Your ride today....

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Über Member
Set off for a quick 20 miles today but ended up doing 32, despite the average temperature of 0C!

Could be mistaken for a summer's day.



Its okay to be white
With last years painful black ice incident still fresh in my mind I did all I could to avoid a repeat today including going out later, choosing a flattish route to avoid big downhills & even walking around one wet & glistening looking corner & thankfully despite a few scary moments I made it in one piece!

Sticking to relatively main roads to start, I still wasn't convinced that they had been gritted so caution was the order of the day as I made my way up to the north of the New Forest & my dilemma, how to get back down the hill at Godshill as I knew the side roads always have standing water & won't have been gritted & the main road has a nasty bend & may have been gritted? Carefully down the main road it was & onto the flat but still wet roads down to Ringwood where my walking episode took place on a particularly sharp damp bend with little room for error.

Ringwood down to Brangore was on country lanes before hitting the forest roads again which were generally dryer & in better condition as I made my way to Burley & the southern half of the forest, past Sway & onto Pilley, Boldre & Norleywood before heading for home via Beaulieu Road & Colbury.

63 mostly enjoyable miles but it was hard work concentrating on every single damp looking bend & I'm starting to prefer rain!!

Apologies for the lack of descent photos but a) I didn't want to brake unless I had to & b) it was too cold to keep taking my gloves off! :cold:


Frozen ponds even at 2pm!

Looking across to the Isle of Wight

The usual wildlife pic!

Special thanks to DHB, Castelli, Northwave & Buff for keeping me warm.
23 miles today in the cold - couldn't do more due to being on call this weekend, but layered up and was nice and toasty. Beautiful day for it. Second ride out on the new Giant and this time, with the saddle lower, i didn't get any pain in my achilles thankfully. The bike is just brilliant. I had to outsprint a nasty old German Shepherd that chased me for about 100m. Pesky thing.



At last the first ride of the year for me as I have been recovering from a chest infection. A 10am start and 1 degree C so the plan was keep to the coast line and avoid any icy roads. A quick run down the busy North Gower road before switching to the lanes running across the marshlands at the head of the estuary and joining the millennium coastal path running through Loughour, Llanelli, BurryPort and Pembrey before returning the same route. A flat 32 miler and wind free day made it a relatively easy ride, but in this cold I'll take that, and its also my first points on the board for the half century challenge.

View of Llanelli coastal Path

View of Bay Bach (baby bay) with its sculptured headland and distant view of the North Gower coast across the Loughour estuary.


A 0 degree ride, I think I timed my weekend ride perfectly, having checked the forecast, I left in the sunshine and returned just as the snow was starting to stick. Only 18 miles, out through Walkden, Farnworth , Kearsley , Agecroft , Whitefield , back through Prestwich , Agecroft, Swinton. I don't think I burned off all the calories from last night's curry but there were a few steep hills to warm up the legs. Glad there was no wind!


World class procrastinator

This year I am determined to join in with the Metric Half Century thing. Weather, apathy and a filthy cold has slowed me down a bit over the last week and I've not been out since that wee 10 miler last Monday.

The sun was shining and I was all warm after a nice walk with the dogs for an hour or so, up to the viewing point and back. Running up and down the beach trying to encourage our Greyhound that he did want a run today cos he ain't getting one tonight, I've seen the forecast. I suggested to Hubster that we go for a ride, he said "Yeah, OK then" so I stuck while the iron was hot, lobbed his cycling longs at him and said 'let's go'.

We rode a nice little 18 mile loop out to Kirton then towards Brightwell on to Bucklesham and back. We took it steady as I don't believe it was 5 degrees out there at all on account of their being some ice on the puddles. I was feeling pretty good so once home, I dashed in to the loo (took a never ending phone call from someone wanting guitar lessons "I'm in the middle of a bike ride and I've got 14 miles to go before I get home - losing the light - It's freezing out here - really need to go, teacher will be in touch tonight - no not immediately I'm 14 miles from home out on my bicycle - no, I don't carry a laptop so cannot email him. Can't email him from phone, it's freezing out here I would have to take my gloves off - snowing! Yes it is - no, not in Norwich I live in Suffolk, different weather here"(big lies but I wanted him off the phone). 8 Bloody minutes :banghead: Normally delighted to talk to guitarists.)

I hopped back on bike and headed off up to Old Felixstowe and headed along my 'round the block' ride but turned left at a junction instead of straight on, for no other reason than I'd not been down there before and wanted to see where it went. Back up the the cliff tops. Not a huge surprise there. Rode the 'round the block' ride properly until Walton then turned right up to the Sausage Shop roundabout, all the way round and back home via Old Felixstowe (again) and along the prom & Sea Road when the prom got a bit busy.

Got home 10 mins before Hubster left for dialysis. He was told to stay put and keep the phone with him as the temperature was dropping like a rock and I was worried that if I came off and hurt myself, that I'd get home and be locked out. I told him that I had no key with me and he was to not leave for dialysis until I got home.

