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Legendary Member
17..tbh not very enjoyable miles...:whistle: delivering a small package.

Forgive me, i'm a bit changing illness 3 years ago, a foot thats had me limping for maybe 4 weeks, a chesty cough for maybe 3 weeks...bugger, ive felt better. My fitness is about rock bottom.
Result, 17 miles where my legs felt like lead. It'd have been so easy to take the car but still glad I didnt.

It isnt always easy....
But you got out and that's what matters :okay:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
17..tbh not very enjoyable miles...:whistle: delivering a small package.

Forgive me, i'm a bit changing illness 3 years ago, a foot thats had me limping for maybe 4 weeks, a chesty cough for maybe 3 weeks...bugger, ive felt better. My fitness is about rock bottom.
Result, 17 miles where my legs felt like lead. It'd have been so easy to take the car but still glad I didnt.

It isnt always easy....
Well done getting the ride in.:okay:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Yes I think it was the same climb. @Rickshaw Phil has much more power in his legs than me, he's like a machine!

Rather interestingly there was a tweet from Telford police today, reminding drivers that double yellow lines around The Wrekin are there for a reason and that fines will be handed out....I wonder if they had complaints or had been on patrol around there yesterday!
:unsure: Should I be worried about how I'm getting talked up at the moment. People might take it seriously.:laugh:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
There were a few aches this morning and I can tell which bits of me hit the ground first yesterday :laugh:, but I was alright to ride the commute today.

It was a pretty routine ride there and back with nice light winds today adding 23.4 miles to the tally for the year at 13 mph average.

Got a couple of photos:

This one didn't really work as I'd hoped. The Wrekin has a crown of cloud with the summit just poking through.

I was much more pleased with this one from the return trip - Sunset over the flood plain at Atcham.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I have been slacking due to Christmas/NY travels, a chest cold, and family visits up here. In fact, I had only ridden 2 miles since doing a half metric century on 20th December. I have been feeling a lot better the past couple of days and have stopped coughing so it was time to make the effort to go out. I didn't fancy anything too energetic though so I was pleased to get a call from a friend in Hebden Bridge asking if I fancied meeting her at a cafe there for lunch. I wanted to see how the town is recovering from the recent flooding, and I also wanted to buy a bottle of the soy sauce that I like so I agreed to ride over.

My mind was back in cycling mode 30 seconds after setting off. My legs could feel their 3 week lay-off but soon got into it. My lungs were more reluctant and were crying "Cough, splutter, blimey, that air is cold - you don't really want more oxygen do you?" :laugh:

When I arrived in Hebden Bridge, it was obvious that the town centre IS badly damaged. The Co-op is the main supermarket for the town and that was completely trashed by the flood waters. They have a temporary shop in their car park. I saw lots and lots of other closed down shops, estate agents, banks etc. There was a large hand-painted sign in the window of the LBS (Blazing Saddles) which had clearly been badly hit - something along the lines of 'Proud to live and work in this great little town'.

The cafe that we went to had reopened but we there was a damp, musty smell from the flooding.

The shop I bought my soy sauce from had also been flooded but they had managed to reopen.

I spent half my life in the town and it is sad to see it like that now. Councils, the environment agency, government, residents and business owners in towns at risk like this need to have a complete rethink. They can't keep just pumping out flooded premises every couple of years. The solution has to be a combination of better upland water storage, better valley flood defences, and better water-protection measures for buildings in the flood zones. Some of the businesses are already up and running again. Others took a year last time. It wasn't just due to where they were.

Plans to extend the ride into something more exciting were shelved and I settled for a 10 mile round trip. I'll try and get longer rides in later in the week.


World class procrastinator

I needed to get out to do something about feeling stressy and anxious. It was darned cold out there but I went anyway. For some reason, Eric the bike, decided we were going up Convalesence Hill. I got 1/3 of the way up, stuffed my gears a bit and nearly fell off but managed to wobble a lot and stay upright. Nobody saw so that was OK.
I just did the same block as yesterday and then headed down to the viewpoint and met Hubster, who had the dogs. Walked around the block with the dogs, then rode home again.
10.13 miles in 48 mins or so. I still cannot feel my right thumb and Hubster had to rescue me as I got stuck in my lid. Cuppa now :smile:


World class procrastinator
I have been slacking due to Christmas/NY travels, a chest cold, and family visits up here. In fact, I had only ridden 2 miles since doing a half metric century on 20th December. I have been feeling a lot better the past couple of days and have stopped coughing so it was time to make the effort to go out. I didn't fancy anything too energetic though so I was pleased to get a call from a friend in Hebden Bridge asking if I fancied meeting her at a cafe there for lunch. I wanted to see how the town is recovering from the recent flooding, and I also wanted to buy a bottle of the soy sauce that I like so I agreed to ride over.

My mind was back in cycling mode 30 seconds after setting off. My legs could feel their 3 week lay-off but soon got into it. My lungs were more reluctant and were crying "Cough, splutter, blimey, that air is cold - you don't really want more oxygen do you?" :laugh:

When I arrived in Hebden Bridge, it was obvious that the town centre IS badly damaged. The Co-op is the main supermarket for the town and that was completely trashed by the flood waters. They have a temporary shop in their car park. I saw lots and lots of other closed down shops, estate agents, banks etc. There was a large hand-painted sign in the window of the LBS (Blazing Saddles) which had clearly been badly hit - something along the lines of 'Proud to live and work in this great little town'.

