Your ride today....

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Out this morning just before 6 am up and out of the boro via the mad mile , along past beckworths on to Sywell village , Mears Ashby ,Earls Barton over the A45 past the new marina site up and over one of my favourite hills ie Whiston down into Castle Ashby .


Along and across the estate drive towards Yardley Hasting then Grendon and towards Wollaston along and up Hardwater (look at the ratios on rear block) and back through Great Doddington in to the boro


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Out this morning just before 6 am up and out of the boro via the mad mile , along past beckworths on to Sywell village , Mears Ashby ,Earls Barton over the A45 past the new marina site up and over one of my favourite hills ie Whiston down into Castle Ashby .

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Along and across the estate drive towards Yardley Hasting then Grendon and towards Wollaston along and up Hardwater (look at the ratios on rear block) and back through Great Doddington in to the boro
You did well up Hardwater with that block! Was it worth changing gear? :laugh:


Über Member
Actually moved my bum and went out on my recently purchased Boardman cx comp, no strava on this ride, no garmin (sold) just a basic speed, distance computer, went along the Wirral way from Willaston ( Hadlow road ) to heswall,then back again, but went past hadlow and continued to Hooton, then went up onto the road and cycled back to hadlow road via Willaston, and back to the car. 15 miles at a steady 9-11 mph, more smiles than miles, took a couple of photos to share to.. Might do it again Sunday,and try to get to west kirby, without getting lost.






Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
6am on a glorious morning saw me out on the Ridgeback for a quick spin before an appointment at 9am.

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I flew up to the beach just to make sure it was still there and sure enough it was.
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Route 1 along the seafront and some of the oh soooooo many pubs we have here

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I discovered it was Art week on the pier

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but i pushed on into a warm headwind along the front and down onto the ancient highway

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eventually coming into Sandwich and the Toll Bridge
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and then back out into the lanes towards home
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The weather was really warm and humid and the sun was out but it was slightly overcast with the tail end of some early mist over the

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Then home for a quick shower before jumping on one of the other bikes for a ride into town. As i type this the sun is shining strongly so a good excuse to get out there for ride number 3 later on, and there is still tomorrow :hyper:


Recall saying to the couple who kindly gave me a lift home that I realised the bike was heading into the verge and tried to correct it but it only seemed to make it worse. A mile earlier I had nearly come off when pulling into a farm entrance to allow a car pass and slid alarmingly on the gravel. Beginning to think the headset was not fully tight and that slide on the gravel was enough for it to loosen further and eventually allow the front wheel to suddenly take a mind of its own. Have hopefully managed to glue the spectacle frame back together, a combination of gel superglue to get the initial alignment and then a coating around the joint of slow setting exopy.


Legendary Member
Woke up to the best weather of the summer, not a cloud in the sky, completely calm and so there was no way I was missing out on a ride today!

I hadn't really planned a route and so just decided to see where I ended up, making sure I was home for 11:30 when Dad was arriving.

Began by heading to Betton Abbots, then climbed up to Cantlop and Pitchford, before arriving in Acton Burnell, where I paused to decide which route to take. I fancied a challenge and so decided to do the route up to Cardington, but from a direction I'd never done it in before. Having been down this route I knew there was serious climbing ahead and it didn't disappoint, as the first hill up to Ruckley got the heart pumping and I paused at the top for chocolate and a picture.

I continued to climb, enjoying the fabulous scenery, to Chatwall and then joined a road I hadn't been on before, to Enchmarsh. The views over South Shropshire were immense, but the steep climbing was relentless and by the time I reached the top I had climbed about 1200 ft in 10 miles and at 676ft Strava tells me I've been up my single biggest climb ever, beating anything I've even done in the Lake District before!! Worth it though.

I arrived at the junction for Cardington and paused for much needed water and crisps, with the avg speed only showing 9.9mph so far.

The return journey would be downhill and flat pretty much all the way, and it was great fun descending Folly Bank at 30mph and then cruising to Longnor, Ryton and Condover. I then took the lanes towards Betton Abbots and, as I reached the crossroads I wanted, a club ride from Stan's Cycle Shop passed the junction. I waited for them and a VW Golf following them, to pass, before I pulled out and followed them up the small hill. In doing so I witnessed the worst bit of driving I've ever seen whilst on my bike. The idiot in the Golf decided to over take the 12 or so riders, approaching a blind crest and in doing so met a Toyota Hilux coming over the crest. Both cars skidded as they met head on and I was waiting for the smash, but remarkably they stopped within what must have been inches of each other. Neither car had anywhere to go now, as they were alongside some of the cyclists, so they had to wait for the other bikes to undertake them, before the Golf could then pull back onto the correct side of the road, and then proceed to overtake around a bend instead. What a complete Idiot this driver was :wacko::thumbsdown:.

