Your ride today....

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Legendary Member
Another run today, five miles along the Thames Path at Marlow towards Henley on Thames, it wasn't my intention to go to Henley, just in that direction. I was along there because I was killing time waiting for Mrs Wife to complete the Henley swim Bridge to Bridge event, a 14 k swim from Henley Bridge to Marlow Bridge, which she completed in 5 hours.

So my silly little five mile run is insignificant to her efforts today, but I did it in quite good time considering the amount of children, old people, cyclists, dogs and gates that I had to dodge round or go through. My first mile wast the first sub 9 minute mile I have ever ran, but it went down hill after that, set off too fast and then the path got busy. Bloody hot today too, BUT what a lovely day to be out and about, this time last year it was pi$$ing Down.


Dave 123

Legendary Member
The boy wonder was home from work by 12ish, so we just went out into the headwinds of Cambridgeshite ( an honest typo, but I like it, so it stays!)

We did a loop down to Toft, And through the local villages along the quiet roads in the sunshine. In this picture I'm cycling and trying to take a picture on Instagram hence looking like a gurning fool, Thomas on the other hand is looking like the cool cycling dude.


He'd already cycled 16 miles to and from work, so the addition of a 17 mile loop to the total was a sterling effort!


Über Member
Third (well almost) 100KM of the week.

Decided to stay above the Humber this time, and after yesterday's 68 miles I wanted something flat, so where better than the Holderness Plain running along the Humber, miles of deserted, flat as a pancake roads.

Due to a miscalculation I actually only rode 61.8 miles at an average of 16mph.




What a ride today! Supposed to be the shorter of the two rides today. The fast group were doing 45 and the relaxed group 35 miles.

Meeting up with the KCC this morning at the usual place I got there first to everyone's surprise. I arrived at 08:40 and Lisa arrived not long after followed by the others in dribs and drabs. As it was @Donger s first ride since injuring his knee, he wanted a group photo.

As we've now agreed we set off in two groups, as not to cause difficulty to other road users. The relaxed group went off first then the fast group. It was a good turnout as in total there were 13 of us this week.

The ride was going into the Forest of Dean for the first time for me.

We were caught by the fast group after about 5 mins and luckily it was on the dualcarriage way so there were no issues with passing.

The ride went well with no problems and everyone seemed to enjoying the ride. The lights seemed to be against us, not the it was a problem as it meant a rest before heading uphill at Huntley. The ride was a long up hill ride, but not too steep. At Least we were supposed to turn towards Mitcheldean but as we were so close to Ross-on-Wye we decided to go there as many of us hadn't ridden there before.

Once we cleared Lea there was a lovely downhill section in Ross. At Ross my rear light decided to jump off my bike and split into 2 pieces and batteries in another direction. I propped the bike up and went walking for it. Typically for me I found the glass on one side of the road. The rest of the light wad underneath a Rover coupe'. it seemed like an age, as it landed in the middle of the engine where I couldn't reach it.
It must have looked odd with a cyclists legs stuck out from under a parked car. I forgot while I was rolling about on the floor that I had a banana in my back pocket! It got mashed up in the pocket lol

Looking around after trying to reach the light I noticed somehow put of the wheelarch was on the floor. So I used it to retrieve my light. Then put the broken part of the wheelarch by thr drivers door so he would see it.

We rode around Ross trying to find a coffee shop apart from Costa but nothing.

The trip back was good with a little 11% hill thrown in towards Drybrook. We then turned off that road to Lea then into Mitcheldean. From there it was into Flaxley and passed the Abbey. But on the way there down a rather nice hill. Again my light decided to part company with my bike! This time there was no saving it .

From there it was plain sailing on to the A48 and back into Gloucester.

All in all the ride was just over 51 miles for me .

Plus an extra pic from Wednesday night at the Chepstow Elite Nocturne as the KCC on tour. I'm in the white Mclaren top.


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Just a couple of 'short' rides for me this weekend. It was a case of getting out whilst I could.

Both rides were the same route.... not much to say about them other than the fact that I found a hitchhiker/stowaway on my shoe on this morning's ride. I have been watching a ladybird whilst we sat enjoying a spot of shade (yes I know, but it was too warm in the sunshine and I burn) and after it had walked under my front right wheel, it then walked under my right foot and disappeared from view. Lifting my right foot up did not reveal the stowaway so I quit watching it and finished off my bar before looking at my right leg to put back onto the pedal... only to spot the stowaway who had found a nice spot under my lace and snuggled down into the tongue of my shoe.... My OH had to evict the stowaway because I still can't reach my feet etc.... It was a ladybird btw.


My OH's bike in a spot of shade before his ride yesterday. It is not quite as shiny as when new almost 12 months ago despite the lack of use!

yesterday's ride
today's ride
I'm taking tomorrow off as a rest day because I have covered 190km (+115 miles) this week!


Never used Über Member
The forecast for today was grey and overcast so I was surprised to wake up and find glorious sunshine outside.

After yesterdays ride on the road bike I decided to take the (muddy) hybrid as I didn't want it feeling left out by it's sleeker and considerably cleaner stablemate.

Usual-ish route, Wood Lane to Scholes, then Bog lane, Barnbow Lane and up Nanny Goat lane to Garforth. The weather was glorious, but there seemed to be no-one about at all. No walkers, no joggers, not even any other cyclists. Lovely! ;)
Down onto Barwick Rd and heading up over the M1 bridge and towards Parlington Lane, the farmer was harvesting in the field meaning an awful cloud of dust and flies was swirling over the road - fortunately i got through quickly and turned left onto the roadway leading to the bridle path. I was about to find out where everyone was...
Two 'joggers' (all in running gear but actually walking) were managing to take up most of the width of the bridleway ahead. Polite ring of the bell - nothing. Second polite ring of the bell, getting closer now - still nothing. Polite "morning!", slowing down getting ready to stop - they both turned round, big scowls on faces and moved slightly to one side. Not sure what I could have done differently, but hey ho...:scratch:

Up the hill and into the woods, through the haunted tunnel and out the other side onto part of the route that's been considerably narrowed by encroaching undergrowth to find a pair of horses and riders heading my way. I had space to pull off the path so I let them through. They seemed a bit surprised by this and were effusive in their thanks.
Then a quick run into Aberford. Turned right at the end and cycled up to the Almshouses intending to stop for a drink, a photo and 5 mins rest...

...but was immediately surrounded by what appeared to be a million tiny black flies - blooming harvest season! Had a quick drink and returned the way I'd come.
Back onto NCN R66 and into the woods where a group of walkers (meanderers?)and their dogs were strung out across the entire bridlepath (it's wide enough for two tractors to pass each other at this point) so I just waited until I had room to get by as they knew I was there but were steadfastly refusing to acknowledge me or allow me through.
Back through the tunnel and met the horse riders from earlier coming back - plenty of room for us all here so just slowed down a bit and a cheery 'hello again' and on our way.
Down the bumpy hill and stopped for another drink at Barwick Rd, watching the harvest going on from a safe distance

Then the old route down Ellis Lane, across the golf course , up onto Manston Lane and through Pendas Fields to home.

14.5 miles in 1hr 11m at an average of 12.2mph and 578ft climbed - with a good chunk of that off road, that will do for me on a Sunday morning.

Then, as I've been threatening to do all week, I cleaned, lubed and fettled the hybrid in the garden whilst listening to this: :becool:


World class procrastinator
We went out for a little 20 miler earlier. It was fun.

We rode down the Marriotts - on our roadies - to Lenwade and then took the road to Reepham and cut across to the right just before Reepham and then carried on to Marsham, where we stopped for a quick coffee at the Plough. Seemed very posh there as we walked past 3 new Range Rovers and a couple of Jags. Not that posh though as they had a carvery going on and it didn't have a posh price. We sat in the smoking area, under a brolly for shade swigging coffee for me and a Coke for himself and then pushed on again.

We found ourselves heading for Skeyton and passed the Goat PH (very good Sunday Lunches there if you are in the area) and then on to Scottow and Coltishall. We stopped at the Londis and bought ice lollys and then home via the North Walsham Road, across at Spixworth to St Faiths, on to Horsford and Drayton and back on the Marriotts, picking up a PB along from Drayton to Hellesdon. I knew there was a segment there and got my head down a bit.

37.36 miles all in all (not bad for a 20 miler). Out for 4 hours all in all but we were stopped for a bit over an hour for coffee, ice cream and waiting for Hubster at the top of hills. 12.6 moving average. Just off to the gym with my neighbour now. I've just been to hers for a BBQ so full up on Linda Sausages and Pasta & Tuna (SW recipe) that her Mum knocked up for me.

Strava here:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I headed out to Hallaton and then Medbourne and saw a sign post for Neville Holt. I've had a few people ask me if I've been up this hill and today, despite the aching legs, I decided to go up it. Anyway it was probably the hardest climb I've done and I was breathing really heavily, but I got up it and actually felt pretty good when I got to the top. Yes it was steep, but it was a steady climb and I managed to do it staying in the saddle. The Strava segment says 273 feet climb over 0.9 miles.
Surely those numbers can't be right? I make that 5.7% which is pretty modest in terms of steepness. I would have thought that you would romp up 5.7% given the fitness you must have to cover the incredible distances that you do every year!
Couldn't ride this morning-prior engagements!! Busy this afternoon, but thought about a "spin" early evening. Found I had to choose between a ride or a beer and a bottle of "vino collapso!!"
The booze won, but , hey, I plan a ride tomorrow!! God, this retirement business messes up your schedules!!


