Your ride today....

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Its okay to be white
Decorating duties have stopped my cycling for the past week & also reminded me as to why I dislike doing it so much so it was back to normal today with a slightly extended midweek regular route taking in Minstead, Emery Down & Bolderwood before extending up to Redlynch & back down to Furzley & Tatchbury.

Despite setting off in broken sunshine it was certainly chillier than when I rode last week so an extra layer base was in order along with the Northwave extreme boots to ensure comfy warm feet as there's nothing worse than cold toes when out on the road as these do the job nicely.

The south-westerly wind determined the direction of the route, keeping to the tree lined roads into it before turning across the more open parts of the New Forest with a much appreciated tailwind & despite a brief cold shower brought in by the cloud in picture no. 2 it was still a very pleasant 37 mile round trip.





Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
I thought it would be criminal to waste such glorious sunshine, even if it was cold, and managed to get out this afternoon - though I was feeling tired from my obligatory mid-week spell at my part-time job. A spin out to Kirton and beyond to Falkenham. A lovely 19 miler and said hello to the same woman out riding her horse twice as I looped around. She had a bobble on her helmet ...

Still playing with the new toy. This overlooking Bawdsey. (I'm sure you good people will let me know if these selfies are too much. :whistle:)


twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
At last. That bug has b*gg*red off. Still chesty but time for a test of the legs. It was cold out today tho' so I dressed well. Ashleworth seemed like a good idea but the steep little ups around Redmarley were tough on weakened legs. I had decided Woolridge was off today's menu so I took the easier way round. At Ashleworth I found the floods were well up. No Hams for me today so it was up Wickridge Street for Corse Lawn where the Electricity Power Network guys had a helicopter on the common and one in the air circling and hovering. Down at Chaceley they had an inflatable rib ready for an excursion out into the floods. Presumably some poor property owner was surrounded by water and had lost power too.

I took the standard run back from Chaceley although I had to detour through Clive's Farmyard to miss the worst of the flood there. I still had a few yards of flood to ride through but no worries. My lack of riding was showing as the pace fell away on the way back. Glad to have climbed back on today but nearly two weeks of no rides leaves some of the usual bits with an ache. I expect a few more rides will fix that.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
A 55 mile club(slow members)ride from Whalley to Garstang and back today, taking 4 hrs 27 minutes. We were pelted by hailstorms so much on the way there, that some riders turned back but the thought of that cafe stop(tea and fried egg butty)kept the rest of us going! It was dry and sunny(ish) on the way back so all in all it wasn't a bad ride.:smile:
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Yesterday's ride, posted late as usual..
I was hoping to get out for a few hours before work, but Mrs Pete was expecting a parcel so one of had to be in. This meant that I could only pop out for a solitary hour. Still, one hour is better than no hour, so off I went for a pedal on the CX around some local roads and villages.
The ride was marred by one dangerous individual in a Transit Van who took umbridge with me riding in primary though a narrower part by doing the revving the engine and shouting bit, totally making a fool of himself..


Personally, I don't reckon there's enough room to be safely overtaken for this 100 yards. He then proceeded to to go on my inside as I was signalling right at the top, and cut in front of me after shouting assorted stuff out of his window, such as 'Why are you riding that far from the kerb' 'Get on the pavement' 'Four eyed twat'. So, LA06 XKD, I have the video of your dangerous driving..
@biggs682 will know the ride up through the village to The Worlds End pub on to the A4500.
About half a mile later, I caught up with him (no, I wasn't in hot pursuit, it was the circuit I was riding up to Overstone) stuck behind the P*ncture Fairy trimming the hedges in a bloody great big tractor, and a few other farmers in smaller vehicles. I wonder if he abused them in the same way for daring to hold him up for 30 seconds. I somehow doubt it :laugh:

Still, hopefully Karma will catch him out one day soon.


Thinking of what to have for lunch before w*rk.. Hmmm, I wonder!?

On with the ride as I still had 40 minutes left before having to be back. I carried on through Overstone and Moulton village then homewards through round Spinney industrial estate as it's a more direct route, and less busy roads.