32.27 miles or 51.9km in 2:30. First 18 miles a whole lot slower than the 14 after. Hubster wants to do the half metric century as well, so it looks like I'll be doing a second one this month. We shall see how his resolve lasts :smile:

Feet have defrosted. Yay. My MTB boots are fabulous but the last 2 miles my feet seemed to freeze. I blame the prom.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Another cold but bright day. Steve E. organised the meet with Sara P. and me in the Green. Julian H. would be at Upton. On our way over to meet Jules a huffing and puffing Mark L. caught up with us. He'd not said he would attend or we would have waited. All good tho'.

Jules wasn't his normal self so he peeled off at Castlemorton to head back home. So back to 4 again. As we headed for Clencher's Mill a sheep attempted to charge through the hedge several times to avoid us. Never heard of stock proof hedging and obviously didn't remember how to reverse the escape route. A farmer chap appeared and grabbed it so I'm sure it was returned to its field.

DeLilah's had only one bowl of soup left but three riders who fancied it. Steve and I opted for beans on toast so Mark was the lucky one. Then it was time for the run to Colwall and the climb of The Wyche. I think time off the bike compounded by Christmas feasting shows mostly on these climbs. Mark's climbing is always hard for him. At least I didn't huff and puff quite so much.
Chilly club ride this morning,short detour as we missed the turning for the cafe stop:rolleyes:;nice place though with a particularly nice bakewell slice:hungry:.

Not the fastest ever club ride but very enjoyable with the roads being better than we all thought they would be;also kept nice and cosy with only the toes being cold.Fingers were chilly to start but warmed up with the Castello chiba gloves keeping the cold air at bay,a :thumbsup: to the Sportful Fiandre/norain bib tights too.


Never used Über Member
Two minds about today, due to the sub-zero temperatures, so decided to have a rare ride out on the hybrid with it's wider and treaded tyres.
As I was going mainly off road, decided to wear my new Altura MTB shorts but what about my lower legs in these arctic conditions? No problem - Mrs ND got me a winter pack from Planet X that included some 365 knee warmers - they'd be idea.
Put them on under the shorts and they didn't feel overly secure but I thought they'd be fine.
Faffed about for ages getting ready (for reasons I still can't explain) but eventually set off and by the end of the street I felt the first knee warmer sliding down. By the next junction the second one was on it's way to join it...bah! Back home to change (0.42 miles done).
Out again with leg wear that stayed in place and no firm plan about where to go. By heck it was cold.:cold:
Out through Cross Gates, then up towards Thorp Park. At the turning onto the bridleway (NCN R66) all the cycleway signs have been removed and then further on the bridleway has been closed by the site developers with no diversion signs, so had a bit of a mooch before retracing my steps and taking an old route across the site. I'll report both these issues via FixMyStreet as they need sorting.
Back onto the bridleway and the run up to the M1 bridge. Across then the long descent down through the woods to where the tarmac road starts again. Only the odd ice patch on the ground, which was nicely firm under the wheels.
Left at the end, then left again onto Nanny Goat lane and up past the stables and then onto the bridleway to head back under the M1.
This would have been VERY muddy if not for being frozen - as it was I was cycling on sheet ice between the ruts in the mud, sometimes breaking through to the mud and puddles beneath, sometimes flexing the surface. Good fun though!
Down to the farm, then Barnbow Lane, over Cock Beck and right onto the bridleway across Garforth Golf Course. Again, the frost / ice saved this from being a mud bath and there were only a couple of hardy golfists out on the course. Past the farm shop and out up Ellis Lane, across Long Lane and onto NCN R66 again and up to Parlington Woods.
Again, firm ground beneath my wheels to start with just intermittent ice, but as i got into the woods proper it got muddier and icier (is that a word?) and there were a couple of inches of standing water through the haunted tunnel.:biggrin:
Onwards towards Aberford through the woods, slipping and sliding here and there but keeping going.
Out of the woods and the descent down to the village was very icy and the only place I encountered a numpty - walking his dog, him on the right of the path, dog (on a lead) on the left. He was facing me, can't have not seen me approaching for at least 100 yards but still made no effort to allow me room to pass. Given the ice I was hardly going fast but he still had to make his point didn't he? Twit.
Anyhow, back on the road and up to the Almshouses for a drink, a piece of flapjack and a photo.

Refreshed and starting to feel even colder, it was back on the bike and retracing my steps on R66.
Passed a group of horses and riders just before the tunnel and then 5 deer ran across the route about 100yds in front of me and vanished into the woods, which was quite impressive.
Back down to Long Lane, then Barwick Road for another loop along Nanny Goat Lane - stopped to let a horse and then a car pass. You can't be too careful with horses can you, especially on icy tarmac? Or cars...;)
Then the bridleway (more horses) and onto Manston Lane, then through Pendas Fields and up to home.

Just 18.3 miles today, at an average of 10.3mph which I don't suppose is bad for largely off road in muddy / icy conditions. At least I got out!

