Your ride today....

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
@cosmicbike sandy balls? Really?

I fancied a bit of a change this week and I've not seen Mrs Dave much of late as she's been working all over Europe for the past few weeks so she came with me in the car with our bikes to the nicely named village of Little Snoring in Norfolk.
We parked by the beautiful old church and set off for Great Snoring. The roads were filled with pheasant pancakes, some were a bit smelly!
The countryside was really nice, and harvesting was in full swing.
We made our way to the Walsingham villages, every house and cottage a vision of flint and roses.
On through quiet and silky smooth lanes until we reached New Holkham, a quick shimmy through the gates and we were of down his Graces drive
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Traffic free loveliness , I had to go some to catch up to her after this pic, and eventually I did
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Then we came into the park, people were having a nice time in the sun, biking, dog walking, picnics, it was great.
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We stopped at the hall for tea, 17 miles down.
Out and about today we saw 2 marsh harriers 1 kestrel, 1 Sparrowhawk, 12 buzzards and 3 red kites. The kites were just over our heads hanging about with a pair of buzzards, no fighting, no shouting!
We made our way past Wells and onto more deserted silky roads. By now we were on higher ground and could see the ranks of wind turbines miles out at sea.

On we went back to the car. Today wasn't about speed, it was all about being out having a good day with your best mate ever. Once back at the car my Garmin turned to 30 miles exactly!

Mrs Dave, she's really capable at this....

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That is part of the Norwich 100 ride. Can you get a cuppa at Holkham Hall all the year round?
Wasn't going to go out today as we drove back from Oxford yesterday, but I woke up at 7am saw the sun shining and thought it would be too good to miss.
So yesterday I drove 140 miles in just over 2hrs and today I rode 33 miles in just over 2hrs. I know which journey I enjoyed the most.
Surprisingly few cyclists out this morning, is cycling loosing its appeal to some? I must admit as I said in an earlier post I've had a bit of trouble motivating myself to get out lately but there definitely seemed fewer people out than usual.


Nr Bristol
Not posted in here for a while as my rides have been boring and few and far between whilst I've been (STILL!) recovering from my broken hip, however yesterday my good lady and I did a 40 miler, the longest ride I've done since early February. Not particularly fast or hilly but it was great to be able to spend 3 hours in the saddle again, and as an added bonus I can still walk today ^_^

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Same route as yesterday alongside the millpond that is the English Channel, beautifully warm and sunny. The Kayakers, swimmers and seals were out as well as the cyclists.
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If you can get in early the cafe at the end of the pier is pretty good and this morning i caught empty before the masses arrived.
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13 rider

Arranged to meet some work mates for a ride this morning who have only been cycling a couple of months who live a few miles away from me but arranged to meet on middle ground .So set of from Anstey to meet regular riding mate Andy at Swithland via Cropston and Rothley .Then rode to meeting point in Newtown Linford via Bradgate park .Got to meeting point a mile away from my house having done 6 miles !. Set on a bench waiting for the other 3 they turned up after 15 mins I of them couldn't get air into a tyre but managed it between them .Set of a steady pace for me onto the climb of Markfield Lane a nasty climb that starts steep then flattens out but carries on going up for about a mile we had a couple of stops but they all made it up Then headed for Thornton reservoir for a cup of coffee at the fisherman's lodge .The 3 newer guys had done 11 miles and were well chuffed until they realised they got another 8_9 to get home but I assured them all the big climbs were done . Set off again at a steady pace for me but perhaps pushing them on a bit through Botcheston and heading towards Kirby Muxloe me and Andy said our goodbyes and turned for Ratby leaving the other three to head home and complete their longest ride .Well done guys .So time to pick up the pace through Ratby into Groby and Anstey .Check milage 27 miles done so not having done August metric half century yet time for more miles Turned away from home out through Thurcaston and into Rothley .Pulled over to check 3 Mt bikers who had a bike upside down realised it was another mate from work who had had a puncture but they just finished fixing it after a chat comparing rides etc .Back to original meeting point were Andy went left home and I went straight on .Could see a group of rides in the distance so just had to chase them down caught them surprisingly easily pulled behind for a draft as I was going left in half a mile one rider as went left so I pulled alongside for a chat and he said they were racing yesterday (25m tt) and today was a recovery ride and thought I was doing so well chasing them down.He was headed to the next village to me so I rode with him chatting away until I finally turned for home .34 miles done at what is now a slow average of 13.5 mph. But quite understandable as most of the ride was extremely relaxed for me . Riding with the newbies really made me realise how much I have improved since last Sept when I started riding when like them a 20 mile ride was an epic now I can't do less then 32 on a Sunday .Really enjoyable ride with good company throughout in lovely weather . Loads and loads of riders out today . Hopeful we can arrange more rides in the future with the other rides It gives me a sense of satisfaction watching people improve and enjoy there riding My regular riding mates was always slower than me but although I have improved he has also and I don't leave him behind very often now and I just watched today as he hit a climb at 20 mph and kept the speed almost to the top and said you would not have done that 3 months ago you would have been in bottom gear spinning like mad and you suddenly realised how far we've come
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Deleted member 1258

