Your ride today....

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Well clipped in and on the road by 5.30 am this morning , so i could get a 30+ mile ride in before 8 am .

Up out of the borough and along to Sywell ,Overstone , Moulton down to the top side of Holcot and across the esplanade and up to Brixworth ,Scaldwell , Old .and into the centre of Walgrave before heading back towards the lower edge of Holcot and up to Hannington then into the lower bit of Walgrave and head then up to the main Northampton to Kettering road for a squick 200 yard main road dash before turning off towards Pytchley then on to Orlingbury and Little Harrowden before turning left and heading home via " Moonshine" gap .

In all just over 2 hours with 31.25 miles covered on damp roads sat astride my blue R.E.W Reynolds

Enjoy your rides


Legendary Member
Got up this morning, put the kettle on, tea bag into a mug, cornflakes into a bowl, open the fridge, no milk!

Couple of slices of toast and jump onto the bike and pop to the shops to get some milk, 35 miles later get home very wet and gasping for a brew :laugh:

Saw a chap walking with his bike into Saddington. I stop and see if he is okay, his derailleur has snapped off, luckily he had a phone and had called in the support team.

13 rider

Got up this morning, put the kettle on, tea bag into a mug, cornflakes into a bowl, open the fridge, no milk!

Couple of slices of toast and jump onto the bike and pop to the shops to get some milk, 35 miles later get home very wet and gasping for a brew :laugh:

Saw a chap walking with his bike into Saddington. I stop and see if he is okay, his derailleur has snapped off, luckily he had a phone and had called in the support team.

You know there's a Tesco on Shackerdale rd

Dave 123

Legendary Member
What a dirty day! My Trek 1.5 got the dubious honour.
Thomas was on his CX bike today as we weren't taking the same route home...
Down through Toft and a Great Spotted Woodpecker came out of the hedge, his red bum about 2' from my nose.
St Neots CC turned across our path and up to Kingston, we went on toward Bourn then Longstowe.
Across the A1198 and out toward the maggot farm, seeing Bullfinches along the way. Into the Gransdens, a flock of Long Tailed Tits flitting through the hedges.
On the way out of the village we passed 2 lady runners with a dog, one of the ladies was aesthetically very easy on the eye, that perked me up!
Through Bourn we went until we reached The Drift, Thomas was off for a mud bath!
I carried on up the road, flushing a big old buzzard out of the hedge, he landed in a hawthorn tree across the field.
Once home I cleaned my Trek, then the tandem that was filthy from New Year's Day, and then the swamp monster returned. The bike wasn't too bad as he'd gone through as many puddles as he could on the 2 miles of road to home, but his shoes and overshoes were a rare old sight!

About 20 miles I think, usually is out that way....


Every day this week, including today, wether I'm on a bike or in the car I've seen this contraption about on the roads of Cambs, I'd love to see inside it.
One look at the forecast last night convinced us to get up early and get a short ride in before the nasty stuff arrived. Out before sunrise [very unusual for us] and not the only ones who obviously had the same idea to beat the rain. Less than 2 miles in a Buzzard flew alongside us for a few seconds, later we saw a couple of kestrels and quite a few flocks of Fieldfares. At 24 miles the first light drops of rain were felt so flat out to cover the remaining 8 miles. We didn't get too wet, cleaning the bikes took less than 5 mins [another advantage of no gears]. Only 32 miles but better than expected considering the weather forecast


I've warmed up now and dried out. I've learnt to check the cuffs of my jacket are tightened and tucked inside the gloves so rain doesn't drip in, also that the neck is tightened so rain doesn't drip in. . .  all good fun though and I managed to laugh when we got drenched over our heads by a passing car who didn't slow down through the flooded Road! I started the ride with the Salford CC, there was only one group today, mostly the speedy people and I managed to keep up for quite a while. I'd already said that I would leave them at Warburton, but they were long gone by then. I was glad of the company of another lady who also wanted a shorter ride.

I demolished a large piece of stollen as soon as I walked in, before I'd taken off all the wet things. Much better! Then a large bowl of cheesy pasta. Better still. Trying to find the enthusiasm to go and wipe the bike a bit.
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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
First club ride of the year, this one. Wet, cold and windy weather, and I was still aching from my New Year's Day ride. Massive potholes hidden by muddy puddles everywhere, and diluted cow sh*t being flung up in our faces every time we passed a farm. Wouldn't have gone out at all if it hadn't been a club outing. Six of us rode out to Arlingham, had a quick look at the River Severn, and rode back again - thoroughly soaked. Oh well, that's another 27.4 miles towards my 2016 total, and this weather has to improve some time.

May the weather be better wherever you are cycling.
Cheers, Donger.
One look at the forecast last night convinced us to get up early and get a short ride in before the nasty stuff arrived. Out before sunrise [very unusual for us] and not the only ones who obviously had the same idea to beat the rain. Less than 2 miles in a Buzzard flew alongside us for a few seconds, later we saw a couple of kestrels and quite a few flocks of Fieldfares. At 24 miles the first light drops of rain were felt so flat out to cover the remaining 8 miles. We didn't get too wet, cleaning the bikes took less than 5 mins [another advantage of no gears]. Only 32 miles but better than expected considering the weather forecast
Good idea, never seem to manage that, especially as I need to walk the dog and get the paper
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