Your ride today....

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I did another 12.28 miles on the turbo, while watching the darts, and ski jumping on the telly.:okay:
Yes I did about 14, did some intervals


My first ride of the year and first club ride also.

It didn't start well with my Garmin not being charged and having to use Strava on my phone.

6 people out today including @Donger and @gordyfinbar. Due to weather it was decided that we should keep it short.

The weather wasn't the only thing I was battling as I've had a bad back over the new year. We got to Fretherine church and I decided to stop and stretch and see if I could ease my back. I let one of the others know and to tell the others. They were heading down to a dead end so had to come back.

On the way back the weather turned and @Donger told the others to speed on ahead if they wanted to and we would be OK.

We basically retraced our route but changed the end due to a heavy battering by the wind. At one time we hardly felt as though we were moving!

In the end it was a tad over 22 miles fir me.

Well glad to get the first ride under my belt and start the year. No matter how long or short it's a start.


Never used Über Member
The forecast for this morning gave a window of between 2 and 4 hours from sunrise until a monsoon was due, depending which weather app I looked at... :unsure:

So up and out for just after 8am, before the sun was properly up, and out to Thorner, through the dip at Wothersome and on to Bramham, up Col de Town Hill and then the back road to Clifford down the Windmill (wheeeeeeee!):laugh:
Right in Clifford and then down the hill taking the last turning to Boston Spa. Over the river to Thorp Arch and then another right to Walton to add an extra mile or two on. Past the prison / YOI on the horrible concrete slab road and then left for the run to Wetherby. Through the town centre and over the river, then the uphill drag to Wattle Syke roundabout, which wasn't as bad as I'd feared (I normally go down this hill).
At this point the sun threatened to peak through the grey clouds with a single flash of orange low on the horizon. Then it was gone again, as fast as it appeared and it was back to unrelenting greyness.
Left at the roundabout and down into Boston Spa, taking the first right back to Clifford, then down the hill to Bramham, up Town Hill again (a short sharp hill is always better than an seemingly never ending incline, isn't it? Well, that's what i tell myself anyway);)
Then Paradise Way to Bramham crossroads, over the A1(M) and the downhill run to Aberford.
Up onto Cattle Lane, down the hill to Cock Beck and then the slog up to Barwick.
On towards Scholes passing a peloton of a dozen or so riders heading in the opposite direction, then down Leeds Rd where I passed another group of 20 or so riders heading up the hill. In fact all round there were a lot of cyclists out this morning, presumably out early to get a ride in before the weather arrived. Good to see as I've been out on summer Sundays and seen fewer.
Needed to squeeze another couple of miles in for the metric half, so a loop around Manston and then twice round the block when I got home just to make sure.

So, 32.31 miles (51.9979 km :rolleyes: ) in 2hrs 11m at a respectable average of 14.7mph with 1174ft climbed. Another entry in the Half Century challenge :okay:

Sorry, no photos today given the overwhelming greyness, so here's a map of the ride:

It made it worth getting up early as the rain has been hammering on the windows since not long after I got back in.:rain:
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13 rider

Had planned to meet mate at his house at 10.30 for a ride today .Got up early looked at the weather forecast rain about 11ish .rang mate who was up and ready so out the house by 9.00 Over to mates in Sileby via Anstey ,Cropston ,Rothley and Cossington to avoid the flooded roads between Mountsorrel and Sileby .After inspecting mates new wheels Shimano r501 I think .We set off up to Seagrave and up Pawdy lane and down and through Ragdale and up the climb out of Ragdale mate also tested his new cassette with a 25 bottom gear instead of a 28 but he made it up OK .Back down the Wreake valley through Hoby , Thrussington ,Ratcliffe on the Wreake and back to Cossington . All this part of the ride was in spits and spots of rain and very dreay .Normally I head straight on here but with only 20 miles on the clock I decided to stay out and do another 50km ride . Back to Sileby where Andy turned for home leaving me to head for Barrow on Soar to cross the river again missing out the flooded bits.On to Quorn where it started to rain properly on with the rain cape on press on to home. Through Mountsorrel , Rothley ,Cropston and Home . 35 miles done at 15 mph arrived home pretty damp glad of my overshoes and new rain cape .Glad we went early than planned at least we had some semi decent weather stills loads of riders out today. Then out for a lovely roast dinner curtesty of my sister .


Über Member
Thought I might start recording my rides here as I'm no longer using FB . 26 miles in total from Kingsway to Arlingham and back again via the Elmore loop . Had planned longer but the rain and wind was relentless. @Donger , @Dark46 and @Kemmo77 for company along with a couple of others . Second ride of the year for me . It's been a slow start to the year so I'm hoping the rain stops sometime soon. Have to figure out how to upload photos next .


World class procrastinator

Forgive me CC but it's been 3 days since my last ride. Last year in fact.

The blooming weather has been horrendous. I suppose I could have gone out on New Year's day but I had a sore throat and was feeling really fed up and gloomy. Yesterday it rained and today, it really really rained. We took the dogs out for 20 minutes and came back soaked through. Just timed that wrong. The rain stopped at around 8pm ish but I was practicing a little sweep tapping lick of Malmsteen's. Reaching from the 9th fret to hammer on the 14th with my little finger is causing some not so ladylike language. It's OK for you blokes with your big hands.

