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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Mrs 26 and I met Sara P. for a little ride around the southern end of the Hills. It was one of the coldest starts we've had this season with the temps just above freezing. So we put a bit of work in at the start to warm up. Mrs 26, however, is never too good in cold so she called it a day at Birtsmorton and headed back by Longdon. Sara and I were happy to stick to plan A so we continued by Bromsberrow and Eastnor where it occurred to me that we could add a small loop and a climb and that I could do the whole loop around the Hills to accompany Sara home. Sara did want a few extras so we climbed to Wellington Heath from Petty France and took the Peg's Farm to Coddington lane. Not far now and I bid my farewells as I dropped Sara off at her lane end. I continued homeward along the Leigh Brook to complete my first (and longer than planned) ride of 2016.
Some good wildlife today. Plenty of Kestrels, Buzzards soaring and calling, flocks of Redwing, a Jay and Yellow Hammers. A fox stepped out onto the road in front of me and only realised I was there when an oncoming car spooked it and it turned around to spot me.
38 miles this morning to kick off the new year. Fairly cold with a few showers and some melting ice on the roads. Glad I went though , seems like we got the best part of the day.


Its okay to be white
The worst nights sleep of the year due to the poxy new year fireworks was not the best start to the day & with rain forecast for the afternoon I had to get a wiggle on if I was to get my planned ride completed in the dry so I was up, porridged & out for just after 9:30 on a slightly chillier morning than of late but thankfully with no sign of frost.

Quiet roads greeted me as I crossed the New Forest & I didn't see my first cyclist until 9 miles in who just happened to be a wheelsucker on my flippin' wheel & just after I'd crossed 2 & a half miles of open moorland so thanks for that! After losing him at a junction I was travelling along nicely & pleased with myself that I had got my attire spot on for the conditions & then I spotted them, the bastards, in their ridiculous red coats with their baying hounds & murderous henchmen & all of a sudden I was Mr Angry again & duly had the frank exchange of views with the head bastard before returning to Mr Calm for the rest of the ride on what was a pleasant morning weather wise. (it didn't last!)

Leaving the forest I headed into Wiltshire on one of my regular summer routes, along the agricultural country lanes which were predictably wet & mucky but are always quiet so avoiding the puddles was not a issue as I made my way through Sandleheath & Martin towards a rare winter trip up the Howgare Road hill which in fairness is quite a nice little hill, peaking at 8% but straight & constant & made slightly easier by the tailwind.

Hill negotiated it was time for a quick jam sandwich as I was 30 miles in & about to turn for home & it was at this point I felt the first spot of rain. Damn, I couldn't have been any further from home so I chose a flattish route back, into the wind, through Coombe Blissett & along the narrow lanes of Odstock & Nunton before picking up the main A338 to Downton where the spots of rain became real rain so the last 20 miles back through the forest were done slightly quicker than I'd have liked although I did have to stop to allow 20 or so deer cross the road at Hampworth but once I was wet it didn't really matter so I enjoyed it none the less.

62.6 miles & Januarys entry into the metric ton challenge done. ^_^






Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Well that's 2016's Imperial Century ride done and dusted nice and early. In the exalted company of Mr @Trickedem . We stuck to a route we know well with some roads that we didn't thrown in for good measure. The weather report was for icy temperatures but it really wasn't that bad, with only a couple of pockets of frost on the ground very early this morning. It did stay cold all day though, temperatures I don't think got into double figures.

A lovely day's cycling though and managed to get home just as the rain started to fall.


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Headcorn Aerodrome
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Todays ride was a 26km loop to 'clear out the cobwebs' from New Year celebrations (before it all begins again later today :laugh:).

Tail wind on the outward leg, which along with hitting on the lights on green, helped to get several PR's on Strava (although it became a headwind on the way back in so those times are nothing to shout about). :smile:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Great to read all the rides for the 1st day of the year (and probably the chilliest one this winter so far!)

Dave 123

Legendary Member
An odd ride for me today. Last night we stayed with friends in Ely, all canoe club mates, so I knew we wouldn't be up and out early!
We parked up in the village of Brampton, and set off in the direction of Grafham. Mrs Dave and I on the tandem going fairly sedately but still leaving them all behind. We waited on a junction for them all to come back together. Then we went to the logos at the Grafham water centre, even more excuse to faff!
Then we were off for a lap of the water. We went by a toddler and his dad "look dad! They're stucked together!".
The paths were filthy, with big deep, muddy puddles. Not the kind of terrain I'd taken the tandem before, it was great.
Once again we were way out front, so we waited for them all. Once Christine arrived we broke out the jelly tots!
We set off last, but we were soon on their wheels. We had an up hill section to do and I wasn't keen on ditching speed, I wanted more, to get us up the hill...
"Coming through on the inside Crazy Al" I yelled, and Crazy Al being a gent let us on through.
There was a bit more fun and argy bargy going on for the rest of the ride, and everyone had good, muddy fun.

