whistle:.
Anyway we had some excercises and a wee laugh.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Yesterdays ride, as usual..
I rode over to t'other side of town to meet up with a mate at his house. After drinking coffee and replacing his p*nctured tube from a f days ago, we set out with no target in mind. As it happened, we headed out towards Daventry and up the backside of Newnham Hill. It's not as steep as the frontside, but does take a bit of pushing to get up it! (the frontside is RRCC Hillclimb Newnham Hill, and is a bit of a challenge)



Once we'd skittered to a halt at the bottom, at the crossroads, we aimed in the general direction of home, but stopped to get a pic with the local alpaca herd.. I was going to pluck some fur off them to stuff into my shoes as my toes were getting a bit chilly. The forecast was slightly wrong, inasmuch as it should have been 12C, not about 5!

The route back was via Everdon, Farthingstone, Litchborough and Bugbrooke before getting back to Northampton. We parted ways on the canal bank on the south of the town before I added a bit of a loupe to make the ride up to an imperial half century.


Back home on a bit over 50 miles with cold toes and a mucky bike, even though I had mudguards fitted.
Great day out even though no cake was involved...

Apologies, but I had to laugh when you said "hills" in the vicinity of Market Downham :smile:.
We had a few hills today, a bit breezy but 13C so a good day to be out. Stopped at one of our favourite cafes not far from Oundle which is so good it is in the running for a national award. Not many places I know of where you can get 5 pieces of flapjack [we didn't eat them all!] for £2.70, add to that we got a free substantial chunk of shortbread with our hot drinks. 55 miles at a dawdling pace for us, made a nice change.

This is about as big as it gets around here!1suVqNx8LgqtJMgf7JBMcBJA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

According to RideWithGPS, whose elevation stats are more accurate than strava (IMHO), i did 960ft of climbing in 36 miles.


Über Member
40 miles today for me but it was a tough one. I felt tired almost straight away and the first half was all into a headwind which won't have helped.
I'm not convinced I have the new bike setup right either, which I'll have a go at with the help of Mrs B this week. I'm getting pain inside my left elbow and pins and needles in my hand. Today I also had quite a bit of back ache too so I think a good look at seat height and position is needed, though I don't know what I can do about my left arm and hand.

One thing I do really enjoy is getting into traffic properly, pushing into the 20s and clipping along with the traffic. I had a few miles of this through Long Eaton and Beeston which I made the most of.

I'm knackered now and have only tomorrow I can commute this week as I'll have to go but I can't say I'm looking forward to it right now.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
119 of your English Imperial miles today. Another weekend, another ride to Whitstable for brekkie. In almost balmy temperatures. Joined by @martint235 and the legendary @zigzag . Even though the day remained dry. the roads were mucky after last nights/last weeks rains.. very mucky. The bike was muckier then a mucky thing from planet muck.... but no's now clean ready for tomorrow commuting duties (The normal commuter is in the LBS getting some tender, loving care). Martin looked like he had rolled around in a mud bath......the mucky pup.
A couple of punctures and a faulty/broken CO2 pump meant some comedy moments...CO2 is damn cold when it let's go in your hand....:ohmy:

So Century # 3 for the year, 169 over all.
Martin wanted the speed to be kept under 15avg... Oooops :whistle:

Sorry.. no pics today...

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Got chance to go out 2 days in a row, so since we were still feeling the effects of yesterdays 42 miler we went on a shorter course round the local lanes.
Took the chance as well to go out on the road bikes which felt very light after using loaded tourers yesterday.

Quite a few cyclist out again on the afternoon, must be the weather, while most of the cars behaved themselves apart from one WVM.

Not bad 101 miles for the month so far, last January was only 73.

Still only a map as the camera battery is flat!

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