Your ride today....

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Itching to get back on my bike's
An earlish 23 miles today , wasnt feeling the love as i went up the drive but after 3 miles with a headwind it started to come so decided i would get to the 6 mile point and either head home doing 13 miles or go straight on .

Well i went straight on and had a few little hills to deal with , we coped and then a good 6 miles with a tail wind helped and before i knew iit i was home , safe and dry .


Just come back from a jolly on my other Genesis bike,:wub:.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Not the planned ride, that was to be on the tandem but poor old Mrs Dave has bronchitis :sad:
So off I went on my lonesome into a blowy but sunny Sunday. On my way to Knapwell there were a bunch of crows picking over some road kill, one of the crows was a buzzard. He just about bothered to fly away when I was 3' away from him. Along to Elsworth and this is where it's mostly head wind for 6-7 miles. There are a couple of really exposed bits that make your eyes water....


The above shows one of them, in 100yds the hedge runs out and there ain't nowt To stop it until you go up the hill into Graveley. Once out the other end and you get more of the same, but the wind farm looks different...

There were big flocks of fieldfares around today, some quite close and standing their ground. There were plenty of kestrels too.
Back over the A428 and more quiet lanes leading to the Gransdens. The maggot farm smelling..... well, smelly today!
As I'd taken me best bike out it got a clean once home, as did my Spa. I ignored the boy wonders road bike:whistle:

31 blowy and sunny miles.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Well, that didn't go to plan....

The aim today was to get my metric century in for January (I'm not planning to do the Imperial challenge this year) so with uncertainty about the forecast weather it looked best to get out early to try and avoid the worst of the showers.

I was on the road a little before eight and relished the quiet roads through Condover and up towards Cantlop, Pitchford and Acton Burnell. I was riding against a brisk headwind and using the knockabout bike so wasn't quick, which showed when three riders overtook and just strolled away into the distance.

Near Longnor there were signs saying the road ahead was closed, but fortunately it looks like it's just been reopened and they've missed a few signs. The old Roman road was getting in a bit of a state - potholed, rough and often very muddy. Now though it has a new surface (not the best I've ridden but still nice and new), and they've worked on extra drainage too so it shouldn't get as muddy :wahhey:, for a while at least.;)

The climb up to Folly Bank (known as Bufton's Bank to you Stravaites) slowed me down again but was sheltered from the icy wind and a welcome chance to get warmed up again. At the top I thought I'd go a different way for a change so turned right and carried on climbing on the road to Willstone where there are some good views.

It's a nice descent from Willstone to Cardington but this was where things went wrong. As I went through the ford at the end of the lane my wheels just went out from under me and I got unceremoniously dunked in the brook.:sad:

Once I'd got out (at the second attempt - it was that slippery) and found I didn't appear to have hurt myself I had to make a decision about whether to carry on I was just over quarter of the way into the planned trip but now soaked down my left side and the panniers had been dunked too so that the spare layers in them were sopping. Luckily the spare gloves I had weren't wet so I could at least keep my hands from freezing but it didn't seem sensible to go on especially as I knew I'd be coming out of the shelter of the hills shortly and into that cold headwind again.

Reluctantly I decided to abandon and cut the ride short. It was easiest now to take advantage of the wind direction and have it help me home past Longville, Hughley and Kenley then to Acton Burnell again and back more or less the way I'd come.

While writing this I'm glancing out of the window at a beautifully sunny day with no sign of the showers forecast and the wind has died down so I could have had a nice run to Ludlow and back if I'd stuck to the original route planned. Pah!:angry:

32.6 miles this trip, 11.8mph average and my panniers smell like a duck pond now.


Quite a nice sunrise near Cantlop


Between Longnor and Leebotwood - fresh tarmac, new passing places and better drainage. I'm a happy cyclist.


One of my favourite places to view Caer Caradoc


On the road to Willstone.


Looking at Sham Castle. Not the best photo I'm afraid as cold hands and thick gloves don't help photography it seems.


