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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Fog and mist out there and the possibility of ice. I waited for the mist to lift but by midday it was obvious that wasn't going to happen today. So I kitted up for the cold and headed out on roads which I knew would be gritted. Not my favourite roads it has to be said as those infernal combustion powered things would be a bit more frequent. I know my traffic flows though so I can minimise that interaction.

The world was different out there with a weakly showing disc of sun attempting a break through. The trees and hedges were magnificent in their hoar frost too. My glasses misted up so often I took them off in the end. Better a blurry view than none. My bike began to cloak in ice and so did my clothing. If I'd had a beard I may have been able to compete with one of those frozen face pics. All good tho' as I got an outing in and enjoyed a different world.


Proffesional Biskit Eater Upper
The Biscuit Tin
Taken on the commute into work this morning. Which will soon be changing from a 9 mile round trip to a 15 mile round trip and none of them passing through anywhere like this :sad: enjoying it while I can! :smile:


Its okay to be white
One of my fairly regular midweek rides today down through the forest to the coast at Lepe, chosen as the southern half of the forest is generally flatter & drier thus hopefully avoiding any nasty ice patches as it was still freezing as I set off at 1pm. The open forest roads were nice & dry as I made my way down through Beaulieu, however, as I past Exbury & neared the sea one part of shady road was covered in an inch thick sheet of ice & slush so much care was taken for a while until the sunnier roads appeared again.

The return leg back through Blackfield, Beaulieu again & Lyndhurst was fairly uneventful until a lady taxi driver decided to take the trouble to put her passenger window down as she passed & tell me I should be on the pavement!! My two word reply was not the way I'd normally speak to female but I'm not going to lose any sleep over that!!

35 cold but enjoyable miles apart from the dozy bint.




Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Properly frosty out there today so the spikes have been earning their keep. Although the ungritted roads have mostly dried out there are still puddles at the edge and there were sheets of ice across the tarmac in several places where water has been flowing out from the sodden fields.

One of those places was the steepest climb I do on this route but sticking the bike in a low gear and staying seated there wasn't a hint of losing traction.^_^

It stayed fairly chilly through the day and the ice didn't melt in places that were sheltered from the sun so for the first time this winter the spikes have been useful going both ways.

Another 23 miles at an even slower 12.2 mph average for the round trip.


I went over Lyth Hill to avoid riding directly into the sun on a stretch of busy road. It was worth the extra climbing for the view this morning.


At Atcham and the same spot where I got the pic of flooded fields a few days ago.

It's a bit more misty as I near my workplace.


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
I left the house in brilliant sunshine and blue skies. OK, I had three layers, a woolly beanie and two pairs of socks on but it looked like a pretty good day for it.

My enthusiasm was slightly dampened when not even 1k out of my village I met a lady cyclist who was pushing her bike up the road toward me, so I stopped to see if she was OK. 'Be careful out there,' she said 'I've come off three times on the ice today.' After checking she was otherwise alright I asked what she intended to do next, she said she had lost all confidence and was being picked up in the village... 'Maybe you'll be better with those tyres on.' I was on 32mm Marathons, she appeared to have something like 25mm GP's.


In the end I managed a 36km ride. There were some busier (and safer) B-Roads that I took but there were a few locations where only the lanes linked to where I wanted to get specifically for some photos and any descending was done with crossed fingers and keeping upright rather than banking at all. In some lanes I was on the wrong side of the road following the water where the ice had obviously melted in the sun and avoiding the treacherous still shaded parts. In the end I got home having not visited the tarmac myself but not surprisingly I didn't see another cyclist at all today.


I should have avoided the lanes of course but every time I survived a route I ended up thinking 'Well, this one can't be any worse, I'll just take it carefully...'