All fixed, although the glasses will look a mess (had to replace a missing nose pad with one made from a tap washer !) with any lens other than the dark ones and those got scratched in the tumble on Friday so it looks like a new purchase is necessary.

Headed pass the TdF monument at Ripley today on the A61 rather than the cycletrack on the other side of it

Ripley itself was its popular tourist destination, although it seemed a bit more packed than normal

The pub in Scotton seemed a good option after Friday but I peddled on - its named after the villages most (in)famous resident

Further on had intended to follow a path I had been told about but could not find it - playing the video back it seems that I had rode straight pass it. One for another day. Instead came the pretty village of Burton Leonard

and then after a fast ride along the A61 across Monkton Moor NCN67 was picked up in Markington. I have previously commented on the excessive routing of this NCN and here are a couple of signs at a junction which shows the matter quite well

The one problem with using the road is that at busy times like late on a Sunday day trippers to Nidderdale head back home. I also discovered why Ripley seemed that bit busier than normal. In the second photo I had overtaken 11 vehicles, weaving in and out in the face of on coming traffic until the sanctuary of the path seen in the picture was reached, this leads to the old road hiding being the trees which was blocked off when the village by-pass was built.

One section of NCN67 I have not referred to previously is that which curves from the north into the middle of Harrogate. It starts out following the curve of the Harrogate-Ripon railway forming a junction (as did the railway) with a local cycle track from Starbeck which is on the route of the original Leeds-Ripon railway

As the third side of the triangle is still in use by the Harrogate-Knaresborough-York railway the path clambers to one side and crosses over on a bridge with some wooden obstacles
67 rly bridge.jpg

After a brief use of a road NCN67 then runs alongside the railway before ending in a car park, the signs nicely direct cyclists to carry straight on into the adjacent Asda car park. Somehow taking to the road always seems safer to me.
67 asda.jpg

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Based on the forecast yesterday I hadn't really planned a ride today. However the rain failed to materialise and it was actually warm and :sun:out so what better time to test out my new winter tyres?:crazy: No, really - I found some Schwalbe Marathon Winter last month on sale for practically a quarter of the usual price so couldn't resist getting a pair and today being dry it was ideal for their bedding in run.

I headed over Lyth Hill to start, then Condover, Ryton, Longnor and up Folly Bank with the intention of dropping into Cardington, however I changed my mind at the top of that climb, turned left and carried on climbing to Yell Bank (1053' ASL) where there are some fabulous views on all sides.

I dropped down through Chatwall next then down through Causeway Wood and on to Acton Burnell, Pitchford, Cantlop and Condover again before another crossing of Lyth Hill and heading for home.

Incidents en route? Got stuck behind a tractor for a while after Ryton, spotted a hare (my third in two weeks), found at the top of the Folly Bank climb that the reason the bike felt sluggish was the back brake was dragging and got stung by a wasp at Cantlop.

Thoughts on the tyres? Well, like the Snow Studs I already have, they feel fairly draggy (although that could have been the brake ;)). They are incredibly noisy (like riding over fresh surface dressing the whole way round) but I suspect they are going to be very good on ice with all those studs making contact.

24.4 miles today. 11.6 mph average (partly the studs, partly the dragging brake but mostly the big hill in the middle).


5 miles into the ride - summer conditions, winter tyres.


My view for a couple of miles. He was slow but was sheltering me from the wind. Small mercies I suppose.


It may not have been a great summer in Shropshire (cool and windy) but it has been surprisingly dry as evidenced by the ford having dried up at Leasowes.


On the way up to Yell Bank and looking towards the Clee Hills


The view from the summit. Including the Wrekin and the north Shropshire plain.


A pause at Chatwall. The notice under the postbox advises that it's out of service due to birds nesting inside.:giggle:


On the way to Acton Burnell.
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Thoughts on the tyres? Well, like the Snow Studs I already have they feel fairly draggy (although that could have been the brake ;)). They are incredibly noisy (like riding over fresh surface dressing the whole way round) but I suspect they are going to be very good on ice with all those studs making contact.

I found my 700x30 Schwalbe Winter tyres (only two lines of studs cf. four on your Marathon Winters) add about 15 minutes to my 60/70-minute each-way commute. So I only use them when absolutely necessary!

Nice ride photos.
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