Whilton Locks the destination, 58 miles the journey, I hadn't been to Whilton Locks for a couple of years so it was somewhere different to go. Another cool grey breezy Sunday morning, out in longs and a long sleeved jersey again, it did warm up and the sun did shine, on the way back but not for long, whilst it was shining I was overdressed. My normal route out through Baginton and across the Fosseway to Marton and on through Birdingbury, Hill and across Grandborough Fields to Willoughby, I turned right past the Cafe and down the A45 then turned left and climbed through Braunston and onto Welton, the other side of Welton I turned left and onto the A5 for the last couple of miles before I turned left for Wilton Locks and the garden centre. On the way back when I got to Welton I carried on to Barby and then I turned left down the hill and onto the road for Dunchurch, on the outskirts of Dunchurch I turned right and picked up a small lane that took me onto the road between Rugby and the A45, just before the A45 I turned right and picked up Lawford Heath Lane then turned left onto Coalpit Lane the crossed the Fosseway and into Wolston then picked up my usual route into Coventry and up Hipswell Highway Sewall Highway and home. Now I'm sat here writing this the sun has come out and its warmed up nicely, I wish it had done that first thing this morning.


Target for the year has always been to ride 100 miles (previous best was about 72 miles). Failed at the first attempt on @nickyboy's Llandudno ride with a mechanical after 13 miles. Inspired by @Globalti and @SamR who rode the Bay Cycle way I decided to ride from home to Glasson Dock then do the whole route. Set off at 6.30am directly up the A6 through centre of Preston, roads were pretty quiet since it was early then headed up through Broughton and Garstang arriving at Glasson Dock around 8.30. Coffee shop didnt open till 9am so I had to dip into my stash of flapjacks.

Set off on the Bay Cycleway - fantastic first 20-25 miles along bike paths and very quiet roads up to Morecambe where the promenade was pretty much clear of pedestrians. By now it was starting to get pretty warm and I was wishing I'd put some sun tan lotion on.

Continued through Morecambe and onto the canal towpath up to Carnforth and from there along the coast with a few lumpy bits to Arnside where I stopped for lunch.
From there I travelled up past Milnthorpe and over the River Kent to Levens where I finally turned around and started heading towards my destination. The track on the map makes you think you are riding right next to the A590, but the cycle path is quiet and excellent. Started heading back but I took a wrong turn, got distracted and fell off while clipped in (doh!). Only a scratch I thought, but after a few hundred yards found that I'd bounced the derailleur off the road and bent the hanger. Managed to bend it back but I couldnt use the largest couple of rings on the back any more. Carried on back across the A590 and down to Grange-Over-Sands. At this point I was already further than I'd ever cycled before and it was baking hot. Onwards and most definitely upwards for the next 15 miles - the climb up towards Haverthwaite was a killer without my bottom gears, though looking at the faces of the cyclists walking up the other side it seemed that I was going in the easy direction. Coffee and cake at Haverthwaite then crossed over the River Leven at Greenodd.