I had started the day with an inkling to to a metric half, but I don't think I had another 13 miles in my legs at that point and I was too cold to face another hour or more in the saddle.:surrender:

Tomorrow is looking like a snow (in fact it's meant to be snowing now), so it might be a lie-in and then a movie day...:laugh:
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Über Member

I had my first ride on my new-to-me road bike.
The first time I've been on a road bike in more than 40 years so I was a bit worried to say the least and taking it easy.
Until a guy on a similar bike shot by me so I put some effort in and caught him up.
I asked if I could ride with him a bit to push me along and we had a really nice 20 mile outing.

Its the first time I've ridden with someone else, so that was two firsts for me today.

I told him about CycleChat so we may get a new member too.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Snow!! :hyper:
A freezing but clear morning turned into a snowy afternoon, shame I did not have the right gear on to stay out more.
Having lost most of my commuting milage in January (took my holidays to do some sorely needed home decorating) any excuse for a ride is welcome.
I dressed warm but presentable :whistle: to ride to town to meet my auntie for lunch.
Half way there I had to stop to put my waterproof trousers on, it had started snowing slightly. This soon became a proper "must stop frequently to take pictures" snow fall :biggrin:
When I finally got to town, my auntie phones to cancel, can't blame her as she is elderly and the cold was bitter. I was ok on the tractor ice spikers bike, every revolution of the pedals feels like a mini Everest :laugh: was actually quite hot, but my jacket was not a waterproof cycling one, I was also getting a wee bit hungry so had a wee wander in town then turned back for home, via the most untreated cycling paths I could find, all adds to the fun!
Only saw another 2 cyclists, none too steady on their wheels. Discovered from Strava that they were both out in their lunch for a ride.
Joggers and canoeists on the river Clyde also out in droves while the snow was falling, it's not only us cyclists that are weird! Have to ride out again tomorrow, can't wait!
People's palace in the snow.jpg The People's Palace in Glasgow Green
canoe2.jpg Water sports in the snow
River path.jpg Cycling path along the Clyde path.jpg
shawfield.jpg Reluctantly, I'm almost home.
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Snow!! :hyper:
A freezing but clear morning turned into a snowy afternoon, shame I did not have the right gear on to stay out more.
Having lost most of my commuting milage in January (took my holidays to do some sorely needed home decorating) any excuse for a ride is welcome.
I dressed warm but presentable :whistle: to ride to town to meet my auntie for lunch.
Half way there I had to stop to put my waterproof trousers on, it had started snowing slightly. This soon became a proper "must stop frequently to take pictures" snow fall :biggrin:
When I finally got to town, my auntie phones to cancel, can't blame her as she is elderly and the cold was bitter. I was ok on the tractor ice spikers bike, every revolution of the pedals feels like a mini Everest :laugh: was actually quite hot, but my jacket was not a waterproof cycling one, I was also getting a wee bit hungry so had a wee wander in town then turned back for home, via the most untreated cycling paths I could find, all adds to the fun!
Only saw another 2 cyclists, none too steady on their wheels. Discovered from Strava that they were both out in their lunch for a ride.
Joggers and canoeists on the river Clyde also out in droves while the snow was falling, it's not only us cyclists that are weird! Have to ride out again tomorrow, can't wait!
View attachment 116087 The People's Palace in Glasgow Green
View attachment 116089 Water sports in the snow
View attachment 116090 Cycling path along the Clyde View attachment 116091
View attachment 116092 Reluctantly, I'm almost home.
Showed my fiancé your photos as he grew up in Cumbernauld and his first job was as a technician for Glasgow loonie-versity. He never went near the Peoples Palace as it was apparently a rough area when he was there. He did say that he and a school friend used to go to the greyhound racing at Shawfield.

Archeress x


Legendary Member
Decided it was time for the Cube to get a proper outing on a mixture of surfaces. Started with a short road section, then a bridleway, back on road to what I thought was a public right of way, but has got a full metal gate (locked and no way round) blocking the route so I had to double back and went along Felixstowe seafront, skirted the docks and up another bridleway towards home. From there, it was round to Falkenham where I stopped for a quick natter with my mum & stepdad who were just returning from a walk in the area, and down yet another bridleway to the river wall. It then got very muddy & slippy along the river wall path - to the extent that I decided it was safer to walk after I found myself sliding towards the edge of the path and the silty river below. Once I regained solid ground at Felixstowe Ferry, I headed back inland and took the reverse trip along the first bridleway, and continued off road back to the road back to Falkenham, looped round there and Kirton before heading home.

27 miles in perfect weather conditions and finished off with a hot shower and hot chocolate. I now have one very muddy bike to clean tomorrow morning, although I took the sensible precaution of removing the worst of the mud from the front dérailleur mechanism before putting the bike away.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I managed an estimated 18 miles today. I say estimated as my computer's battery died half way along, so i guessed the remaining miles, though i've done that route umpteen times before so i'm probably right. I kept to the main roads which were gritted. The snow came down with force at one point. I had to look out for those idiots who like to throw snowballs at passing cars, spotting ME and taking aim. Luckily all attempts missed me.
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