Weirdly though, even as the cold began biting as it got cloudier as I went, when I got home I still found that I had enjoyed myself immensely. It probably would have been a different story if I had any scrapes, bruises or broken bones. As it was though I just had a cuppa and a thaw out.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Properly frosty out there today so the spikes have been earning their keep. Although the ungritted roads have mostly dried out there are still puddles at the edge and there were sheets of ice across the tarmac in several places where water has been flowing out from the sodden fields.

One of those places was the steepest climb I do on this route but sticking the bike in a low gear and staying seated there wasn't a hint of losing traction.^_^

It stayed fairly chilly through the day and the ice didn't melt in places that were sheltered from the sun so for the first time this winter the spikes have been useful going both ways.

Another 23 miles at an even slower 12.2 mph average for the round trip.

View attachment 116527
I went over Lyth Hill to avoid riding directly into the sun on a stretch of busy road. It was worth the extra climbing for the view this morning.

View attachment 116530
At Atcham and the same spot where I got the pic of flooded fields a few days ago.

View attachment 116532 It's a bit more misty as I near my workplace.

Really beautiful pictures there! Also loved @redvision95's picture too.

I wanted to get out to test my new boots, Northwave's Winter Extreme SPD shoes.



I had heard they were tough to get on, but had ordered UK size 8.5 rather than my usual 8 and didn't find any issues, even with thick ankle socks on. I think maybe other users hadn't learnt how to use the rather unique ratchet dials on the side.

Also, having had neck ache riding the Dolan CX over 35 miles last time, Dolan had sent me a shorter stem (80mm) to try out as I'm still concerned my 58cm bike frame is too big.

Leaving it later than planned to leave (as usual) I decided to do the same route as last time, heading through NCN R6 up to Radcliffe then on road thru to Ashworth Moor Reservoir and back, bar the bits I went wrong last time out.

Stopping within the first mile as my Edge 810 believed I was 47 meters under sea level (in Manchester), to reset the elevation, it was all uneventful until Waterdale Meadow where I passed a guy walking his dog. I heard a shout behind me as I passed, so stopped and it turned out he wanted to take a picture of my bike, as his mate had bought one and was waiting for a replacement frame as they had given him the wrong size (!) and was going to do some prank on him. Turns out Allen is on CC here, very irregularly, and runs his own cycle website (Polocini), he said his name was same on CC here but can't seem to find him. Anyway, was a nice chat!

As I headed through Heywood I hit a lot of traffic, and a lot of cars were kerb scratching keeping me from going anywhere. Seeing a cyclist on the footpath I thought "sod it" and went for the lowered kerb. Unfortunately my wheel did that thing my rear wheels like to do and didn't want to join the front wheel on the footpath and down I went.

Bike was fine, and I didn't particularly feel any pain, but upon closer inspection found I had got a small tear in my not-very-cheap Castelli Sorpasso Wind bib tights.



Onto the Ashworth climb, and decided to not stop for photos until the very top as I had taken plenty last time, and my phone battery had run out prior to the reservoir last time! Found it quite a bit easier this time, but had to stop on the steepest bit as it was narrow and a car came along.





Had a nice chat with two locals as I finished taking the last pic, and then headed on the loop home.

While having a bath spotted a very large lump growing on my right ankle which wasn't there before! Turns out I must have bashed it good on my fall, but hadn't noticed.

As for the boots, they were superb. Despite it dropping to 0 degrees part way up the Ashworth climb I felt no need to pull out the emergency toe caps I brought. My feet felt very comfy, and quite warm to the very end, the toe ends perhaps were starting to feel cool when finishing, but after 20 miles of 4 degrees and dropping and 15 miles of zero degrees I can't complain.

I did get neck ache again after 25 miles so the shorter stem hasn't worked. Just hope when I check the bike I haven't scratched the frame paintwork as I may need to get a swap.

