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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
The decision was super easy once i got off the bike, as I literally couldn't continue!

Undecided about next year. The challenge has an odd effect on my riding habits. Makes me far less inclined to go on smaller rides, but conversely jolts me out of complacency (hence the several last day-of-the-month qualifying rides I posted)
Similar here, which is why I'm aiming for just the Metric Century challenge this year as I'd like to do more shorter routes to places i haven't ridden yet
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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I've not had a chance to post any of my rides here recently.. W*rk and life seems to have got in the way due to pre-Christmas thingies!

Anyways, here we go for today's ride, posted today!

I sent out a txt alert at 23:45 last night to some mates meet at one of our usual spots at 10:00 this morning... One reply at 08:00, one at 10:35 and one at 19:42.. :laugh:

Oh well, Bob and I met up and set off for a few muddy, wet and windy miles from the Windhover Pub to get to the Waterloo Cafe about 15 miles away.. Sadly, when we arrived, wet, muddy and hungry, it was closed. There was an emergency number posted on the window and we were actually tempted to ring it and order coffee and cake!!

The ride there, and back though, was exceedingly wet. The sun was shining from the sky, but after last nights rain, the trail was decidedly mucky!

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Never mind, eh!?! Pitsford Cafe is always open, so we headed back the way we came, via Creaton Hill to Brixworth.. I was pushing into the headwind with a vengeance as Bob had reminded me that it was his turn to pay! :okay:

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Wedges and coffee today :hungry:

After some pedalling up and down the trail, it was pointed out to me that my back was a bit muddy.. so a pic was taken to prove the point.

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Yep. Definitely muddy, with a backpack shaped clean bit! :laugh:

Anyways... 40 and a bit miles ridden on a generally pleasant day, apart from a headwind on the way back.

Me like mudguards.:whistle:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Well 27 miles done already as out on the road at 6.15 this morning , quite fresh but not too cold only encountered 2 icy roads and they were very small exposed stretches so to be expected .

Loads of wildlife flicking between hedges etc etc and followed what i think was a tawny Owl for about 200 yards as it flew down the road just in front of me , wicked to see and watch .

Hope you all have a good day

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13 rider

Up fairly early and out by 9.45 meet work colleague at 10 In Rothley and then off to see were end up . Plan was for me to complete a metric century today but within a couple of miles I changed my mine just not feeling good today to much excess last night possiblely?. Mate is training for an ironman so was using a hr monitor keeping in certain range so it made for a nice steady paced ride. Out through Cossington up Humble lane and out up the Wreake valley through Ratcliffe on the Wreake, Thrussington ,Hoby and Asfordby over the A607 up the quite lanes around Gaddesby then back over the A607 into Rearsby then back to Thrussington and retraced routed back to home .33 miles done at nice steady 15mph .Home with feet like ice must remember overshoes next time only part that's cold . Blew away a few cobwebs not too many riders out may be a tad early . So this years first metric half century . Had to ride today hated to see my cycle log at ZERO . Just checked the cc group on my cycle log and for the first and probably last time I've done the most miles this year ^_^ This will last until the next rider records there ride:sad:


Yesterdays ride was a last-minute don't-wanna-fail-this kind of deal. Depression and weather have really knocked my mileage over nearly 2 months, and I need to get back in shape.

The final chance to complete the half-century a month challenge, so it had to be a night ride... on the coldest day we've had so far :cold: :huh:. I headed out towards Armathwaite, the road to which was rim-deep in muck and sand in places, but I'm on the CX, so meh! Then I went through Ainstable and up the hill out the other side (I was regretting my route choice here :heat:) and then on towards Castle Carrock. It was here, on the faster section that I realised that I had chosen the wrong gloves. Neoprene is great at keeping wet hands warm, but cold wind cuts right through it. I had to try not to go fast, which sort-of worked and on slow sections my hands would gradually warm up again.

Got to Brampton at 11.30pm and promptly had the question "What you doing riding your bike at this time of night?" shouted at me by a wobbly partygoer :laugh: I was beginning to wonder myself TBH as my hands were frozen again, and my feet had become their usual blocks of ice a few miles back, in defiance of thermal socks and overshoes.