Back home on 15 miles in 59.41minutes.... Timing is everything!! :becool:

Mainly :smile: with a bit of :angry:
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Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
Decided to finish bedding-in an indulgent back-up set of Schwalbe Marathon Winters for #3 Patsy The Hybrid and did 10 Rice Krispie miles out to Levington and back. As there was a brief flurry of snow, followed by drizzle, as I was getting dressed, I also experimented with some discounted ski trousers I got from Aldi for £5.99. Rather pleased with the result - it wasn't boil-in-the bag!

Just a short one today, got a bit of a squirm on some frost earlier, but the squirm was much more controlled, on soft 25's.


You have to say it out loud:laugh:


Good job I added some anti puncture tape last night.


Lovely day for it:thumbsup:.

Tested out the replacement brake blocks and pads on the Triban. They are much better than the originals.


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Nice path..nice daey @Racing roadkill


3rd slog on the excersise bike for me this week..30 mins keep cadence to 85..90.
watt output 380..450..600 cals and my heart rate reached 170bpm..for a while..
i may get some rollers..i prefer to do this on my road bike as i think ill ride a lot longer..

Im lucky to have a very large back room 30m2 so loads of room..

ill ask about rollers in ? Where would that be..?

booze and cake

probably out cycling
Like most of the nation I'm carrying some extra Chrimbo ballast that needs shifting, so decided a city jaunt on the Mercian single speed was in order to kick start some fat burning.

Went past a sour faced old ladies house, she's probably struggling to heat this pile on her pensioners winter fuel allowance. It was cold and windy, this week is the first I've worn full fingered gloves. I was hoping to get some nice winter sunshine or sunset shots but the weather wasn't playing ball.

Despite the missing sun and my 8 year old bog standard compact camera, I like this photo

I don't think I'll ever tire of cycling around London, every time I'm away I'm surprised how much I miss it., even in winter. The headwind sections kept me honest and after a few hours it was cold enough I got that numb face feeling, Amanda Holden must feel like that all the time^_^. Back across the river past the Shard, which just needs an eye of Sauron photoshopping in.

36.5 miles is a nice primer for a longer geared ride at the weekend, weather permitting. It feels like my cycle legs are returning, roll on spring.


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Another day with a cold start but went out, like Wednesday over Chertsey Bridge and more ot less improvise a route, this time I incorporated some intervals

From Chertsey through Thorpe, back through Virginia Waters and Lyne to Chobham Common and Chobham and then back via Sandpit Lane and Philpot Lane, very beautiful , almost don't look like this part of the world, then back via Ottershaw, and the outskirts of Addlestone

28 miles @ 16.6 mph, with 787 feet climbed.

Cold but the sun was shining, recipe for enjoying the ride!
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Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
Well, today I was glad that my #2 Patsy CX is a triple - the ride out to Falkenham had a fabulous tailwind and was extremely enjoyable, but, of course, the return provided for an equally fabulously powerful head-buffering and I had to engage the granny ring to make any sort of progress. And, apart from navigating the occasional patch of ice and wet road hiding in the shade, the real problem came from the low sun flickering through the bushes. (The other downside to cycling in winter is how the naked hedgerows exposes how this country contains too many litter louts. Rant over, move along, nothing more to see. :whistle:)

Toes got a tad cold, even with two pairs of socks and overshoes - I think I'll look into thermals, or even splash the cash for proper winter shoes.

This out near Kirton.


Old jon

Almost didn't bother this morning. The water in the bird bath was ( and still is ) frozen solid but I have not had that much riding so far this year. I thought I would be best on busier roads, from the point of view that they would have less ice than side roads. How right I was.

Just along the road from the end of the video there is quite a flood at the bottom of the dip, and I did not fancy that at all. There is a left turn into Bardsey old village just before the flood, so I went that way and turned right up Castle Hill ( anyway, the road to East Keswick ), only to be met at the top by ice and snow, slither-slide-swear, turn around and go home. So, 20.7 miles starting with the usual Holbeck traverse, Great Wilson Street and Crown Point Road, past the bus station and point the bike up Roundhay Road, Boot Hill and down through Scarcroft. Back the same way, as above, except Black Bull Street from Crown Point Bridge, along to Leathley Road, Jack Lane and Dewsbury Road. Home was wonderfully warm.
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