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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I found my 700x30 Schwalbe Winter tyres (only two lines of studs cf. four on your Marathon Winters) add about 15 minutes to my 60/70-minute each-way commute. So I only use them when absolutely necessary!

Nice ride photos.
Sounds like what I'd expect. I did do a 100 miler back in January on the Snow Studs (report here)so am under no illusions about the effect on speed with them but they kept me upright on some very icy commutes so were well worth it.:okay: I'm hoping these will be even better in that respect.^_^


Powered by M&M's
Not posted in here for a while as my rides have been boring and few and far between whilst I've been (STILL!) recovering from my broken hip, however yesterday my good lady and I did a 40 miler, the longest ride I've done since early February. Not particularly fast or hilly but it was great to be able to spend 3 hours in the saddle again, and as an added bonus I can still walk today ^_^

Good going @mooseracer :okay:

We'll have to meet for a ride / coffee :smile:

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Just a 20 miler here today in the flatlands along familiar routes.


Headed for Upware on the Fen. The road surface is awful, but it keeps the cars away. There's a pub there called the ' Five miles from anywhere' or the. ' no hurry'. Didn't stop there today though.


Lots of butterflies about along the way.


Headed off toward Wicken Fen along a waterway where the boats moor, (or park as I'd call it- never been one for boats).


The sun reappeared on Burwell Fen. Another busy day on the cycle path. To be fair though, here were plenty of folk about on bikes. You always get time and space on your own though which is great.


On the home straight, a quick stop in Swaffham Prior looking very dapper in the sunshine, apart from the streetlight columns every few yards (though I somehow managed to capture just the one in this pic). Cambridgeshire are obsessed with street lighting for some bonkers reason, so even the tiniest place is lit up like Las Vegas at night. Nothing a decent air rifle won't deal with though.- So I'm told.:evil:

Home after 2 hours - another superb day to be on a bicycle.
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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
@Racing roadkill - Great helmet in your pics, brings instant memories of Battle of The Planets / G Force (depending on where you lived in the UK when it broadcast!)

Bit late on the Waspgate report, but had to trek up and back to Manchester so.

Me and @themosquitoking went off on Friday to venture forth towards Leith Hill so I could do the much talked about (on another thread) White Downs. We went via the hilly How Lane (only 0.6 miles but 7% average), and down to Beare Green where we got liquid refreshment, and I had a wasp which crawled down my top and promptly stung my neck... Other wasps took this as an invitation for a frontal assault and I spent the next ten minutes Ned Flandering my arms around trying to defend my soul, with Matt looking bemused and amused in equal measure.


With the power of WASP inside me we powered on, the tower of Leith Hill looming far away in the distance, but getting ever closer.


Then onto the hill where a chap in a yellow fluorescent jacket warned us they were doing work, but wouldn't stop us going up there. The whole road had loose chippings which made for some hilarity in climbing it as the rear wheel spun like crazy and straight lines were in our dreams. That said Matt was storming ahead, clearly in 4x4 mode and looked good to better our PB's up there.

That was until 100 metres from the summit, when another road blockage and a guy warning us the whole road had the same surface. Not fancying a Leith Hill downhill on loose chippings we decided to head down Coldharbour Lane instead (my first time).


Blimey that was a steep descent! I've never gone up Coldharbour Lane, not sure I want to!

In keeping with today, our normal route out from Dorking to the A24 had yet more loose chippings, clearly they had waited till after RideLondon to do some work!

As we hit Box Hill we both agreed we werent going for a time, so cruised the first section. About halfway to the first switchback Matt said he had nothing in his legs, and for some reason this spurred me on to having a go at our time, feeling fresh! I have no idea why this psychology happened...

I put every effort into the hill, I knew I was going at a decent (for me) pace as I was actually catching and passing folk, and I looked behind where I had dropped Matt. As it turned out I did a PB of 9.28, and was left with the feeling of what could have been had I put the pace down from the start... Anyway, Matt arrived a bit later looking like he'd just been out for a Sunday stroll...