The cafe that we went to had reopened but we there was a damp, musty smell from the flooding.

The shop I bought my soy sauce from had also been flooded but they had managed to reopen.

I spent half my life in the town and it is sad to see it like that now. Councils, the environment agency, government, residents and business owners in towns at risk like this need to have a complete rethink. They can't keep just pumping out flooded premises every couple of years. The solution has to be a combination of better upland water storage, better valley flood defences, and better water-protection measures for buildings in the flood zones. Some of the businesses are already up and running again. Others took a year last time. It wasn't just due to where they were.

Plans to extend the ride into something more exciting were shelved and I settled for a 10 mile round trip. I'll try and get longer rides in later in the week.
How about telling Brussells to do one and start dredging the rivers again. I reckon that might help.
Ridden most day s so far this year, but they're generally commutes so not exciting enough to warrant putting here! The miles are ticking along though.

HDW meet on Staines Bridge don't they, and meet at the boathouse on Chertsey Lane? Only a mile from me I've often thought of joining, but the 54 miles at that pace is too much for me at the moment. Do they do a slower/shorter run?
@cosmicbike Yes they meet at Staines Bridge 9.15 Sunday mornings - Check this page at the website to cover the occasional variation in time

There is often a shorter option - which we did yesterday - but you can expect over 40 miles
Speed is typically 16 mph, but in a group, provided you tuck in it's easier than you think



I needed to get out to do something about feeling stressy and anxious. It was darned cold out there but I went anyway. For some reason, Eric the bike, decided we were going up Convalesence Hill. I got 1/3 of the way up, stuffed my gears a bit and nearly fell off but managed to wobble a lot and stay upright. Nobody saw so that was OK.
I just did the same block as yesterday and then headed down to the viewpoint and met Hubster, who had the dogs. Walked around the block with the dogs, then rode home again.
10.13 miles in 48 mins or so. I still cannot feel my right thumb and Hubster had to rescue me as I got stuck in my lid. Cuppa now :smile:



Legendary Member
I have been slacking due to Christmas/NY travels, a chest cold, and family visits up here. In fact, I had only ridden 2 miles since doing a half metric century on 20th December. I have been feeling a lot better the past couple of days and have stopped coughing so it was time to make the effort to go out. I didn't fancy anything too energetic though so I was pleased to get a call from a friend in Hebden Bridge asking if I fancied meeting her at a cafe there for lunch. I wanted to see how the town is recovering from the recent flooding, and I also wanted to buy a bottle of the soy sauce that I like so I agreed to ride over.

My mind was back in cycling mode 30 seconds after setting off. My legs could feel their 3 week lay-off but soon got into it. My lungs were more reluctant and were crying "Cough, splutter, blimey, that air is cold - you don't really want more oxygen do you?" :laugh:

When I arrived in Hebden Bridge, it was obvious that the town centre IS badly damaged. The Co-op is the main supermarket for the town and that was completely trashed by the flood waters. They have a temporary shop in their car park. I saw lots and lots of other closed down shops, estate agents, banks etc. There was a large hand-painted sign in the window of the LBS (Blazing Saddles) which had clearly been badly hit - something along the lines of 'Proud to live and work in this great little town'.

The cafe that we went to had reopened but we there was a damp, musty smell from the flooding.

The shop I bought my soy sauce from had also been flooded but they had managed to reopen.

I spent half my life in the town and it is sad to see it like that now. Councils, the environment agency, government, residents and business owners in towns at risk like this need to have a complete rethink. They can't keep just pumping out flooded premises every couple of years. The solution has to be a combination of better upland water storage, better valley flood defences, and better water-protection measures for buildings in the flood zones. Some of the businesses are already up and running again. Others took a year last time. It wasn't just due to where they were.

Plans to extend the ride into something more exciting were shelved and I settled for a 10 mile round trip. I'll try and get longer rides in later in the week.

It's sad to hear how bad things are up there and I hope the weather can relent and let people try to recover bit by bit
How about telling Brussells to do one and start dredging the rivers again. I reckon that might help.

From what I've been reading dredging is part of the problem.

Anyway,usual A10 roll in helped though by the awesome new Exposure front light,nice wide beam and no-one flashed me so obviously the dip beam works.

After yesterdays sad news(put a downer on my B-day)thought I'd give the ride an appropriate title on Strava;

Old jon

Two days off. Sunday intentional, cinema, drinks, meal. Yesterday morning the shower switch went on strike, so after checking that it was the switch, off I went to buy a replacement. That and fitting it took most of the daylight hours. So, this morning, off I go. Decision already made, confirmed when I felt the weather, a brisk trip to Otley and back was indicated. No side journeys and no hanging about for sandwich eating, OK I ate half of one before the cold got to my fingers then gloves back on and away I pedalled. By the time I reached home I had covered 26.8 comfortable miles. Gloves, new and brilliantly warm, £10 in TKMaxx, thinsulate skiing gloves I reckon, windproof but not waterproof, which is a shame. Never mind. The other shame is that I cannot seem to turn on the little video camera when wearing them, so you are all spared that. For today.
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