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
Having earned a mass of brownie points by getting up early to de-ice and warm the car for my wife, I then over-estimated how many layers I would need this afternoon. I opened the vents on my jacket after three miles ...
On a whim, I changed my usual weekday heavy-breathing route for one out to Playford, Bealings, Martlesham, Walderingfield, Brightwell and then back the usual route from Bucklesham - still about 18 miles and extremely enjoyable.
I think it's fair to say I appear overly pleased that I've managed to operate my new phone and take this. (The river Deben was supposed to have been in the background. :whistle:)

North West
Today started off chilly and dry, set off towards Warton again but this time headed through the village and out towards Yealand Conyers, Yealand redmayne. On route some hard hills on a Single speed


Continued on ( thighs screaming) and through Dallam dear park near milnthorpe




Out through milnthorpe past Dallam school and onto a farm track that was covered in hundreds of massive dog craps, clearly someone's regular toilet and so disgusting I won't ever use it again. Instead will continue towards levens and meet up with the farm track later. :angry:
From there it was country lanes and farm tracks and lots of short hills out towards Kendal. Little villages on way to crooklands and small village schools, post offices. Saw 1 car and a few tractors. The climbs are hard on a single speed but beautiful pieceful views



Bike performed brilliantly all the way

And finally arrived at Kendal

Short stop and then back home but went a more flatter route to mix it up a bit. As I hit Sandside it started to rain heavy so I convinced myself I needed a pit stop at The Old Bakehouse, Arnside


Back out in the heavy rain and the final push home. I don't have a Garmin just strava on my phone that's in my pocket. I only bother with distance so I can keep a check on progress.
It said 41.1 miles in 3hrs. Not bad for a Single Speed I thought



I had a cold and windy 38 miles today. Temperatures never got above 1'c this morning and I really should have warmed up on the turbo first as it took ages for me legs to start working this morning. It doesn't help that the first couple of miles are straight up hill.

Anyway the first 6 miles head south along by the Pentlands but into a strong cold headwind at a pretty slow pace. Still not sure if it was the wind or my cold legs but that was a bit of a slow slow slog.

I then cut across country towards West Linton. Roads were pretty icy off the main roads so I done a wee bit of route recalculation to keep myself on mostly a roads.

Felt good climbing up through the Meldons and got the 2016 KoM but was still 3 minutes of my fastest time so probably not worth boasting about!!

I had planned doing another 10 miles but decided to miss out on a high level loop that I reckon would be too icy.

Back home for a well earned coffee and the remains of the festive shortbread.

Really should have stopped and took photos as it was stunning today but too cold to take my gloves off.

Deleted member 1258

Hatton Locks the destination 56 miles the journey. A cold dark morning that never seemed to warm up, the forecast rain didn't materialize and it brightened up a bit on the way back. A day of firsts, new KoolStop Salmons on the front of my fixed, nice to have some good stopping, but I'll be glad when they bed in, they're squealing like a stuck pig at the moment, first ride for my new Altura winter cruiser tights, not as good as my old ones, they've changed the fit, they are now made for the long and lanky not the short and stout, the new ones are tight on the thighs with not enough room in the arse, they've also got rid of the very useful back pocket, and it was my first trip to Hatton Locks, a lovely little place. My usual route out to Balsall Common left into HollyLane then right onto Table Oak Lane, straight across the crossroads for Chadwick end, onto Netherwood Lane past Badesly Clinton then left by the Punchbowl pub, right onto the Old Warwick Rd then left towards Lowsenford and then followed the route I usually follow on the way out but in the other direction, crossed the Shewly Common road then turned right into a lane I hadn't rode before, I've been riding these lanes for over 30 years and there are still some I don't know, ended up on the main road at Claverdon, did a short section of main road then turned left past Hatton Country World and onto Hatton Locks. Coming out of Hatton locks I followed my route out but didn't do the loop through Claverdon, I past Hatton Country World then turned right for Lowsenford just the other side of the motorway, the other side of Lowsenford I turned left then crossed the Hockly Heath road, turned right then right again to go into Hockly Heath then picked up my usual route past Packwood House through Chadwick end Balsall Common and onto Coventry. Another good morning on the bike but I faded badly on the way back and it was a slower ride than Tuesday.


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