Some tea and more wasps decided they wanted to sit on my man parts / buzz me for shoots n giggles / generally make me Ned Flanders around again. I hate wasps, they are mean.

(For the record I did kill one, so as far as I'm concerned, it was Humans 1 : Wasps 1, a score draw).


And then rode home. Still haven't done White Downs, but did see what Coldharbour Lane was all about!


Legendary Member
Based on the forecast yesterday I hadn't really planned a ride today. However the rain failed to materialise and it was actually warm and :sun:out so what better time to test out my new winter tyres?:crazy: No, really - I found some Schwalbe Marathon Winter last month on sale for practically a quarter of the usual price so couldn't resist getting a pair and today being dry it was ideal for their bedding in run.

I headed over Lyth Hill to start, then Condover, Ryton, Longnor and up Folly Bank with the intention of dropping into Cardington, however I changed my mind at the top of that climb, turned left and carried on climbing to Yell Bank (1053' ASL) where there are some fabulous views on all sides.

I dropped down through Chatwall next then down through Causeway Wood and on to Acton Burnell, Pitchford, Cantlop and Condover again before another crossing of Lyth Hill and heading for home.

Incidents en route? Got stuck behind a tractor for a while after Ryton, spotted a hare (my third in two weeks), found at the top of the Folly Bank climb that the reason the bike felt sluggish was the back brake was dragging and got stung by a wasp at Cantlop.

Thoughts on the tyres? Well, like the Snow Studs I already have, they feel fairly draggy (although that could have been the brake ;)). They are incredibly noisy (like riding over fresh surface dressing the whole way round) but I suspect they are going to be very good on ice with all those studs making contact.

24.4 miles today. 11.6 mph average (partly the studs, partly the dragging brake but mostly the big hill in the middle).

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5 miles into the ride - summer conditions, winter tyres.

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My view for a couple of miles. He was slow but was sheltering me from the wind. Small mercies I suppose.

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It may not have been a great summer in Shropshire (cool and windy) but it has been surprisingly dry as evidenced by the ford having dried up at Leasowes.

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On the way up to Yell Bank and looking towards the Clee Hills

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The view from the summit. Including the Wrekin and the north Shropshire plain.

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A pause at Chatwall. The notice under the postbox advises that it's out of service due to birds nesting inside.:giggle:

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On the way to Acton Burnell.
Pretty much the reverse of my route yesterday. Try it the other way round when u get chance, boy those hills are steep!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Pretty much the reverse of my route yesterday. Try it the other way round when u get chance, boy those hills are steep!
I have done a few times, including in the snow.:okay: Yup, quite steep.;)


Legendary Member
My ride last Saturday - 108Km - August's 100Km as part of the 100Km/month challenge - 108Km Blaby- Willoughby Waterlys -Arnesby - Carlton Curlew - Ilston - Billesdon - Tilton on the HIll -Alexton - Stockerston - Great Eaton (via the side of Eyebrook Reservoir -Drayton - Medbourne - Cranoe - Glooston - Goadby - Kibworth Harcourt Arnesby - Blaby
Rather tired at the end as I must confess since my last 113Km ride I've barely cycled more than 5Km. Must be getting lazy - hoping for nice weather next weekend so I can rectify this...


Über Member
Another 12.8 miles today after my first day back at work for 2 weeks. Legs were tired when I got home from work (Postie) but I said I was going so I went, even rode uphill into the wind instead of going the other way round and having the wind at my back downhill. May regret it at work tomorrow but hoping to get back out after that too ^_^


Never used Über Member
Another local spin tonight as I work commitments mean I'm almost certain not to get out on the bike tomorrow evening...:headshake:

