Your ride today....

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Now Then
NE Derbyshire
Hang on in there Galaxy, spring is not too far away. Think Snowdrops and bluebells as you ride in the woods. :-)


Über Member
Saffron Walden
Took advantage of the little bit of sun that's was forecast from 11 - 1pm to go out for a nice steady ride and the first real ride of the year. Last week's was just a bit of fresh air.

11.5 miles around the country lanes few heavy sharp showers boarding on what felt like hail stones even with my buff over my face glasses on and a beanie under the helmet.

Suprisingly I didn't find it too cold and it seems as if the turbo has paid off a little as I seem to be able to conquer the hills without stopping mid way. Granted still have to stop to catch my breath at the top of a couple of them but it's a good sign that my fitness levels are getting better.


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Good club ride today and an added bit to complete the Strava Fondo and the first metric century of the year.

Garmin played up again with the auto-pause even with a different set of sensors so a reset might be needed for the head unit.

Some classic driving today;old biddy pulled out in front of the group and two near head-ons with bods overtaking plus some abuse from some members of the local 'travelling' community.

Cafe stop at river tea rooms St Ives;


Old jon

Almost did not go out, but the rain lightened a bit. The good gloves were dry, no excuse to linger. The round of Holbeck leaves me pointing roughly along Great George Street, and an easy left onto Crown Point Road means I get to choose a route towards Wetherby. I have been using the east of the main drag route lately, this morning confirmed the habit. Oakwood Clock seems to be compulsory, any other road than Roundhay hmm, have to think on that. Anyway, Boot Hill, right onto the three lanes and through Thorner, bounce off Bramham and along to Wetherby. Have a look . . .

A bite to eat and home via the A 58 to complete 31.5 cold miles.
The worring thing is the daffs are out already in our garden.
The Daffodils are out? :laugh:
Oh should have added that one of the group had a major mechanical with the rear mech hanger breaking and his mech ending in his rear wheel:ohmy:

Luckily happened at slow speed but a bit worrying on a few months old bike.


Never used Über Member
Not one, but three weather apps stated it would be dry until 11am this morning, then there would be a chance of a shower before being dry until the sunset.
So up early and out Just after 8.30 to get a half century in before that shower showed itself...

There's no getting away from it, it was a grey morning. Low unbroken cloud and while not misty, there was probably no more than half a mile of visibility.
Still it was dry, the wind was light and I'd layered up just about right, so all was good, eh?

Up to Scholes, then on to Barwick and a quick run down to the bridge over Cock Beck before a slightly slower climb up Cattle Lane. Through Aberford and then up towards Lotherton Hall. Took the road towards Sherburn from there and then left up the sharp rise towards Saxton.
Through the village and out up the hill and on to the road to Towton. Shamefully there was a fly tipping on the verges just before Towton - clearly someone has just bought a big screen TV but couldn't be bothered to take the packaging to the tip, amongst other things...:cursing:
Along to Tadcaster, past the still closed road to Ulleskelf, then left at the lights before taking Garnett Lane to add an extra mile or two on before heading to Bramham.
Right at the top of the village to go down the Windmill, setting a new fastest speed (for me) on the bike of 41.3 mph. Childish but good fun :whistle:
Into Clifford, then right down to the last turning for Boston Spa. Over the river to Thorp Arch and then right onto Church Causeway towards Walton.
As I reached Walton the heavens opened :rain: Not a slightly early shower, but proper pouring rain. Blooming weather forecasters. Daffodills the lot of them. :cursing:

Past a bus shelter with around a dozen ramblers sheltering in it, then a left towards Wetherby.
At this point I decided I'd settle for a metric, rather than imperial half this morning as I was getting soaked, so took the left back towards Thorp Arch and over the river to Boston Spa. Quick left / right then back to Clifford and on towards Bramham, where I stopped at the first bus shelter I'd seen since Walton to put my waterproof jacket on. Better late then never...even with a leaky roof. (Apologies for the poor photo but it's the best i could manage without taking my gloves off)

Set off and immediately heard a noise from the front of the bike - something catching? Had I knocked the mudguard while in the bus shelter?
100 yards down the road was another bus shelter (amazing isn't it? you wait ages for a bus shelter and then two come along together!) so I stopped again and had a look but couldn't see anything obvious so decided to push on and sort it at home out of the rain.
Up Town Hill, then looped back round and headed towards Thorner. Through the dip at Wothersome and just as I started the ascent at the other side, I went to change down at the front and the blooming chain came off. Goodness and botheration I said as I ground to a halt. :eek:
Propped the bike up against a wall, resisting the temptation to throw it into the woods and leave it there, and put the chain back on.
An easy fix and just as well as I was passed by a group of about 10 riders while sorting it, not one of whom asked if I was OK. Thanks guys...perhaps they were all golfers who'd taken up cycling after reading that BBC article :dry:
Up the hill and on to Thorner, then the drag up to Skeltons Lane and down to home.

34.52 miles (55.55km) in 2hrs 24m at an average of 14.4mph with 1455ft climbed, so that's another entry in the Half Century challenge. :smile:
Although I'd fallen slightly out of love with cycling during the latter half of the ride, the bike is sorted and cleaned now - I've even fitted my new Rockbros bell - and I've dried out so the world is a better place again. ;)


Not sure what to do tomorrow yet - the Met Office have given out a yellow warning for rain, but a different weather app states it will be dry...:scratch:
Not one, but three weather apps stated it would be dry until 11am this morning, then there would be a chance of a shower before being dry until the sunset.
So up early and out Just after 8.30 to get a half century in before that shower showed itself...

There's no getting away from it, it was a grey morning. Low unbroken cloud and while not misty, there was probably no more than half a mile of visibility.
Still it was dry, the wind was light and I'd layered up just about right, so all was good, eh?

Up to Scholes, then on to Barwick and a quick run down to the bridge over Cock Beck before a slightly slower climb up Cattle Lane. Through Aberford and then up towards Lotherton Hall. Took the road towards Sherburn from there and then left up the sharp rise towards Saxton.
Through the village and out up the hill and on to the road to Towton. Shamefully there was a fly tipping on the verges just before Towton - clearly someone has just bought a big screen TV but couldn't be bothered to take the packaging to the tip, amongst other things...:cursing:
Along to Tadcaster, past the still closed road to Ulleskelf, then left at the lights before taking Garnett Lane to add an extra mile or two on before heading to Bramham.
Right at the top of the village to go down the Windmill, setting a new fastest speed (for me) on the bike of 41.3 mph. Childish but good fun :whistle:
Into Clifford, then right down to the last turning for Boston Spa. Over the river to Thorp Arch and then right onto Church Causeway towards Walton.
As I reached Walton the heavens opened :rain: Not a slightly early shower, but proper pouring rain. Blooming weather forecasters. Daffodills the lot of them. :cursing:

Past a bus shelter with around a dozen ramblers sheltering in it, then a left towards Wetherby.
At this point I decided I'd settle for a metric, rather than imperial half this morning as I was getting soaked, so took the left back towards Thorp Arch and over the river to Boston Spa. Quick left / right then back to Clifford and on towards Bramham, where I stopped at the first bus shelter I'd seen since Walton to put my waterproof jacket on. Better late then never...even with a leaky roof. (Apologies for the poor photo but it's the best i could manage without taking my gloves off)
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Set off and immediately heard a noise from the front of the bike - something catching? Had I knocked the mudguard while in the bus shelter?
100 yards down the road was another bus shelter (amazing isn't it? you wait ages for a bus shelter and then two come along together!) so I stopped again and had a look but couldn't see anything obvious so decided to push on and sort it at home out of the rain.
Up Town Hill, then looped back round and headed towards Thorner. Through the dip at Wothersome and just as I started the ascent at the other side, I went to change down at the front and the blooming chain came off. Goodness and botheration I said as I ground to a halt. :eek:
Propped the bike up against a wall, resisting the temptation to throw it into the woods and leave it there, and put the chain back on.
An easy fix and just as well as I was passed by a group of about 10 riders while sorting it, not one of whom asked if I was OK. Thanks guys...perhaps they were all golfers who'd taken up cycling after reading that BBC article :dry:
Up the hill and on to Thorner, then the drag up to Skeltons Lane and down to home.