It's turned into a beautiful day. Shame I'm a bit soggy to enjoy it.;)
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Well the 2nd KCC ride of the year for me and for the club. We had a good turnout of 16 people and we split into 3 groups of fast, inter and chilled.

I arrived on time to find @Donger, @gordyfinbar and @Frazzle waiting. @gordyfinbar went with the inters today as he said he had to be back by 12:30, but thanks to him he designed the route fir the chilled group.

Well just before setting off it started to rain, it was then Lisa said it's supposed to rain all morning. So I decided to make a quick stop at the house for my waterproof jacket.

When I got to the end of tge road the chilled group were just coming into sight.

To be honest staying off the main roads is nice as there is a lack of traffic but not good for keeping the bike clean lol. Photo later.

Out of Gloucester we headed towards Ross on Wye before turning into the back lanes before Huntley and heading towards Newent. As we were coming out on the main road before there we decided to head there for a coffee only to find all coffee shops were shut in the village.

We headed northwest and into the lanes again to loop round and come out on the Gloucester Road, there we stopped for a coffee in the Trioscape Garden Centre.

After a brief ride back into Gloucester, where my legs decided they had had enough. So this year I need to work on endurance and keep going out.

A good ride in all and it stayed mostly dry but a few hours of cleaning lye up ahead.
The ride for me was just over 31 miles. IMG_20160110_110818.jpg IMG_20160110_110720.jpg
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13 rider

Today's target was 100km to get Januarys ride in for the metric century challenge which I attempting after last years successful half century challenge .Had arranged to meet at his house at 10.00 Out at 09.00 Anstey ,Cropston, Swithland ,Woodhouse Eaves, Quorn ,Mountsorrel, Cossington and Sileby 16.8 miles done in a hour .Met mate and was looking foward to two hour steady ride as Andy been at bit of the pace recently .From mates upto Seagrave and out towards Old Dalby and into Willoughby on the Wolds .Not sure what Andy had had for Breakfast but we were flying for him. From Willoughby to Wysall .We caught three other riders coming out of the village on a long straight road .They were travelling just about at our pace a quick glance at Andy and a nod and we were off straight bye and taking turns at the front we were batting along at 22 mph and dropped the group .Got to the next junction and both of us are smiling ^_^. Through Costock ,East Leake, West Leake and Kegworth were we turned for home .Through Normanton on Soar ,Stanford on Soar ,Barrow on Soar and Sileby where Andy turned for home with 32 miles on the clock at an average of 15mph which he was well happy with his longest ride for weeks and his fastest average. So that left me with 49 miles done 8 miles from home so a long route home planned .Rothley ,Mountsorrel ,Cropston and extended loop out the back of Cropston .I as being to feel the effect of all that above average riding now so slowing . Into Anstey still a tad short so a loop round the village and Home . 62.5 miles done just enough at and average of 15 chilly but sunshine still a bit windy in places .Absolutely loads of riders out today everyone making the most of the dry weather .So Jan ride done 11 to go


Senior Member
First ride of the year. I can't believe it is the 10th already :eek: . a lovely dry sunny day so i took advantage. Only 16 mile, I wanted to do more but i left an hour later than planned and wanted to be home by 2:30 to see the grandson.
He's not here though :sad:
the trouble with sundays is the cycleway can be full of dog walkers as today.
I don't mind so much it's just the ignorant ones who block the whole path and don't make any attempt to move. Some sunday bike riders are just as bad :sad:

still I enjoyed it and I'm glad I work shifts so I can get out during the quiet week days too :biggrin:



I got a banker 103Km's in for the metric a month challenge. A very nice ride up to the museum of army flying, then back via Stockbridge and Winchester




There were a lot of dick drivers out today, the worst of whom nearly rear ended me by driving into the ASL, then when I politely enquired as to what the devil he thought he might be doing, I got a load of mouth, for being a cyclist, and holding him up.
Anyway, nice to be out in this nice (ish) weather. The spork got some more use as well.:thumbsup:


