The forecast for today was grey and overcast so I was surprised to wake up and find glorious sunshine outside.
After yesterdays ride on the road bike I decided to take the (muddy) hybrid as I didn't want it feeling left out by it's sleeker and considerably cleaner stablemate.
Usual-ish route, Wood Lane to Scholes, then Bog lane, Barnbow Lane and up Nanny Goat lane to Garforth. The weather was glorious, but there seemed to be no-one about at all. No walkers, no joggers, not even any other cyclists. Lovely!

Down onto Barwick Rd and heading up over the M1 bridge and towards Parlington Lane, the farmer was harvesting in the field meaning an awful cloud of dust and flies was swirling over the road - fortunately i got through quickly and turned left onto the roadway leading to the bridle path. I was about to find out where everyone was...
Two 'joggers' (all in running gear but actually walking) were managing to take up most of the width of the bridleway ahead. Polite ring of the bell - nothing. Second polite ring of the bell, getting closer now - still nothing. Polite "morning!", slowing down getting ready to stop - they both turned round, big scowls on faces and moved slightly to one side. Not sure what I could have done differently, but hey ho...
Up the hill and into the woods, through the haunted tunnel and out the other side onto part of the route that's been considerably narrowed by encroaching undergrowth to find a pair of horses and riders heading my way. I had space to pull off the path so I let them through. They seemed a bit surprised by this and were effusive in their thanks.
Then a quick run into Aberford. Turned right at the end and cycled up to the Almshouses intending to stop for a drink, a photo and 5 mins rest...
...but was immediately surrounded by what appeared to be a million tiny black flies - blooming harvest season! Had a quick drink and returned the way I'd come.
Back onto NCN R66 and into the woods where a group of walkers (meanderers?)and their dogs were strung out across the entire bridlepath (it's wide enough for two tractors to pass each other at this point) so I just waited until I had room to get by as they knew I was there but were steadfastly refusing to acknowledge me or allow me through.
Back through the tunnel and met the horse riders from earlier coming back - plenty of room for us all here so just slowed down a bit and a cheery 'hello again' and on our way.
Down the bumpy hill and stopped for another drink at Barwick Rd, watching the harvest going on from a safe distance
Then the old route down Ellis Lane, across the golf course , up onto Manston Lane and through Pendas Fields to home.
14.5 miles in 1hr 11m at an average of 12.2mph and 578ft climbed - with a good chunk of that off road, that will do for me on a Sunday morning.
Then, as I've been threatening to do all week, I cleaned, lubed and fettled the hybrid in the garden whilst listening to this: