Your ride today....

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I went out on the Wednesday "slow ride" today. There were about 15 of us seeing it was a decent weather forecast, We set off from Whalley then went down the A59 then turned off to go through all these little villages and hamlets ( I can't remember any of the names :blush:)ending up in Airton near Settle. We had a 30 minute cafe stop, i bought a pork pie and a coffee. They wanted £1.30, to eat the pie outside and £2.50 to eat it in the cafe, so i said i'd eat it outside then had it inside while they weren't looking :okay:. Then we headed back home more or less the same way. We did 55 miles in 4 hours 2 minutes.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Haven't posted about my first ride on my new CX bike but I went out for a slightly longer ride few days ago to test it.

When I went in for measuring at Dolans office, I was advised to get a 56cm frame. We went through all the usual stuff and a bike was ordered. A few weeks later I still hadn't heard anything so contacted Dolan and got their sales director on the phone saying the person who had done my fit wasn't with the business anymore (uh-oh) and everyone who had looked at my details reckoned I should have been advised to get a 58cm frame.

My Cannondale was a 54cm frame so the jump up was a little alarming, and I did wonder if they had a shortage of 56cm's and were trying to fob me off a little with the 58cm, but they reassured me many of their mechanics had looked at my measurements and didn't understand why a 56cm was advised. So I tried it out and immediately it felt BIG! Not much room for the old man parts when free standing, but the reach felt ok-ish.

So the first ride went ok, but I wanted to try over 30-35 miles as that is where trouble usually kicks in when I havent got a good setup.

So off I went along the various parks through National Route 6, which was even boggier than the first time (pictured) but still gloriously quiet. A fantastic 6 or 7 miles up to Radcliffe.


Cutting across the M60 halfway over reminding me of the M25 crossover en route to Box Hill.


Just prior to arriving at Radcliffe, the river Irwell was showing at its banks some of the debris from the recent flooding that had impacted the area quite hard over December.


From Route 6 I went urban, heading round Radcliffe and Pilsworth until a fellow cyclist came alongside and chatted for a couple of minutes along Moss Hall Road. While he was fully road biked up, my heavier CX bike was getting to my legs a little on the tarmac so I made no attempt to keep to his pace, but was nice to have a friendly chat for a couple of minutes.

He did say the upcoming climb I was about to do was "nice". When a cyclist says a climb is nice, that is usually the point I reroute, but I was out so...

After shooting past my turn off and turning round, I stopped for pics, and to stop coughing (stupid cough) for a moment at the base of the hill.


So up to Ashworth Reservoir I went! A few steep bits slowly ground out, a few flats followed by some more steep bits. It seemed to go on for ages, and every time I was stopping for pics "near the top" I was finding out I wasn't actually near the top at all.

"Ice To See You" (<---------- Yeah, I went there).








By the time I got to the top, I was getting a bit chilly (my fault for stopping so much to take pictures!) and I missed the best shot coming over the top facing the reservoir itself (again due to taking so many photos, and too much Beatles music playing!).

So with depleted phone battery I continued, knowing the hills were mostly behind me.

Along the A680 I started getting quite bad neck ache, and 10 miles later quite a bit of lower back pain too. Something I never had with the Cannondale, and leaves me thinking something isnt right with the bike. It might be just a shorter stem required - my knees and legs were ok, so perhaps that means the frame itself is of an ok size....I need to speak with Dolan.

Anyway, back home muddied, a little damp and cool, but neck and lower back ache aside, I felt good to get out in 2016 and have found another route I can have some fun on.

Hope everyone had a great New Year, and have a great 2016.

That's a nice looking bike!:okay:
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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
A non-working day today, and at last a break in the weather. Had to stay in waiting for the gas man, so watched the 2nd test from Cape Town until the gas man had been and gone. Kept my fingers crossed, and waited for a chance.
Result! About an hour and a half of daylight left , so I legged it out the door and headed off down the lanes to Arlingham Passage. A dull grey afternoon, so no great photos today, but I took this one of what must be one of the last working ship/boat yards on the River Severn, at Newnham on Severn, opposite Arlingham. (Newnham is one of the villages I rode through on New Year's Day on my way to the Severn Bridge):

Rather than going straight home again the same way, I nipped across to Frampton on Severn (which isn't on the Severn) to Splatt Bridge on the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal. This is my usual turning point on my bread and butter 20 mile local rides. It looked a bit different today, as the line of trees on the canal bank had recently been brutally pollarded. This means that you can see the River Severn (and its flooded flood plain) in the background behind the canal. Beyond that is the peninsula that Arlingham is at the end of:

Then it was lights on time, ready for the return journey. Arrived home after dark, so was glad I'd re-charged my headlight.
Gratuitous shot of my Ridgeback:
At the third attempt this year, finally a ride that I was able to completely enjoy. Not too cold, the floods had receded, and absolutely no wind.... Bliss. That's another 27 miles today, making it 117 miles already this year.
Cheers, Donger.

Hugh Manatee

I'm sat here trying to explain to myself why this ride was 4 minutes slower than when I did it before Christmas. I suppose it is colder and I am now in Winter mode which means no big ring.

Then there is the fact I didn't pump the tyres up before I left. I'm sure I had something rubbing on the tyre, a mudguard perhaps? Then I had to slow down for a huge expanse of water that might have been a puddle or an adolecent lake.

Nothing at all to do with being fat and old, oh no!