Über Member
40 miles and 2100ft of climbing this morning . Headed north west out of Gloucester in a group of 6 along the a40 before cutting north through some of the muckiest lanes I've encountered for a good while . Eventually we arrived at Newent which we skirted northward and headed to Redmarley before one of the group punctured forcing us to stop and get cold for 10 minutes before we could get going again . We soon warmed up though as we turned south towards Harpbury into a keen headwind and finally back into Gloucester via the difficult Over roundabout . Not the longest or quickest of rides but quite technical given the conditions and the relentless undulations . Fortunately the group was an experienced one so plenty of signals and calls to keep everyone safe . Garmin showed a 16mph average by the time I stepped off the bike . Missed the rain too . Result.

P.s still can't figure out how to post pics or insert links


Legendary Member
My first metric half century of 2016 and I picked a hilly one to give myself a challenge, by scaling The Wrekin from the harder direction for the first time. Having not done a big hilly ride since October it was hard going, especially into the strong breeze that seemed to be in my face for virtually the whole ride :wacko:

Set off along the cycle paths and past the Sports Village, where the 2nd day of racing in the National Cyclocross Championships was just starting, and then out onto the roads to Upton Magna. There was an awful lot of water and mud on the roads, which was to get worse as the ride went on.

I then went through Upton Forge and stopped on the bridge over the Tern for a snack and a photo.

Water everywhere!

Whilst on the bridge an Audi came storming up to the bridge, having become another victim of the Satnav error here! They looked all shocked that their way was blocked by a narrow bridge and big stone, and the female driver obviously didn't fancy the 3 point turn now required, with me looking, so swapped with the chap and he did the turn and sped off back the way they'd come from :laugh:

I continued up to Wroxeter Roman Village and then took the NCN route around through the modern Wroxeter, and came across 2 floods. The 1st was fine, but the 2nd far from it, being much longer and deeper than I thought it would be and with water up to the axle I had to dip both feet in the icy cold water and filled my shoes up :cry::cold:.

I stopped after climbing the hill the other side, bailed my shoes out and wrung some water out of my socks, but that meant feet like blocks of ice for the remaining 20 miles of the ride.

I crossed the busy Ironbridge road and climbed up to the crossroads, before turning left and the very steep but short climb up Charlton Hill, pausing at the top for a breather and a photo.

Nice sunny shot of The Wrekin

There was then a nice downhill section to Wrekin Course, which is a steady climb from this direction. I then began the serious climb of the ride, one which appears in Simon Warren's book of 100 best climbs in the UK, from the bottom of The Wrekin up to Little Wenlock. It was not very enjoyable to start with, due to a multitude of stupid drivers making a pigs ear of trying park amongst the hundreds of cars abandoned by walkers heading up The Wrekin. I negotiated them and then the initial climb through the trees isn't too bad, other than a knob head in a sick green Fiat Uno who passed me closely on a sharp bend and cut across the front of me. I try not to react these days, but he had a gesture, idiot. :cursing:

The climb then seriously ramps up once you leave the trees and boy it was hard work. 784 ft climb in 1 mile, my biggest single climb yet on a bike.

I was glad to reach the top and then enjoy the long descent to Little Wenlock and down Spout Lane. I then turned left and continued downhill on a section of new road for me, through Eaton Constantine. I paused for lunch at the crossroads before pressing on down to Cressage, crossing the A458 and the climb up Shore Lane to Harnage and Cound. There is another lumpy section to Eaton Mascott and Berrington, and I then encountered my second stupid old knob head, in a roller skate Mercedes, who squeezed past me on a very narrow section, when if he'd waited 10 seconds there was a pull in. He had a gesture and a verbal volley because it was downright bloody stupidity. Why are some drivers such complete prats with a brain the size of a pea? :cursing:

I was flagging by now and it was a slow crawl to Betton and home.

35.5 miles, 1605 ft of climbing
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