I arrived home having done 24.8 miles at 11.9mph, with 1269ft of climbing. Must have averaged about 14mph for the last 14 miles to bring the speed up to that, which is fast for me!!

Ready to go and watch Shrewsbury Town v Millwall this afternoon as the footy season is back :hyper:


Legendary Member
Alarm goes off at 05:00 and I don't want to get out of bed, legs are really feeling the commuting this week. But I know the weather is going to be just about perfect to get in my August imperial century ride so I crawl out of my pit.

Two chunky slices of peanut butter on toast, big bowl of cornflakes and a big mug of tea and I'm ready to go.

During the week I bought a Goal Zero Flip20 battery pack (for full disclosure I work for the UK distributor) which I hoped would extend the battery life on the Satmap (also distribute these.) In order to test it I took a spare Satmap with me with a battery that wasn't fully charged. At 85 miles the battery was on red so I plugged the Flip20 into it. When I got home the Satmap had gone back up to 3 bars (out of 4.) It worked perfectly so now I'm going to start carrying it with me on the longer rides.

Anyway onto the actual ride. As usual I didn't plan a route, I'd decided that I didn't want to do any climbing due to the aching legs.

After a few miles I go over a railway bridge and I know there are roadworks the other side. I have a bus behind me so I stop short of the roadworks to let them by. The bus pulls up along side me and opens the door. The driver apologises to me - I think she was flashing her lights to try and trip the traffic lights and she thought I was stopping to have a go. We had a friendly chat and the lights change and we are on our way.

I decided to go to Billesdon, which is a bit of a climb, but it is nice and steady and not taxing at all. I headed out to Hallaton and then Medbourne and saw a sign post for Neville Holt. I've had a few people ask me if I've been up this hill and today, despite the aching legs, I decided to go up it. Anyway it was probably the hardest climb I've done and I was breathing really heavily, but I got up it and actually felt pretty good when I got to the top. Yes it was steep, but it was a steady climb and I managed to do it staying in the saddle. The Strava segment says 273 feet climb over 0.9 miles.

After that the ride was pretty straight forward. I stopped at 85 miles to get some more drink and took the chance to check the cricket score.

105 miles in total, and for once the BBC weather forecast was spot on. Cloudy to start with, that disappeared and the sun just shone and shone. Really warm and next to no wind.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I feel a bit of a fraud in here posting without any lovely pic's! :laugh:

I get migraine 3-4 times a year and on Wednesday I had a nasty one. Had to resort to Sumatriptan injection in my thigh. This flattens me for a few days so it was with a bit of fragile-ness that I sallied forth into the Cumbrian hinterlands today.

Went ok, felt crappy at first though. Legs took a while to get with it.

Pretty warm ride of 27.78 miles / 2603' ascent / 14.66 mph av' which I was happy with. One swine of a hill had me huffing, puffing and sprinkling sweat.

Will have another pootle tomorrow and then very big hike in the mountains on Monday and then off on holiday to see mad friends in Poole.

So no more cycling for around 8 days or so.

Safe riding everyone!


I was a little worried post two weeks of holiday indulgence but joined the LBS ride this morning.
It was lovely out and I didn't struggle as much as I expected but amongst us all, we had one rear mech destroyed (plus as yet unknown frame damage), one spoke go and I got a puncture in the last mile (pro-tip - ensure you have the correct length valves for your new wheels ). :blush:



World class procrastinator
Just a short ride today, despite the gorgeous weather.
We rode down through Bowthorpe and out to Bawburgh and on Marlingford and past the mill and then to Wymondham.
We looked for a cuppa in Wymondham. The one by Morries was shut until Monday and the tourist place is only open Mon - Fri. We thought 'sod it' and rode home.
Neither of us feeling the love today. I felt tired with heavy legs. I am considering a little snooze on the sofa in a min.

20.27 miles in a very slow 1:36:05


Über Member
Second 100KM of the week today.

Headed south due to a light southerly wind that I hoped would help me back home. After 20 miles of more familiar roads, I was out into the deserted roads of North Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire and briefly into the area marked on the map as an "Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty".

Rode a total of 67.9 miles at 15.5mph.


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