Your ride today....

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
First real ride on my 32mm tyre and it felt good. When we said we were doing the extra 5miles route I really decided to test it out too. I never went deep into the red but I gave it a lower threshold effort for circa 20 mins. With the aim of recovering in the pub, lol the pub was shut for a private function, so me and a mate went to one closer to home.

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im thinking of trying to wedge 28s in to my bike, they might just fit .
im thinking of trying to wedge 28s in to my bike, they might just fit .

I was intending to fit a 28mm which I knew would fit but they were all on back order and would take a week. Then I spotted one that was next day before 1pm. I failed to notice with my contact lenses in that it was a 32mm :blush: It fitted though in time for todays ride :okay:


Über Member said our second "unprecedented heat wave" so far this year was over yesterday. So I decided to ride a century because I haven't ridden one since the Grand Tour double century last month. Predicted high was 74F.


They were wrong. It got to 88F during the ride and very windy. It was on the steepest climb too :angry:. I got the century but it was very hard. I'm trashed and the wife wants to go hiking tomorrow. I can rest when I'm dead. Which won't be long if I keep this up.
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Devotee of OCD
Out early again. To avoid car drivers 🤣….and the heat that’s predicted for Suffolk today.

30-odd very enjoyable / sociable miles with my new Cycling buddy.

No puncture issues today - which makes a change 🙄 And maybe the last ride on this (Borrowed) bike; as the ‘replacement’ has been purchased……


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As long as I breathe, I attack.
Out early again. To avoid car drivers 🤣….and the heat that’s predicted for Suffolk today.

30-odd very enjoyable / sociable miles with my new Cycling buddy.

No puncture issues today - which makes a change 🙄 And maybe the last ride on this (Borrowed) bike; as the ‘replacement’ has been purchased……

I had intended to go out for an early spin but i got up and my lats are hurting as i may have done a weights session yesterday evening and im sore enough not to want to out before i have loosened up enough to be pain free.


Devotee of OCD
I had intended to go out for an early spin but i got up and my lats are hurting as i may have done a weights session yesterday evening and im sore enough not to want to out before i have loosened up enough to be pain free.

Know the feeling ! Did two reasonable length walks yesterday. My legs weren’t with me today. Was hard work ! But still lovely to be out. I try to never take a decent UK Summer day for granted 😎

Enjoy your ride if you do 🙏


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Know the feeling ! Did two reasonable length walks yesterday. My legs weren’t with me today. Was hard work ! But still lovely to be out. I try to never take a decent UK Summer day for granted 😎

Enjoy your ride if you do 🙏

it will be this evening if i do , second cuppa atm then housework/ visit mum and might go out with the family later if its still nice and the kids are in the mood ( think kevin and perry teens )


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I had intended to go out for an early spin but i got up and my lats are hurting as i may have done a weights session yesterday evening and im sore enough not to want to out before i have loosened up enough to be pain free.

Managed 31 miles in the end, shoulder still sore and i think i have worked out why , the seatpost i put on the other day is an inline post and i cant get the saddle back as far as the old one so i have more weight on the arms .On a short ride its ok but the 65 yesterday and todays ride mean im now aching :sad:
An almost ideal day for this morning’s group ride.






I set a few year power records up the 6% Harringworth hill (that’s the high point in the ride) and lol, you can see how long I had to wait at the top.

I came back and scrolled the Olympics coverage and thought it looked boring and went out on the gravel bike.


Lol, I didn’t scroll far enough, I’ve just watched the women’s cross-country MtB


Not So Special One
North Yorkshire
A warm 24° in North Yorkshire today. Out on the Roubaix for a change at 10.30am for a meet up with friends Martin and Gaynor down the road at Grimston Park gates. A nice steady ride for an early lunch stop at Cawood tea rooms. We cycled on then I realised I’d left my phone at the cafe, I headed back while my friends headed home.
33.8 miles with an average of 14.3 mph.


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Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
Have barely looked a bike in three weeks due to illness (mine and my wife), so took a little while to warm up as I cycled up the slopes of Ranmore this morning. It just needed a few minutes of warm up and then I felt pretty good; strong enough to continue South to Leith Hill.

