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Perhaps This One.....
A nice, if badly planned, 14 miles this morning. Tried to avoid the wind but to no avail. On the plus side the new DHB longs with windproof panels (a useful Christmas present) were great, though it did feel odd not getting a wind chill feeling until halfway down the thighs. Sure some bits of the male anatomy appreciated it though^_^


Perhaps This One.....
@cosmicbike Yes they meet at Staines Bridge 9.15 Sunday mornings - Check this page at the website to cover the occasional variation in time

There is often a shorter option - which we did yesterday - but you can expect over 40 miles
Speed is typically 16 mph, but in a group, provided you tuck in it's easier than you think

Thanks for that. I think I'll get myself a bit fitter first then, 40 miles would be tough for me at the moment.

Deleted member 1258

Henley In Arden The destination, 50 miles the journey. My second visit to Ye Old Pound Cafe and I took a different route out of the city, across Coventry through Earlsdon and right onto the Kenilworth road then turned left at the top of Gibbet hill down Stoneleigh Road across the A46 then right at the bottom to pick up the lane that runs parallel with the A46, across the Leamington road then right into Leek Wootton, right then left across the main road and past the Police Headquarters then left into Rouncil Lane, I stayed on that road until I got to the junction with Fish Lane where I turned right for Hasely and my usual route past Hatton Country World and right towards Lowsonford and on to the Cafe. A cold grey morning, though not as cold as I was expecting, with a strong head wind blowing that gave me another slow hard ride, it had actually brightened up a lot by the time I was crossing Coventry, though its pitch black now and P**** down, I did quite well with the showers this morning, the main one started as I approached the Cafe so I could sit with my coffee watching it come down, the rest never amounted to much. My ride back followed my usual route except for taking the first right turn in Hockley Heath instead of the second, I used a small lane to get back on route again. A better ride than the last two but still a bit slow, I'm hoping to pick the pace up a bit as time goes by.



A bit slow on writing up here: -

Saturday I had the afternoon off (Mrs Buck and Buck Jr's all at the Panto :smile: )

I hadn't been out on the bike for a few weeks :sad: so really wanted to get out. I decided I would do my usual route to see how the legs were and get some fresh air. The weather was cold and a little misty and as it was PM when I got out, it was only going to get colder so wrapped up and I was off. On the return leg it started to rain - they certainly sting on your face when you are moving at a reasonable pace !!

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Deleted member 1258

I have been slacking due to Christmas/NY travels, a chest cold, and family visits up here. In fact, I had only ridden 2 miles since doing a half metric century on 20th December. I have been feeling a lot better the past couple of days and have stopped coughing so it was time to make the effort to go out. I didn't fancy anything too energetic though so I was pleased to get a call from a friend in Hebden Bridge asking if I fancied meeting her at a cafe there for lunch. I wanted to see how the town is recovering from the recent flooding, and I also wanted to buy a bottle of the soy sauce that I like so I agreed to ride over.

My mind was back in cycling mode 30 seconds after setting off. My legs could feel their 3 week lay-off but soon got into it. My lungs were more reluctant and were crying "Cough, splutter, blimey, that air is cold - you don't really want more oxygen do you?" :laugh:

When I arrived in Hebden Bridge, it was obvious that the town centre IS badly damaged. The Co-op is the main supermarket for the town and that was completely trashed by the flood waters. They have a temporary shop in their car park. I saw lots and lots of other closed down shops, estate agents, banks etc. There was a large hand-painted sign in the window of the LBS (Blazing Saddles) which had clearly been badly hit - something along the lines of 'Proud to live and work in this great little town'.

The cafe that we went to had reopened but we there was a damp, musty smell from the flooding.

The shop I bought my soy sauce from had also been flooded but they had managed to reopen.

I spent half my life in the town and it is sad to see it like that now. Councils, the environment agency, government, residents and business owners in towns at risk like this need to have a complete rethink. They can't keep just pumping out flooded premises every couple of years. The solution has to be a combination of better upland water storage, better valley flood defences, and better water-protection measures for buildings in the flood zones. Some of the businesses are already up and running again. Others took a year last time. It wasn't just due to where they were.

Plans to extend the ride into something more exciting were shelved and I settled for a 10 mile round trip. I'll try and get longer rides in later in the week.

There were a set of pictures posted on my facebook page showing the damage and the cleanup in Hebden Bridge, very sad to see the town in such a state.

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
Have begun getting back to my weekday keep-fit route of Ipswich to Kirton and back. I can tweak it a bit, depending on how I'm feeling, and the face-battering wind on the return leg persuaded me to cut it to only 15 miles.

A drinking buddy bought his wife a new iPhone for Christmas and they very generously gave me the old one. So I attempted a selfie and I'm not too sure if continuing to take them on future rides is a good idea. :smile:

Me, with Shaun and buddies (and some weird attachment to my ear) near Bucklesham.



Über Member
west sussex
Today I took the bike I'm going to do my first ever tour this summer, for a test ride . A very cheap bike that I'm borrowing to see how I get on with my first touring adventure.....

The bike fell really good, smooth and comfortable. 41 miles but I could have continued for a lot longer if I could spare the time.

View attachment 115707
I have know what bike that is PLEASE
I wouldn't normally mention my normal 40 mile commute but after a rainy 22miles toward Derby in drizzle and a horrid headwind in the morning, I had high hopes of really enjoying the ride home.

First ten miles, a shade under 20mph average speed. Then a loud bang and a ride that quickly became wobbly. Jumped off and found a flat front tyre but no tyre levers. Two passing cyclists then came by in opposite directions, whipped off the tyre and enacted the change in fast dying light. So it is to them I must thank for helping me sort that out quicker than I could've done on my own without the tools on me. Slow pootle for the last ten miles back home with one of them. Thanks to them both!!

Old jon

Cold again, it seemed to take a long while to get warm. I keep calling South Yorkshire flat, and I keep finding inclines there. Three sides of the Holbeck square, Hunslet Road and its differently named bits and up the hill to John O' Gaunts, Cut the corner to Woodlesford, noticing its the second time of passing that Rothwell Cycles has been shut, Swillington and on to Garforth. The cliff does not seem to get any easier, through Peckfield and on to Sherburn, which looked a bit like this.

The last bit of the video has me pointing towards Lotherton, and it is an almost routine trip from there through Aberford, Barwick, Scholes, Thorner lane, left onto Skeltons and straight on to Red Hall Lane, left onto the A 58 and that wonderful whizzzzzzz down Boot Hill. 34.2 miles in all, totally enjoyable, lucky me.
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