Your ride today....

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Thought I'd try some new roads to the west of Leicester so after a warm up, I crossed the hills into Coalville and went south to Ellistown and then the reservoir at Thornton. At 30 miles in, I headed east through Newtown Unthank and Kirby Muxloe and Glenfield.

At this point, I realised that the daylight was slowly drawing in and it was starting to rain. Headed back toward Anstey and then standard fare through Cossington to Barrow and Cotes to Lufbra. A few loops were needed in Lufbra to pass 50 miles for the year after sunset. A good, if frustrating ride as I forgot my new cree lamp (normal lights proving more than adequate).

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Joined my club in the 23F weather for the first ride of the year, from the cofeehouse, which was closed, to the Marriot, which was not. We took over the lobby and had coffee. I believe that was a one block ride. I also rode on the trainer as well this afternoon, after changing over to training tires and getting the Technium set up for the trainer this winter.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I started posting on this thread last New Year's Day and i did post about every ride till i was knocked off my bike in April and somehow stopped posting after that. Anyway, i intend to post my rides again starting from today. Let's hope the same doesn't happen again.;)
Nothing exiting to report. I did a 28 mile loop on one of my usual routes. The wind was bitter and my fingers were feeling the pain halfway through but i had to complete my new year ride. I'm happy to start my year with a decent ride instead of doing the usual exercise bike or turbo trainer stint instead.


Senior Member
New years eve/New years morning ride....

Ten of us set out from the art gallery in walsall at around 11pm with a plan of riding upto birmingham city centre and back via the canal through darlaston, tipton etc. We got to Birmingham within 1hr30 mins, then headed back to walsall, took just 1 hour on the way back. Five of us decided that wasnt enough of a ride and put the bikes in the van and set off in a little bit of a mini convoy (1 van, 1 car told you it was mini) to Cannock chase. We rode around, got very muddy and after 30 miles we decided to call it a night. Total of 60 miles done by myself. Biggest ride to date (if you can call two seperate rides in 24 hours that?).

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Well done everyone on their efforts today - I had my first ever off today 12km into my proposed 60km ride today. Coming up to a roundabout and I hit black ice and hit the deck hard. A grazed hip and ankle were all the injuries I sustained but the bike didn't get off so lightly. My front dérailleur ended up bent down towards the rear wheel and my left pedal is all scraped.

Called it a day right there and then and cycled home with my tail between my legs.

Happy New Year.
Slightly late but, I'm sorry to hear about that. I imagine it'll ache a bit this morning.

Hope you and the bike are sorted quickly.:okay:


Senior Member
just a few laps around hatherton lake this morning. feeling rough xx(:sad:

Just a short one. It rained a lot, but the wind calmed down and it was very mild. I decided that grip and safety were more important than puncture resistance today, so I put the Triban on the GP4000sII's and crossed my fingers. They didn't puncture today:okay:. Then the bike got a shower, cos it was properly dirty.

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Just a short one. It rained a lot, but the wind calmed down and it was very mild. I decided that grip and safety were more important than puncture resistance today, so I put the Triban on the GP4000sII's and crossed my fingers. They didn't puncture today:okay:. Then the bike got a shower, cos it was properly dirty.
That looks like a nice route. I'm seriously thinking of bringing my bike next time I visit my parents. (I'd have to ask their neighbour to help me get it out of the car and put the wheel back on.)


First ride of the new year, as part of the 50km per month challenge (which, is good otherwise I'd still be in cycling hibernation until at least March)

Fairly eventful for me:
  • Had a small off after about 3km, was only doing about 5mph when the front wheel went from under me as I turned a corner on the riverfront cycle path, it was just a little greasy I think. No damage to the bike, a shin scrape for me from the pedal, not the most encouraging start!
  • About 20 km in I had a flat :sad:, shouldn't have been a problem except that when I sorted out my tool kit I forgot to put the tyre levers back in (how daft did I feel). Thought I could use a fairly blunt attachment on the multitool, wrong, I did get the tyre off but had two punctures to content with now. Managed to fix it and plodded on for 10km or so, then the tyre went down again.
I seem to have learnt a new skill, getting the tyre off with my hands and without the levers (not one I ever intend to use again - put the damn levers in the tool bag). It wasn't a poor repair (my first thought), it was another hole. Fixed that and checked the tyre very thoroughly this time, there was the smallest piece of flint embedded in it and that must have caused the flat, another lesson learnt, be meticulous when checking tyres!

The rest of the ride was thankfully issue free albeit a bit blustery and damp, that said I really enjoyed if for some reason...^_^

Old jon

After yesterday's freeze ride I thought about and wore another layer, and when the rain started at the Oakwood Clock I took off the mid layer and put the waterproof back on. Plenty warm like that. On to Boot Hill, Red Hall, Skeltons and Thorner lanes to Thorner then Bramham which I looped around for a change and a video:-

Then along West Woods Lane to the first roundabout, off to Collingham and homewards along the A 58. To finish the 29.5 miles with a flourish, some observant young lad sounded his horn a few times then overtook me on the inside and told me 'There is a cycle path over there you know.' There is kind.
That looks like a nice route. I'm seriously thinking of bringing my bike next time I visit my parents. (I'd have to ask their neighbour to help me get it out of the car and put the wheel back on.)
It's the direct and quick version. There are so many really nice ways to do that route, but they involve the small back tracks around Sparsholt and Farley Mount, and they were mostly difficult to impassable today.
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