I reckon just about 17 miles once back at the car. No strava, no photos.


Never used Über Member
I'd half planned a route for today, aiming for 50 miles, but with a bale out that would allow me to do 50km if needs be. Did I mention that I'm doing the Half Century a Month challenge? ;)
However, thanks to the bridge in Tadcaster collapsing, Cawood bridge still being shut and road closures due to flooding that aren't listed on the travel website I needed a rethink.

So, up early and out on a blinking cold morning :cold: with an idea to head north instead of east.
There were a few frost / ice patches about, so the first couple of miles were ridden at a steadier pace than I might normally do. Thorner, then Bramham via Wothersome Dip. Stopped here to put my waterproof jacket on - not that it was raining, but I needed an extra layer to keep warm!
West Woods Lane to Wetherby and then over the bridge and out to Spofforth. From there up to Little Ribston and then virgin territory for me as I turned left and headed for Knaresborough and my first visit on a bike to Nidderdale since the mid-80's :laugh:
Got slightly lost in Knaresborough, but sorted myself out and stopped at the castle for a couple of photos and sustenance:


Back on the bike, waterproof jacked removed and over some cobbles through the market place :eek: before retracing my steps back to Little Ribston, but then took the left and rode through North Deighton and Kirk deighton before dropping down to Wetherby. Left onto Horsefair and then out on Walton Road and the turning down to Thorp Arch.
Across the river, now back within it's banks (although still full and fast flowing) and up the hill into Boston Spa.
Headed east and then took Bar Lane for the ride down to Clifford, before tackling the dreaded 'Windmill' on the back road to Bramham (new PB ;) ).
At this point I'd already passed the magic 31 miles but decided to push on for the imperial half.
Down Paradise Way and round Bramham Crossroads and the run down into Aberford. Took the left up to Lotherton Hall and then Collier Lane / Aberford Rd into Garforth where I encountered two motoring muppets within as many miles (see the muppets thread...).
Right at the lights and up Long Lane to Barwick. Up Leeds Road to Scholes and down the hill towards home - still needing a couple of miles, I added in a loop of the Pendas / Manston area and then up to home.

50.41 miles in 3hrs 42m at an average of 13.6 mph with 1945ft climbed.
Really pleased to get my first imperial half of the year in, especially with the forecast for the next few days :cold::rain:


Oh, and the great thing about getting out early on the 1st January is that I was briefly the fastest person on Map My Ride over 6 courses...:wahhey::whistle:
It won't last of course, but I'm having that for as long as it does...:laugh:
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
No dawn escapades here, just a leisurely start after a couple of bacon & philly cheese bagels and a coffee, I set out at 10:45 ish, give or take 15 minutes.
After yesterdays mud-fest, I decided to take the CX and stay on tarmac for the day and stay clean!

Once down through Great Billing, I headed via Cogenhoe to Whiston then to Denton and Salcey Forest for a coffee and ice cream.


Sadly, the nearest I could get to ice cream was this thing on a stick.. :sad:

Salcey was heaving, with the cafe and play areas overflowing with humanity. There were several other folk out for a New Year pedal though. One chap in shorts looking decidedly chilly!
As a few spots of rain were falling, I set off back towards home after 20 minutes or so, but it soon stopped but the wind picked up a bit (or maybe I noticed it a bit more as it was in my face.)


I leaned my bike against this old out-building for a minute or two to take a breather and noticed that it had quite a nice old wooden knob.


Very pretty. Well, I think so anyway..

I was pleased with a PB on one segment but doubt I'll better Ellen van Dijk's or Lauren Tamayo's times :laugh:

Still, apart from a chilly wind for half of the ride, it was lovely to get out for a while.

26 miles, and back home with hardly the need to clean the bike, just a wipe over with GT85 to spruce it up.



Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well done to all of you for making the effort and getting out!

I would love to have something interesting like a hilly metric century to report but I have picked up a Christmas lurgy and am feeling wobbly and wheezy so I thought it best not to risk it. I did want to do a token ride though, and I had promised to keep an eye on my nephew's house while he is away for a Christmas/NY break so I rode up a hill to his, then back down again - an impressive total of 2 miles which does not make much of a dent in my target of an average of 16.4 miles a day for 2016 (6,000 miles for the year)!

6,000 miles for a year will not be much compared to the HAMR riders' totals, or even many people here on CC, but it represents a 50% increase over last year which was itself a 10% improvement over the year before, and the 2 years before that were pitiful because of health problems.

(Oh, and my rides tend to be hillier than most people's so I would probably be clocking up 50% further for the same effort in the flatlands! I tend to average 10-12 mph on my hilly rides and I could easily manage 15-18 mph away from the hills as long as conditions were not too windy.)
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