34.52 miles (55.55km) in 2hrs 24m at an average of 14.4mph with 1455ft climbed, so that's another entry in the Half Century challenge. :smile:
Although I'd fallen slightly out of love with cycling during the latter half of the ride, the bike is sorted and cleaned now - I've even fitted my new Rockbros bell - and I've dried out so the world is a better place again. ;)

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Not sure what to do tomorrow yet - the Met Office have given out a yellow warning for rain, but a different weather app states it will be dry...:scratch:
We seem to have had the storm now, hopefully will be fine for tomorrow's club run
Blooming heck, where do I start :-(

Not been out since 26/11/15 due to weather and a foot injury...itching to get out and a mate who mountain bikes but got a CX over Christmas wanted to go for a gentle tootle so off we set...everything was fine for first 16 miles (other than new Garmin recording a separate 2.2 mile ride but that was user error)...anyway, came to a turning, right would add about 20 mins onto time, and it was already beginning to get a little dusky and he had no lights, so we decided to take the 'straight ahead' route, past the 'ROAD CLOSED' signs! The road has been closed for 18 months but is due to open in 2 weeks so we thought how bad can it be?

So, after 15 yards we spot a large puddle/lake, about 10 yards long, n/k how deep but we could see the white lines of the road so went through it, only to (inevitably) find in the middle of it the water came up to our calfs, soaked feet we continued, surely that was the worst of it....100 yards further down the road, another sign "ROAD CLOSED" and 6 tractor tyres blocking the way..ha, thats nothing to us, climbed over them with bikes on our backs etc only to realise when we put the bikes down the he had a puncture on back tyre (obviously from whatever nasties lurked in that puddle).

15 mins later, its fixed and on our way...actually no, he had 2 punctures, so took another 30 minutes locating it (was now the dark side of dusky!) and fixing it (remember we both had freezing soaking wet feet, the temperature had dropped and wind started as well, thank goodness it wasn't raining!), cycling along and thinking the road meets where we want to be soon, its just round the we go round the corner to be met with a 30 yard ditch, completely covering the road, about a 5 ft drop to the water in it and god knows how much deeper after that..look at each other and say, we need to turn back but neither of us can face going through that water again that we saw at the start, so ended up crawling (yes, with bikes) under trees to the extreme edge of the ditch, one slip and we were in it...anyway, eventually made it to the other side..haha, what could go wrong now!

Cycled for 250 yards and then just came up (in the pitch black by this point) a wall of earth about 6 ft high right across the road, kinda scrambled to the to of that to see the main crossing that all the plant vehicles had been using, in other words 15 yards of the boggiest wettest thickest grimiest mud you had ever seen...both looked at each other and said "we have come this far"...and started trying to cross it...probably took 20 minutes, soon as you put your foot down you lost a shoe the gunk was so squelchy, and then had to climb up another 6 foot wall of this earth at the other end...was horrendous, the state we (and our bikes were in, bah)...after that a relatively easy ride home, only 2 more obstacles were in the way, 4 8 foot cement blocks but fortunately some more tractor tyres in front so we could climb over, and then an absolutely impassible wall of earth but fortunately the side we could just squeeze through (underneath the barbed wire but by this time could care less!).

Garmin completely cut out where we stopped for a puncture, have to try and find out why, and feel like I have done a 'proper'; cyclocross today.

I'll know next time to
a) understand "Road closed" signs are probably there for a reason, and it probably applies to bikes as much as cars
b) Councils lie when the give dates for roads opening (not a chance in hell that road will be open in to weeks)
c) there is no such thing as "we have come this far..." no, no,no, just turn back!
c) learn to use new Christmas presents (Garmin) before you go out with them

Sure I'll laugh about it tomorrow, whether my bike, shoes, and clothes wlil ever laugh about it not so sure !!

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