On the road bike and a quick ride before tea. Out to Cross Gates via Church lane, then out onto Austhorpe Rd via Park Avenue. Lots of joggers out tonight, I noticed.
Straight onto Manston Lane and head down for another go at that course time. Blimey wheres that wind come from? One minute it's in my face, then from the side, swirling round all over the place. Never mind, keep going - power! :laugh:
Returned back up Manston Lane into an on / off headwind, then cut through and up onto Pendas Fields, before deciding to loop round via Pendas Way for another go.
Except that wind is at my side now and I'm actually now having to lean into it (slightly) to maintain a straight forward line. Turn into Manston Lane again and this time the wind seems less of an issue.
Keep pushing right to the end, then take 5 for a drink and to get my breath back :sweat:
Back up the way I've just come, straight into the wind, which has decided to be a headwind for this whole section now.
Just cruising and I hear another bike approaching - it's a very trick looking Boardman MTB. Exchange a few pleasantries with the rider - who's also noticed that this road always seems to have the wind blowing in your face, then he accelerates off. I let him go... ;) but keep him in sight until I turn off onto Pendas Fields again, then have a quick sprint down to Barwick Rd, up to home.

9.79 miles in 37m 26s at an average of 15.7mph, which will do me for a quick post work blast on a Monday.
This put me past 100 miles cycled so far this month, which I'm really pleased with. Now I need to beat my previous best monthly total of 199.8 miles..

Equalled my PB on the course, but still not caught the fastest rider so still got a bit of work to do there to shave another 14 seconds off somewhere...:training:
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Legendary Member
Back on the bike! :dance: It's been 2 weeks since I knackered my knee ligaments, and I've been giving it complete rest, with plenty of ice packs and anti-inflamatories. Saddle now set at the correct height (:blush:), and i started early, doing a gentle 12 mile ride down to Epney and back just to test out both the saddle and my knee. I can offer no explanation for the stern look in this selfie, taken down by the Severn at the Anchor Inn, Epney: View attachment 99513
The weather was clearing nicely, and the sun was starting to break through the clouds, lighting up the sandbanks in the Severn:
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With 12 miles on the clock, met up with the Kingsway CC outside the Barn Owl in Quedgeley for my first club ride for a fortnight, intending to tag on a few extra miles at the end to qualify for this month's Metric Century Challenge ride. Nice to see quite a few turning up in their club kits. @Dark46 is 2nd from the left, and I'm 3rd from the left:
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I went off with the relaxed group of 6, while 7 others comprised the fast group. I was quite surprised how relaxing the ride was along the main road to Ross-on-Wye. I had it down as one to avoid ... the sort of winding, undulating main road with solid lines down the middle and always loads of cars carrying out interesting overtaking manouvres. But on this particular Sunday morning there was hardly a car coming past us and all went fine. Did a couple of laps of the town centre of Ross while looking for a suitable cafe or pub. At this point, @Dark46's rear light fell off. He disappeared under a car to retrieve it with only his feet sticking out for what seemed like an age. We all pulled over to wait:
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sadly the pubs weren't open yet, so we ended up eating and drinking our own supplies in the beer garden of the White Lion pub on the banks of the River Wye. What a lovely spot. Plenty of birdlife around, and people launching canoes on the river.
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Came back home via Mitcheldean, Flaxley Abbey and Westbury-on-Severn. Some tricky little climbs, but some beautiful and invigorating sweeping descents too. Lovely forest scenery, but I was having way too much fun to stop and take any more photos. Dragged our asses back into the Kingsway estate the long way round, so my co-riders could hit the 50 mile mark. Just so happens this got me to my 100km target without needing to tag on any further loops. Got home to see I'd hit 63.1 miles. And what a terrific ride. Great company, great scenery, considerate drivers everywhere. Lovely.
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Never thought I'd manage the Challenge ride this month, so well chuffed. Now I've just got to hope I'll still be able to walk tomorrow, and that I'll be OK by the time I head for the Alps in September. Can't wait. Cheers everyone, Donger.
Was wondering where you had got to, with no ride reports. Glad you are back up and riding again!
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