None of the roads on Leith Hill are particularly busy, but I turned off onto tiny lanes past the millpond and tiny hamlet of Friday Street, and up the other side. Apart from birdsong, the sunken lanes were in silent dappled shade under a canopy of beech trees and unbroken blue sky beyond. I saw a handful of walkers, and they far outnumbered cars; beautiful cycling.

When the small lane joined a slightly larger road, I couldn't resist the offroad option. I've been walking those paths for 50 years so I knew my road bike with slick tyres would struggle with puddles, occasional mud, tree roots and stones; and yeah it was a bit crazy.

I paused at the tower at the top of the hill; about 20 other cyclists were there all staring at my road bike as if I was crazy. They might be right. Noticed (again) that eMTBs seem to be the done thing now; didn't see any human-powered ones.
Did about 2 miles offroad before returning to tamac for the big descent into Dorking. I did most of it on the brakes, and then freewheeled the last bit - but still managed to get up to 43 mph. I'm sure I could break 50mph easily , but I don't think I have the reckless courage to try; not on that road.

Through a suspiciously quiet Dorking; I guess everyone has gone away.
Then into the vineyard for the climb back to the top or Ranmore, and down the otherside to home.
Had a major adrenaline burst less than a mile from home when an idiot driver came round a blind corner towards me on the WRONG side of the road, so I had to go on the wrong side pass her! Somehow I managed not to swear in the open passenger window as I passed.


Sunken lanes:

The millpond at Friday Street

This was going to be challenging

My (now) muddy bike in front of a stupid tree; the South Downs in the distance. If I'd thought to look for the gap, Lancing college would be visible, plus the sea at Shoreham, 25 miles distant.

Often lots of Belties up here

Finished with 23 miles on the clock; 2,408 ft of climbing, and an average moving speed of 12.3 mph; not bad considering the hills and the off-roading.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Saturday: The rain that had been forecast for the day turned out to be just showers so I ventured out on the knockabout bike and fancied something hilly. I thought I'd do a route I haven't done for some time, heading over Lyth Hill initially and on towards Pontesbury before turning onto the road to Habberley. I got rained on a bit but it wasn't heavy or prolonged enough to bother with the waterproofs I'd packed. The lane to Habberley was a little busier than I'm used to but the only real issue here was realising that I'd forgotten my tool pack - thankfully that wasn't needed during the ride.

The lanes to the old barite mine at Cothercott Hill were nice riding apart from having to climb the steepest hill on my route, then I found the road to Bridges nice and quiet. The pub seemed to be doing a decent trade and there were people walking on the lane to Ratlinghope. I met a couple of classic tractors and some more ramblers in the village then had the road completely to myself until I climbed onto Wild Moor where the rest of the tractor run came along and I needed to wait a while for them to pass.

As always the views from the top of High Park were great. I descended this way before turning off towards Plush Hill and dropping into the valley to All Stretton. I had a pleasant run back along the old Roman road to Longnor then Ryton and on reaching Condover I thought I'd cross Lyth Hill again as it would mean less time on the A49. The main road was a bit busy but for once coming this way wasn't the best option as there was a tractor hedge cutting. I did pick up a thorn and had to fix the puncture after the ride.:dry:

Shame about that as it was a good ride otherwise. 32.5 miles at 11.1 mph average. Fairly respectible considering Strava claims 2526 feet of climbing. Not many other cyclists about this time - I presume the forecast had put them off.




A quick photo stop before tackling the steepest climb of the trip.


The Horseshoe at The Bridges has had a makeover since I was last here.


En route to Ratlinghope (pronounced Ratchup if you want to pass yourself off as a local).


Tractor run at Wildmoor.


Wildmoor Pool.


About to descend through High Park.


The view from Plush Hill.


Cricket at Condover.


Crossing the Shrewsbury to Hereford main line en route to Little Lyth.


As our 8 yo grandaughter gains confidence on her bike (she's been a late learner and the stabilisers only came off late last year), time to stretch her legs a bit.
She generally potters along but does actually have quite good balance at low speed despite her inexperience.
So, wife on her ebike, me and 3yo on mine courtesy of a child seat and Nimmy on her new bike, around 4 miles cycled on country roads and paths, just pulling up and stopping when an odd car came along...she loved it. A glorious hour out there, just meandering and allowing them to experience the open countryside.
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