I decided I needed to get back towards my parents. 24 miles on the clock and only 4 miles back to their place. I could always tag a bit on when I got there. If I was really desperate, I could count the 4 miles I rode this morning towards the challenge, but I wanted to get it in a single ride. :okay:

Back at Warwick-on-eden at 28 miles and 11:48. Bah, I'll go to Wetheral and back, that should do it, and get back to theirs at the right time for an HNY. 31 miles came up at 11:55 and I felt really drained with the cold. Turned round and rolled up at my parents at 34 miles and 12:03. DONE!

Happy New Year. :cheers:

I'm off out for a ride :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Quick ride home at 0030 this morning after a NYE party (yes, I was sober). 10 miles of city streets flew by in about 35 mins and it has to have been one of my top 3 rides on the roadie. It was quiet, no traffic, no wind, perfect conditions. More night rides in my future I think.

13 rider

Yesterdays ride was a last-minute don't-wanna-fail-this kind of deal. Depression and weather have really knocked my mileage over nearly 2 months, and I need to get back in shape.

The final chance to complete the half-century a month challenge, so it had to be a night ride... on the coldest day we've had so far :cold: :huh:. I headed out towards Armathwaite, the road to which was rim-deep in muck and sand in places, but I'm on the CX, so meh! Then I went through Ainstable and up the hill out the other side (I was regretting my route choice here :heat:) and then on towards Castle Carrock. It was here, on the faster section that I realised that I had chosen the wrong gloves. Neoprene is great at keeping wet hands warm, but cold wind cuts right through it. I had to try not to go fast, which sort-of worked and on slow sections my hands would gradually warm up again.

Got to Brampton at 11.30pm and promptly had the question "What you doing riding your bike at this time of night?" shouted at me by a wobbly partygoer :laugh: I was beginning to wonder myself TBH as my hands were frozen again, and my feet had become their usual blocks of ice a few miles back, in defiance of thermal socks and overshoes.

I decided I needed to get back towards my parents. 24 miles on the clock and only 4 miles back to their place. I could always tag a bit on when I got there. If I was really desperate, I could count the 4 miles I rode this morning towards the challenge, but I wanted to get it in a single ride. :okay:

Back at Warwick-on-eden at 28 miles and 11:48. Bah, I'll go to Wetheral and back, that should do it, and get back to theirs at the right time for an HNY. 31 miles came up at 11:55 and I felt really drained with the cold. Turned round and rolled up at my parents at 34 miles and 12:03. DONE!

Happy New Year. :cheers:

I'm off out for a ride :biggrin:
Don't leave so late again !! Nice shiney star

Old jon

Brrrrrr freezing ! Did my Thwaite escape, the climb up to John o' Gaunt's warmed me up a little but did not reach fingers and toes properly, and this while wearing a windproof fleece. More layers methinks. Anyway, down the hill to Oulton roundabout and for a change, straight on for Methley and Castleford. I reminded myself that long straight mostly flat roads do not appeal much and turned left a couple of times to cross the river ( Aire ) and find the road to Allerton Bywater, then to Great Preston shortly followed by Little Preston. Some predictability there I guess.

Followed by Swillington, back to the Oulton roundabout and home to complete 23.7 cold miles.
New YEar's Day Ride with the Hounslow and Dsitrct Wheelers today to Billingbear Golf Club (near Binfield)
A colder start and I only just had enough on, should have had show covers and under helmet cap as well when still cold
Not a large group, but some riders made there own way there for the cake and coffee stop
On the way back we were delayed by a puncture to one of our number - and he had gatorskins, so even these will not stop the p** fairy

The outward route was more northerly through Windsor White Waltham and Twyford, and we returned through Winkfield and the Great Park.
NO Great speed but and enjoyable ride and the New Year properly started with a ride

42.1 miles @ 15.3 mph
1073 feet climbed.

Due to have normal club ride again on Sunday but forecast has heavy rain coming in so will watch that space
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