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Another day of indoor intervals using the stationary bicycle, after meetings(bike club last night) and work(this morning). Very happy with intervals, they really help me to stretch my power a bit more than I would ordinarily on a trainer, and make time pass faster.Very cold weather forecast, so I may have to fix up the basement a bit more, make the atmosphere a bit more cheery.
Was fooled by the weather, as usual. A bright sunny pedal out to Woodlesford ( Holbeck, Hunslet, Stourton, John O' Gaunts ) and through Swillington presented me with a view of Garforth under mist. So I made a swift right turn to Great Preston, followed by a left to Kippax, straight through to find Garforth still in what turned out to be rain cloud. Out to Peckfield, turn left to find this

so to finish the 32.2 miles through Barwick and Scholes, three lanes and the 50 grin factor whizzzzzzz down Boot Hill. Wet and happy.

At least I had no rain but it was very misty at the top of Box Hill

Box Hill mist.jpg

At least I did not have to deal with rain justmist
Box Hill mist.jpg

Old jon

A video of rainy urban Leeds streets anyone? Thought not.

I went out in the rain this morning, the weather looked to be brightening a bit. Hol Beck was at the top of the original masonry along Water Lane, that is about six feet deeper than yesterday's normal level. Past the bus station and right on to Regent Street, an amazing amount of surface water everywhere. The junction at the end of Roseville Road was almost completely under water. Must be the drainage, this is a couple of miles from the river and the other side of Roundhay Road from Roundhay Beck. By the time I reached the Oakwood Clock I was still freezing and I gave up. Eight point six miles by the time I returned home and of course, the rain has stopped now, two hours later. Roll on tomorrow.


At least I had no rain but it was very misty at the top of Box Hill

View attachment 115090

At least I did not have to deal with rain justmist View attachment 115090
Been a few years since i cycled up there, to Dauphin Sport back in the day, when Tony Mills owned it, got to be over 25 yrs.


Nice ride out today..avoided the mud trail across Fitzwilliam Estate for obvious reasons lol...
beautiful clear fresh winters day..20 miles ish on my trusty Commencal Meta..still clean too..
i feel great after that..been feeling crap all week with a virus thingy..

Views across nene vally frow west of Peterborough..


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually

30 miles in the cold windy wet, then some bell end deliberately drove through a flood next to me, to splash me, I know this because I moved right into the middle of the road to get the most shallow bit, and he still went to my right. He had to stop at the roadworks round the corner, his car 'stalled' and he seemed to be having trouble locating his car keys, to re start it.


Now Then
NE Derbyshire
Got out in dry weather for a nice 30 odd miler today around NE Derbyshire including Hardwick Hall and Bolsover Castle and the I came across a new trail ( to me anyway) The Archaeological Trail an old railway type thingy. Now I should have gone with my instincts and carried on the route planned, but curiosity got the better of me, 1/4 mile in what a nice trail then as with a lot of these things after awhile it dumps you into a 1960's housing estate in Shirebrook ( yes Sports Direct infamy ) with no further signage visible, it took 3 direction requests to get back on route ( with a map ) Still if anyone is this way I can Thoroughly recommend the little cafe at the Old Pleasley Pit that is on quite a few trails. £2.20 for a mug of tea and a Bacon Cob ( roll, batch, bun etc )


Legendary Member
I'm up and cycling for 2016. Made the most of the first calm and dry Friday, in goodness knows how long, setting off after work around 4pm, with the lighter evenings starting to show their face, which is always a mood improver.

Having not been out for around 3 weeks, the legs felt a bit lethargic as I headed into Bayston Hill, but I set my fastest time on the Strava segment up Pulley Lane and so can't have been that sluggish!

Took the longer route around the village and then climbed onto Lyth Hill, before heading up the muddy and puddle strewn track to the top. It is a bit better up there now there are some drainage tracks, but it's still a messy ordeal.

Descended down to Exfords Green, with the skies properly dark now and with clear skies it was lovely to see the stars and planets shining well.

Called on Dad for few minutes for a chat and then continued on to Condover, Betton and home through the estate.

Quite a bit of rush hour traffic on the lanes, but all well behaved and giving me loads of room. Lights must work fine.

Only annoyance was that my gears were a nightmare. Not sure why they should start doing that now, but they were not shifting at all well and jumping around. I think the bike is crying out for its winter service from @Rickshaw Phil. Also my Halfords cycle computer seems to have packed up again and isn't recording anything. Strava did the job through.

15.6 miles

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I'm up and cycling for 2016. Made the most of the first calm and dry Friday, in goodness knows how long, setting off after work around 4pm, with the lighter evenings starting to show their face, which is always a mood improver.

Having not been out for around 3 weeks, the legs felt a bit lethargic as I headed into Bayston Hill, but I set my fastest time on the Strava segment up Pulley Lane and so can't have been that sluggish!

Took the longer route around the village and then climbed onto Lyth Hill, before heading up the muddy and puddle strewn track to the top. It is a bit better up there now there are some drainage tracks, but it's still a messy ordeal.

Descended down to Exfords Green, with the skies properly dark now and with clear skies it was lovely to see the stars and planets shining well.

Called on Dad for few minutes for a chat and then continued on to Condover, Betton and home through the estate.

Quite a bit of rush hour traffic on the lanes, but all well behaved and giving me loads of room. Lights must work fine.

Only annoyance was that my gears were a nightmare. Not sure why they should start doing that now, but they were not shifting at all well and jumping around. I think the bike is crying out for its winter service from @Rickshaw Phil. Also my Halfords cycle computer seems to have packed up again and isn't recording anything. Strava did the job through.

15.6 miles

The service can be arranged. With the speedometer it'll either be dirty contacts or the magnet isn't in line with the sensor - not much else to go wrong with the type you have.
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