Lots more short sharp hills through to Ulverston and Bardsea. It was about 95 miles by this point and I was pretty worn out but confident I was going to make it ( I know how flat the coast road is from Ulverston to Barrow) so I phoned ahead to make sure there was fish and chips ready and a cold beer. Unfortunately, the Bay Cycleway doesn't go along the coast road - it goes back inland and there were many more short but painful climbs for the next 10 miles. Stubbornness got me through those hills, only because I was desperate to ride at least 100 miles. It was still super hot and my arms were starting to burn. Back down to the coast road at last and the final half dozen miles were on the flat, past Rampside and the submarine docks and over the bridge onto Walney.
Cold beer, fish and chips and a bottle of after sun lotion waiting for me when I arrived at the mother-in-laws house. A very long day but extended my longest ride by about 40 miles so I'm pretty pleased with myself.
If you get the chance to do the Bay Cycleway, then I would thoroughly recommend it. But don't forget there is a flat half and a hilly half.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Back on the bike! :dance: It's been 2 weeks since I knackered my knee ligaments, and I've been giving it complete rest, with plenty of ice packs and anti-inflamatories. Saddle now set at the correct height (:blush:), and i started early, doing a gentle 12 mile ride down to Epney and back just to test out both the saddle and my knee. I can offer no explanation for the stern look in this selfie, taken down by the Severn at the Anchor Inn, Epney:

The weather was clearing nicely, and the sun was starting to break through the clouds, lighting up the sandbanks in the Severn:

With 12 miles on the clock, met up with the Kingsway CC outside the Barn Owl in Quedgeley for my first club ride for a fortnight, intending to tag on a few extra miles at the end to qualify for this month's Metric Century Challenge ride. Nice to see quite a few turning up in their club kits. @Dark46 is 2nd from the left, and I'm 3rd from the left:

I went off with the relaxed group of 6, while 7 others comprised the fast group. I was quite surprised how relaxing the ride was along the main road to Ross-on-Wye. I had it down as one to avoid ... the sort of winding, undulating main road with solid lines down the middle and always loads of cars carrying out interesting overtaking manouvres. But on this particular Sunday morning there was hardly a car coming past us and all went fine. Did a couple of laps of the town centre of Ross while looking for a suitable cafe or pub. At this point, @Dark46's rear light fell off. He disappeared under a car to retrieve it with only his feet sticking out for what seemed like an age. We all pulled over to wait:

sadly the pubs weren't open yet, so we ended up eating and drinking our own supplies in the beer garden of the White Lion pub on the banks of the River Wye. What a lovely spot. Plenty of birdlife around, and people launching canoes on the river.

Came back home via Mitcheldean, Flaxley Abbey and Westbury-on-Severn. Some tricky little climbs, but some beautiful and invigorating sweeping descents too. Lovely forest scenery, but I was having way too much fun to stop and take any more photos. Dragged our asses back into the Kingsway estate the long way round, so my co-riders could hit the 50 mile mark. Just so happens this got me to my 100km target without needing to tag on any further loops. Got home to see I'd hit 63.1 miles. And what a terrific ride. Great company, great scenery, considerate drivers everywhere. Lovely.

Never thought I'd manage the Challenge ride this month, so well chuffed. Now I've just got to hope I'll still be able to walk tomorrow, and that I'll be OK by the time I head for the Alps in September. Can't wait. Cheers everyone, Donger.
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The Sunday morning fast group ride was unexpectedly gatecrashed by an equine delegation today.