Anyway. I got the bike ready and just after 9, managed to get out of the door. I would have been out a bit sooner but the Jack Russell slipped out and I had to catch her and put her back in before I left. I got 200 yards up the road and my back light fell off, I returned, collected it and put it on the back on my jacket as the plastic clippy thing on the stem has broken. The clippy bit on the light is OK.
The light went under a car and I had an interesting convo with a passer by.
Him: what are you doing?
Me: I dropped my back light and it's gone under here
Him: are you sure you are not planting a bomb
Me: Excuse me? (got hold of light and stood up)
Him: You might be IRA
Me: You might be out of touch. Anyway, I'm not Irish.
Him: You might be ISIS
Me: I'm a blue eyed blonde woman. Wearing body hugging skin tight lycra. I don't have a beard. Really? I'm mean, c'mon!
Him: Well you could be.
I got back on bike and rode off in case idiocy is catching.

Chucling to myself I rode up the little hill to Old Felixstowe and past the Brackenbury leisure centre before turning towards Ipswich and following my usual route out to Kirton, Bucklesham and to that horrible roundabout where I turn right to the hospital. There were some massive puddles out there tonight. Splish splosh spash! It was great. My MTB booties are pretty waterproof it appears. This is a good thing.
I rode past the hospital to the roundabout, went left on the cyclepath to the next roundabout and went into the hospital compex from that end and had another go at that Strava segment going the right way up for a change. Took 9 seconds off. I'll do better next time, there was a pedestrian who just HAD to cross in front of me! Grrrrr.
15.22 miles in and hour and 5. The same as my last ride but I did a mile less. Dry tomorrow, I'm going out for a ride. So bloody there!


New year ride hoping to get lots in while not working..weight loss fitness etc..
just a hour or so local xc ride..
50/50 mud and tarmac..6 miles ish..
i used low gears and high cadence to get the legs going.they ache from yesterday's hard ride in the cold and wet.
View from Nine Bridges towards Helpston ..nice day but rain will be here soon..
bike washed..tho it needs a check and re grease oil etc when dried off.

First commute of the year and surprised how relatively quiet it was;first ride for a few days after the festive 500 exertions so took it relatively easy with a nice zone 2 roll and a 25.6kmh average.

Only downer was someone nicked the mount for the Lezyne while the bike was locked up outsude Sainsburys:angry: (lights and garmin had been taken off)so will have to bodge something until I can get a new one.


Quite a nice day, so I managed to drag myself out of bed much earlier and set off for what I hoped would be 31+ miles.

Not to be unfortunately, not much sleep + not that great a breakfast = lack of energy. I got out near Brampton before deciding I would settle for less distance and turned round. Since the wind is going the wrong way at the moment, this did give me the feel-good factor of How Street with a tailwind. This is not to be underestimated. Flying down this gently descending road for 2 miles at nearly 30mph on a weighty CX with a rack bag on, is so satisfying :biggrin:

Only 20 miles, but that's better than nothing. Tommorrow looks OK as well, so I will try again.


Mayenne, France
Just my second ride in a month due to 3 weeks of bronchitis, no doubt brought on by riding in 0c with a cough!

Bright, sunny and windy this morning so thought I'd get a few kms in to recoup my lost fitness and shed some extra weight brought on by lack of riding. 22 kms into a strong southwesterly had me puffing slightly on the hills; an easier return though. Feel a lot better for it and well pleased with the upgraded groupset to Ultergra 11 speed, a vast improvement.

Just another 5,454 kms to go now in 2017....

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
First ride of 2016 for me today.:wahhey: It was only the commute but nice to be out on the bike nevertheless.

I took the scenic route heading out over Lyth Hill to start with, then found my way unexpectedly blocked by flooding on the lane to Allfield meaning having to double back and go through Condover instead. The rest of the route was routine apart from another small flood at Atcham and loads of mud everywhere.

There were heavy showers through the day while at work but thankfully they'd cleared out of the way by the time I headed for home. This time I took one of the alternative ways back thinking it would be easier. To be honest it was easy but the old canal path was extremely muddy so the bike and my legs are filthy now.

24 miles with the detour and a 12.6 mph average for the round trip. So slow compared to back in the summer.


The view from Lyth Hill this morning.


Wasn't expecting that. Knowing this lane well I'd estimate it's about knee deep in the middle - time to go another way.


On the way home and the view of the swollen River Tern
Only downer was someone nicked the mount for the Lezyne while the bike was locked up outsude Sainsburys (lights and garmin had been taken off)so will have to bodge something until I can get a new one.

This kind of thing makes me so mad! :angry:

You've got to assume it was a fellow cyclist who stole the mount as it wouldn't be much use to anyone else. Was it really worth the risk of getting caught and maybe receiving a good battering from the owner?

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world with no theft? Imagine the money we could all save. Not having to lug a bike lock around with you. In fact no locks on anything. No house alarms. No car alarms going off at all hours. No keys to carry around and lose.

Anyway. Dream over. Back to the real world. Now do l need an 8mm or 10mm chain to secure my bikes inside my locked garage?


Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Only downer was someone nicked the mount for the Lezyne while the bike was locked up outsude Sainsburys:angry: (lights and garmin had been taken off)so will have to bodge something until I can get a new one.

That's a pain. Thanks for the warning though as I have to stop by there on my way home tomorrow so I'll be extra careful. :okay:
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