Your ride today....

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Deleted member 1258

Smart looking bike Dave. What make is it ?

Its a Genesis Flyer with a PlanetX wheelset on it, I run it as a fixed.

Deleted member 1258

Ah, very nice. Like the colour. The flyers look a real nice bike. :okay:
53 mile on a fixed :notworthy:. I'm working on getting that far

Its not my longest, in 2014 I rode the Cyclechat 100 mile fixed wheel challenge, we did 108 miles for the day, if I tried that now I'd be on my knees by half way round.

The thread is here, theres a few pictures from this page on, I'm on my old Pearson.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I went out this afternoon. I set off after listening to the weather forecast of dry till evening, wearing a long sleeve jersey, no overshoes and riding a bike without mudguards. About 10 miles from home the rain started. I managed a decent 33 miles, but was drenched by the time i got home. My feet were freezing, i could've rung my shoes out, they were that wet!

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
Well, that was a hard-saddle ride. 18 miles of my usual weekday run out to Falkehham and back in light rain and a reasonably cold breeze. Still enjoyed it, though. :smile:
After an evening in the pub, where I had to listen to someone's theory that Mossad was behind 11/9 and I was reminded of how I seemed to be the only person in Ipswich at the time who said the Millennium would start in 2001, not 2000 as the world deluded itself into believing, I felt enormous empathy today for one of these animals out near Bucklesham.

A week since last ride on the road (Two turbo sessions done though)

Short ride as time was slightly limited
Went over Staines Bridge and up Prune Hill, then down to Chertsey and a little loop down to Foxhills and home via Chertsey Bridge

Weather rather drizzly at the start and wish I had put an ass saver on
Hpwever did not stop me

Just a little total of 21.5 miles @ 17.2 mph Good speed for me
581 feet climbed


Senior Member
I can't ride in the cold (poor circulation) and am not fond of the dark, so January has so far consisted of pretty much the same ride. Home from work, half an hour on the sofa with tea and biccies, then out for an hour to Quarndon to do hill repeats up Burley Lane and Church Road. About 13 miles and 1000ft, seven times so far. It's quite a twisty descent with changeable gradients, so it's been good practice for descending in terms of position and balance. Fairly sure my climbing's improving as well, despite what the times indicate. Have got quite into it and will definitely become a regular feature of my cycling. However, can't wait for Sunday now the temperatures are rising. Have missed the countryside


Itching to get back on my bike's
Out and clipped in by 5.30 am today with what looked like a full moon in the sky to help light the way ahead , not cold and only surface water and some small puddles .

Did one of my normal loops taking in Orlingbury ,Pytchley .Walgrave , Old ,Scaldwell ,Holcot ,Sywell and home a total of 27 miles and a very nice ride indeed longest one for a while what with the weather etc etc .

Even had the new Virb fitted so will see what that shows , enjoy your day .


Über Member
Looking forward for this mornings ride, uploaded a new route on to the garmin to try out. Out @ 7 this morning still dark, not much wind but still a lot of surface water from the rain last night. Had my high viz top on, new cateye 800 volt and rear light of course. Roughly 2 miles in some w@&*er decided to throw a bottle at me, luckily it miss. What possess these individual to do this. Anyway I carried on and enjoy the new route @ 25 mile, back home by 8.30 and the kids just got up. The wife decided we are going to Greenwich to have Dim Sum for lunch.:hungry:


Über Member
Saffron Walden
So this week I didn't bother bringing the bike back inside to use on the turbo and my god did I feel the pain today.

The weather was perfect so off I go get the bike out and head off to meet a couple of local guys needless to say having not put any effort in this week on the turbo I was already struggling. I promised myself that I would ride up to hills that in the past few weeks have been a real struggle. I did these but a pit stop was in order after the second one.

All I will say I wasn't the only one struggling in the group of 3 of us and it was quite nice to have the company and encouragment of others. We left it just shy of 7 miles but it was the first time I have been othere and I really enjoyed it.

Here's hoping next Sunday is the same as I may join in with the ride organised by the local bike shop.
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