Galloping, out-of-control horse and rider shot out onto the road from a bridleway entrance at (and perpendicular to) the side of the lane, right into the middle of the group. Rather than scything straight through us, the horse-rider managed to execute a desperate handbrake turn and decelerate the beast into a direction of travel vaguely the same as us amid a spectacular blur of scrabbling hooves-on-tarmac, although one cyclist was collected and pushed almost off the far side of the road. Somehow he stayed upright, fending himself off more than half a ton of freaking steeplechase nutjob. The rest of us behind the action all frantically tested our braking and swerving capability - I do love the smell of burning rubber in the morning - and those in front wondered what the hell the commotion was. No one came off, and the horse collected its thoughts and calmed down, enabling us to continue without further drama.

The horse apparently was sporting leg injuries (not caused by this incident) , so that probably explains why it was on its mad mission.

Still, could have turned out a lot worse.....if we'd been a tractor or truck rather than a group of cyclists, that probably would have been one dead horse instead of one very-nearly-deaded cyclist. Yikes.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
The Sunday morning fast group ride was unexpectedly gatecrashed by an equine delegation today.

Galloping, out-of-control horse and rider shot out onto the road from a bridleway entrance at (and perpendicular to) the side of the lane.......No one came off, and the horse collected its thoughts and calmed down, enabling us to continue without further drama.
.... Still, could have turned out a lot worse.....if we'd been a tractor or truck rather than a group of cyclists, that probably would have been one dead horse instead of one very-nearly-deaded cyclist. Yikes.
Or someone could have parked their face in the rear end of a horse!


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Yesterdays weather was beautiful, sunny and very warm, actually riding in today's cloudier and cooler conditions was probably more pleasant. Denying my impulse to cycle yesterday was helped by my wife and daughter, who colluded to monopolise my time with them most of the day, so I sneaked out for my ride this morning before the ladies were even awake...
My route looks similar to the 75km one, except this time I went the shorter but higher route up to Woodbury Common before dropping down through Yettington and East Budleigh instead of staying on the relative flat of the river routes. The Sanctuary Lane climb and onwards up to the Castle is 4.5km and rises from 68m to 180m above sea level, once up here you feel you've earned one of my favourite view points looking over the entire Exe Estuary towards Dartmoor, the city of Exeter nestled in amongst its protective hills.

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As usual the great views during the descent down to Yettington aren't graphically shown because I was too busy grinning in the rear view mirror of a small Toyota as I drafted it down the hill, the driver having overtaken me narrowly at the flat part at the top of the lane just a few minutes before. It only lasts until the road flattens out and we both come to a sudden stop to wait for oncoming traffic in the village, she soon accelerates away from me again as the road rises from here and I find I've still got my high descending gear set as I pull away.
I wind along the lanes parallel to the River Otter on a familiar route back home. Plenty of cyclists out this morning, most I see are coming the other way it seems, nobody has come alongside before speeding off so either I can't be caught because I'm going too fast (extremely unlikely) or I'm billy no mates as usual. Horse riders are out too, a quick ping of my bell from a distant way back gaining me thanks as they go into single file to let me by. Everyone's feeling polite and happy on this Sunday morning.
I stop for a banana break before my final leg homewards at Payhembury. Typical Devon village check list features all present and correct, green central square, Church, thatched cottages, pub opposite the church.

The banana has given me enough energy to add an extra loop before my final cool down homeward straight stretch, local council budgets have been evident with marking some surfaces out here for patching. One of the connecting route lanes has had a new surface applied in it's entirety, the way I'm going is a downhill so I enjoy that new smoothness before normal potholed and delicates battering service is resumed as I turn homewards. At least the councils white spray markings give me warning of the worst bits to avoid.

57.5km, 788 metres climbing.


Legendary Member
Target for the year has always been to ride 100 miles (previous best was about 72 miles). Failed at the first attempt on @nickyboy's Llandudno ride with a mechanical after 13 miles. Inspired by @Globalti and @SamR who rode the Bay Cycle way I decided to ride from home to Glasson Dock then do the whole route.

If you get the chance to do the Bay Cycleway, then I would thoroughly recommend it. But don't forget there is a flat half and a hilly half.

Wow! Respect! We avoided some of those hills and only did 86 miles. Have a pat on the back!
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